The United Democratic Movement (UDM) is shocked and disappointed by the state of affairs within the Gauteng Human Settlements Department, where more than R900 million is being withdrawn by Treasury, after the Department had apparently, amongst other things, failed to and/or unlawfully spent the budget. The withdrawal of the funds, meant for the creation of sustainable and integrated human settlement, clearly shows that the Department is incapable of delivery to our suffering people. Housing is one of the key factors that impact on the dignity of our people and their quality of life, but we have servants in the government sector who don’t take their mandate seriously and spend money unlawfully. As a result of these kinds of failures the public has, out of desperation, taken to the streets in protest to demand houses. UDM calls for the Department to be placed under administration and that Treasury should conduct an investigation into the matter. Those who are found to be on the wrong side of the law must be brought to book. Statement issued by: Ms Thandi Nontenja UDM National Treasurer
The United Democratic Movement Women’s Organisation (UDEMWO) would like to convey a message of condolences to the family and friends of Fezekile Ntsukela Kuzwayo better known as Khwezi. We as UDEMWO are saddened by her sudden departure. Khwezi fought a good fight and she displayed a true example of imbokodo especially during her dark hour when those she trusted took advantage of her. She was amongst the few fearless women of our time. Her sudden passing leaves us with many questions than answers. As UDEMWO, we feel that Khwezi has not been celebrated and the hand of justice has failed her dismally during her rape trial against President Jacob Zuma. UDEMWO is surprised by the contradictory conduct shown by the ANC Women’s League towards Khwezi that is now calling her a hero. The treatment and the abuse she endured are beyond imagination but she pressed on. The treatment against Khwezi gives a clear indication that women in this country are taken for granted and it saddens us as women. We hope that her courage will be an example to other women. She may have passed on but her spirit leaves on. Statement issued by Mrs Thandi Nontenja UDEMWO Secretary General
Thank you for affording the United Democratic Movement (UDM) the opportunity to participate in this meeting and contribute to a discussion that will hopefully find lasting solutions to the current impasse at our higher education institutions. 1. Introduction During the first democratic elections in South Africa in 1994, I was privileged to be chosen as part of the Top 8 persons who campaigned for the African National Congress (ANC). We crossed the length and breadth of the Country and I personally addressed over a 105 rallies in our villages, towns and cities from January to April that year. At all of these electioneering events, the issue of free education took centre stage. Based on this election promise, amongst others, the ANC was voted into power and thus given a mandate to fulfil the election promises it made. When the ANC made its assurances in 1994, it did not qualify its promise of free education by saying it would only include a certain group of people. No, it was free education for all. Sadly, 22 years after the fact, young South Africans still do not have access to free education. Instead we see our youth violently protesting the state of affairs at a cost of around R600 million to the public purse thus far. Although the UDM condemns the damage to public and private property in no uncertain terms, we cannot help but have some sympathy with our students’ plight. The ANC has been in power for more than two decades and has yet to fulfil the mandate given to it by the people. To further confuse matters, the security cluster chooses to mislead the nation and hide behind conspiracy theories; alleging that a “third force” is at work. The UDM rejects these excuses outright. 2. The Fees Must Fall campaign and the work of the Fees Commission As a result of the ANC’s empty promises, we are now facing a very dangerous situation where our children have taken matters into their own hands. It is worthwhile to note that, during the past century, it has been students who affected change in their countries – the protest action of students in Egypt, in the past few years, is a good example. In response to the Fees Must Fall campaign, President Zuma instituted a commission of inquiry into the broader issues affecting the funding of higher education i.e. the Fees Commission. However, instead of waiting for the outcome of the Commission’s investigation, the Minister of Higher Education and Training, Mr Blade Nzimande, has now announced interim measures, effectively suggesting that university councils may increase tuition fees to a maximum of 8% for the 2017 academic season. This has been touted as the maximum that government can afford to cover poor students and the so-called “missing middle”. These interim measures could, however, be perceived as pre-emptive to the work of the Fees Commission and borders on undermining the process. In addition, such interim measures provide no lasting solution to the current crisis. It is unsustainable. The UDM suggests that fee increases should be halted pending the outcome of the work of the Fees Commission. If there is an urgent need to make funding available, let government take the funds being wasted on non-priority issues and divert those to higher education. 3. Turning higher education into a political football The genuine demand for free, and quality, higher education has unfortunately been turned into a political matter, which is effectively being abused by the contending factions of the ruling alliance. South Africa cannot afford a situation where education is used to settle political scores within the ANC. We desperately need strong higher education institutions that produce students with the relevant skills for our socio-economic development. 4. Higher education and its role in the economy We have one of the most unequal societies in the world and our economy is not growing. An educated and healthy citizenry is needed to grow and develop our economy so that we are capacitated to eradicate poverty and inequality, and to generate employment. Higher education is a social mobility mechanism, which both the poor and middle strata sees as a ladder into an affluent society. In other words, getting a degree is a passport to employment and a better life. The UDM has confidence in the Fees Commission’s process as spearheaded by leaders in academia and broader society. 5. The poor must have access to higher education The UDM believes that special attention should be paid to poor students who are unable, or is struggling, to pay their tuition fees. We agree that subsidies for the children of domestic workers, or worse, unemployed persons, cannot be the same as those for the children of advocates, doctors and investment bankers. The reality is that there are those deserving students who need to be totally subsidised by government. The lack of such support is the reason why, in part, students are still up in arms and toyi-toying, resulting in the closure of many campuses on the eve of final exams. 6. Finding a sustainable, lasting solution to the crisis Nobody wants to see an escalation of campus violence and vandalism, which destroys the assets invested to educate our future leaders. The UDM believes that it is possible to make higher education accessible to all and that this has to be done. In order to do so, we require ethical leadership from all stakeholders, including those dealing with law and order. The UDM therefore lauds the open and honest dialogue amongst all stakeholders to find a way forward. In addition, the UDM calls upon the private sector to look into other ways of increasing their financial support to students in order to make education affordable to the poor and the working class. Government, on the other hand, must stop splashing public money on wasteful and unproductive expenses. Just this past week, we heard that government departments have not yielded to Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan’s call to save money and cut costs. It was reported that R35,2 billion was spent on consultants, travel, catering and entertainment. The UDM has long held the view that the continuous outsourcing of government work, which ought to be done by civil servants, is expensive and perpetuates poor service delivery. As a crisis measure, the Finance Director General should convene an urgent meeting with all other Directors General to place a moratorium on wasteful expenditure. In so doing, government can start channelling saved funds into higher education, other needy areas, in order to rescue the current situation. The UDM also feels that the forthcoming meeting of stakeholders in higher education called by President Zuma is likely to be another talk-shop. The nation expects nothing less than the release of an interim report by the Fees Commission on the work that they have done thus far. We are fed-up with useless indabas that produce no real solutions to the nation’s problems. It is a sad fact that President Zuma has failed the country in a situation where we need his decisive leadership. We hope that the President realises that his Education Minister, with the announcement of the fees hike, is in essence undermining his decisions and pre-empting the recommendations of his Fees Commission.
Dear Mr Mashinini REQUEST FOR AN URGENT MEETING OF THE LEADERS OF ALL POLITICAL PARTIES REPRESENTED IN PARLIAMENT The above matter has reference. It has come to my attention that the African National Congress (ANC) has declared the Deputy Chairperson of the Independent Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC), Mr Terry Tselane, an enemy. It is alleged that, at the IEC National Results Centre (in Pretoria) for the 2016 Municipal Elections, the Secretary General of the ANC, Mr Gwede Mantashe and his deputy Ms Jessie Duarte, in the presence of the State President (who is also the ANC’s President) caused a stir by confronting Mr Tselane and, amongst others, alleging that he: Was an enemy of the ANC; Was conniving with the opposition parties against the ANC; Had single-handedly removed teachers as IEC electoral officers during the 2016 Municipal Elections in order to benefit opposition parties; and that His behaviour has benefitted the opposition parties. These are serious allegations, considering that it was made against a member of the Electoral Commission. It is interesting to note that Mr Mantashe seems to be confirming that the appointment of teachers as electoral officers, is designed to disadvantage opposition parties and unduly benefit the ANC. Such an admission vindicates the view always held by opposition parties with regard to the ‘exclusive’ appointment of teachers as electoral officers. Many of these teachers, if not all, are members of a Cosatu affiliated teachers’ union, Sadtu. Cosatu is in alliance with the ANC and has always taken a firm decision to support the ANC in every election that has taken place since the advent of democracy in South Africa; its decisions binds Sadtu and its members. These allegations place a grey cloud over other Electoral Commissioners. It will not be far-fetched to question whether their loyalties are with the country, its citizens and the Constitution or with the ANC. This is important, because from these allegations, it is clear, that any Electoral Commissioner who does not sweeten the ANC will be regarded as an enemy and will be dealt with accordingly. These developments may necessitate that the current composition of the Electoral Commission be urgently scrutinised to ascertain whether they are all in the service of the nation or in the service of a political party. I am also made to believe that the ANC has begun to question Accenture, a company that has been contracted and worked with IEC to provide technical solutions for a stable technical environment to support elections processes. In my recollection, the credibility of this company has never been questioned by the ANC and it is interesting that it is only now emerging after the elections results that have shocked the ruling party. It begs a serious question; why does the ruling party now have an issue with Accenture and why was this matter never tabled at the appropriate body i.e. the National Party Liaison Committee. I am also aware that the ANC is allegedly considering to alter the current party representation on the IEC’s Party Liaison Committees in favour of proportional representation. We wish to obtain a detailed understanding of this development and its rationale. The alleged meeting that took place on Monday, 19 September 2016, at Luthuli House, which was attended by some of the ANC ‘top six’ and Electoral Commissioner, is of serious concern. It is further disturbing that it is alleged that some of the issues raised above were discussed in the said clandestine meeting. Accordingly, I request that you convene an urgent meeting of all the leaders of parties represented in the South African Parliament to consider, amongst others, the matters raised above. I hope this will be attended to urgently. Mr Bantu Holomisa, MP President of the United Democratic Movement
BACKGROUND Reference is made to our meeting held on Sunday the 7th of August this instant, in which we produced a guide for engaging other parties, in particular the ANC and the DA, on a possible coalition governments in some of the local councils. You will recall that in the guide document we proposed that there be a National Convention which, many citizens have welcomed and viewed it as an initiative to create hope for the better. It is very clear that the pressing challenges of poverty, unemployment, inequality and corruption can no longer be tolerated by citizens of the country. Electorate have made a clarion call for a visionary leadership of the country to emerge and be charged with the responsibility to provide a road map towards resolving these challenges. Through the ballot box, they have instructed all political parties that participated in the elections to urgently converge under one roof to provide a decisive leadership. It is the function and responsibility of political and societal leaders to ensure that the clarion call made by electorate is attended to without delay. Accordingly, a proposal towards the convening of a National Convention requires an immediate consideration and commitment by all leaders of political parties and other leaders of society. Such a proposal should constitute part of agreements to be entered into by political parties in coalition governments and be extend to all other parties. THE PURPOSE OF THE NATIONAL CONVENTION The envisaged National Convention shall be seized with the following matters, amongst others. These were identified in our guide to engage with the ANC and the DA as medium to long term priorities. • Economic Emancipation of all South Africans biased towards the historically excluded groups. • Resolution of the land question; • Property ownership; • Nationalisation; • Electoral system reforms; • Party Funding Legislation; • Strengthening of the Chapter nine institutions; and • Any other related matter of national interest. These priorities demands very tight and clear time-frame that shall bind all and be agreed to. PARTICIPANTS AT THE NATIONAL CONVENTION South Africa is at cross roads as it is rudderless because of poor or lack of proper leadership. Accordingly, the participants in the National Convention must be extended to all citizens through maximum representation from, amongst others. • Political parties; • Religious bodies; • Traditional institutions; • Labour; • Non-Governmental Organisations; • Institutions of Higher Learning; • Issue based organisation; and • Other Civil Society Organisations. The South African crisis situation demands that we adopt an approach that is all inclusive and pragmatic. One of the credits to our country is our ability to resolve challenges through dialogue. Certainly, in resolving the current crisis, we need to borrow from our recent past. CODESA delivered political liberation with more still to be done on the economic front. Such more work demands that we collectively craft and adopt a binding consensus on the matters raised above and others. The intention must be to ensure that the people of South Africa are able to participate fully in determining and directing their future. In this regard, systems and methods of maximum and meaningful consultation with the communities shall have to be put in place and implemented with no fail. FACILITATION AND COORDINATION OF THE NATIONAL CONVENTION For a proper and productive dialog amongst citizens in a representative forum of this magnitude, it will be important that: • That an all-inclusive National Summit be convened to develop and adopt a framework to guide all participants and role players of the National Convention. This National Summit shall precede the National Convention. Political parties both in coalition governments and outside the coalition governments shall have the right to participate in the summit including all sectors of society. • That the Office of the Chief Justice be requested to assist with personnel to facilitate and guide discussions both in the summit and the convention. This personnel may include retired jurists and other citizens of prominence with not vested interests either than being citizens of the country. This personnel shall be part of a National Convention Steering Committee that shall be appointed by the National Summit. • Although the intention is to ensure that all political parties participate, the process should resist from being held hostage by those who have no vested interest in resolving the pressing matters confronting our nation. In this regard, those who are not confident of this route, shall be persuaded through and by action. CONCLUSION The proposed National Convention must emerge with a comprehensive blue print of a road to be traversed by the country in dealing with all the matters raised above with strict time-frames and resources. A cooperation by all political parties is what South Africans have called for in these elections. Accordingly, parties that agree on the convening of the National Convention must ensure that it is convened and is a success. We must remain committed to the country and its citizens at all times and put South Africa first. Such a convention would fail it does not establish implementation committees with targets and time-frames under the guidance of the Convention Plenary. The United Democratic Movement (UDM) views this approach and process as a consolidation of a programmatic and developmental relations that should exist between and amongst all political parties, the civil society and the citizenry. It is also a mechanism to redefine ‘coalition’ as a ‘cooperation’ that is driven by a desire and commitment to contribute to the betterment of the lives of all people than just a desire to swallow or co-opt other political parties and or sectors of civil society. Bantu Holomisa UDM President
INTRODUCTION The 2016 Municipal Election was a watershed for our country with the advent of a possible cooperation of political parties. Emphatically, the electorate have spoken loudly against one party arrogant dominance, corruption, nepotism, the disregard of the rule of law, the failure to provide basic quality services, and mediocre in the sea of poverty, unemployment and inequality. In this regard, they have in not less than 27 municipalities, decided to test all political party’s commitment to the need for a caring government. They have done so by reducing the dominance of the ruling party and by refusing to endorse any other party as an automatic alternative to govern. Certainly, the policies and the performance of the ruling party as a government have received a strong critic and more importantly, a sense of how best to address the challenges faced by South Africa has also been given a platform to rise. South Africans are mindful of the dangers that are inherent in a one party dominant state and believe that the best way of securing the constitution and, with it, the future success of South Africa a commitment by all political parties to a cooperative governance through coalitions. The envisaged cooperation creates a possibility for a platform to agree on minimum to maximum actions in response to the triple challenges confronting South Africa. Indeed this is a great and significant shift in the body polity of our nation. Cooperation also demands that the parties recognise that the time is opportune for a re-alignment of South African politics led by parties who can lead social forces brought together by a shared commitment to a new vision and policy agenda for South Africa. We will engage in discussion that will advance the interests of all citizens towards a common platform and unity in action. In this regard, the parties welcome the discussions with all other parties that are interested in the service of the people. Accordingly, we view these discussions to be more about cooperation of political parties in the servicing of the citizens. In whatever cooperation we agree on, we shall always be connected with the base of its support and be true and diligent representatives of their cause and aspirations. Any cooperation must at all time respect the views of the electorate as expressed through the ballot paper. We shall not go into political marriage where we are destined to be swallowed up or serve other political parties’ agenda, but will remain true to our vision and mission as independent parties, and will favourable consider participation in a major realignment of policies. COOPERATION (COALITION) BASED ON A COMMON AGENDA We believe that the glue that must bind all political parties is the commitment to provide basic services to the all citizens irrespective of their socio economic circumstances. Of immediate necessity is the agreement on the following. 1. Service delivery relate matters • Provision of clean water and in particular to rural hinterland; • Provision of quality shelter for all those who deserve and qualify with speed, and eradication of informal settlements; • Electrification of all rural areas and provision of reliable electricity to all; • Better waste management systems for social and economic beneficiation of citizens; • Putting an end to E-Tolls; • Regulation of the informal trading including street vendor hawkers; • Prioritisation, formalisation and integration of the Early Childhood Development as part of the mainstream education system; • Vigorous and meaningful actions intended to create sustainable jobs; • An immediate review of the procurement (tendering) system to favour amongst other Local Economic Development and beneficiation; • Reviewing of the current property valuation and rating system; • Improving of the billing system to ensure that citizens pay for services they consume; • Creation of the dedicated units for regular maintenance of the infrastructure; • Eliminating corruption at all levels of government; • Removal of the current Head of State who has been an embodiment of corruption; • Finalisation of the proper naming of the Capital City of the South Africa; • Provision of Free Education to all deserving citizens; • Immediate suspension of the envisaged Nuclear deal; 2. Budget Implications/ review Amongst other things to be agreed on as a matter of urgency, is the review budget so that it responds to the issues raised above. National and Provincial Governments are already in the process of the mid-term budget review and municipalities will be entering this process very soon as they have just adopted IDPs and Budget two months ago. Accordingly, as parties we strongly agree, that the next six months should be used to review and realign budgets in order to ensure maximum resourcing of the above priorities. 3. Constitutional Reforms In this regard, the parties felt very strong that whilst other matters are of long term nature, a very clear and binding timeframes must be agreed to by all. We further propose a firm commitment amongst all political parties to the convening of an urgent National Convention, led by political parties and all other social partners, to consider and resolve on the following, amongst others: • Land question; • Property ownership; • Nationalisation; • Electoral reforms; • Party Funding Legislation; • Strengthening of the Chapter nine institutions. At the centre of the proposed National Convention should be how best to address the urgent need of Economic Emancipation of all citizens in particular the historical disadvantaged individuals and groups. 4. Further issues It is common knowledge that South Africans have registered their displeasure with how government has been using the available resources. In this regards, cooperation must also look at how the size of the cabinet reinforces the need to spare resource and redirect them to service delivery. Parties are firmly proposing a review and realignment of cabinet functions with the intention of reducing the size of the cabinet. The appointment of Mayor and other political heads at local government must appreciate the need to a working cooperation. In this regard, the parties may have to consider whether the Executive Mayoral system is best suitable to deliver or the Executive Committee Systems. Whatever we may agree on, centrally should be a system that recognises all participants whilst ensuring less bottlenecks in servicing the people. It must also place the people at the centre of their own development. This also applies to the appointment of Municipal Officials from the Municipal Managers to other managers and lower staff members. The purpose must be to keep public service as a professional function and always separate the state from a political party. Conclusion A cooperation by all political parties is what South Africans have called for in these elections. Accordingly, parties that agree on what has to be done going forward, must ensure delivery of efficient and effective services to the people, and pursued unity of purpose in earnest. Perhaps the saying: Individually you are fierce warriors, but when you fight as one you are most powerful better sums up the approach. We must enter into cooperation on objectives that do not derail us the mandate of the electorate and our manifestos. In the crafting of a frame-work for a possible cooperation, it must be clear upfront why it is desirable for us to embark on that as a both a tactical and strategic way forward. Centrally, any coalition/cooperation require a strong commitment to the need to service the people thus putting community first.
Mr Jacob Zuma should rather look at his organisation which is currently contradicting the positive gains of our history under his leadership. Who has ever thought that a liberated South Africa would be led by a questionable character like himself who lavishly and exclusively spends taxpayers monies without having any regrets, thereby superseding the negative conduct of former Apartheid Presidents. Shockingly superseding! His organization is promoting lawlessness and politics of thuggery as we speak. Realistically, today South Africa is burning because of ANC’s infighting which he claims to be growing. What a contradiction! The ANC’s implosion has unfortunately led to both public and private property being caught in a crossfire of the ANC’s infighting. The sooner he packs his bags the better . He is an embarrassment to South Africa. It is true they fired me because they were paving way for their corrupt tendencies – from Sol Kerzner to Gupta’s capturing of the ANC. So who is fooling who? Haaaaaaa! Statement issued by: Mr Bantu Holomisa, MP UDM President
The United Democratic Movement Women’s Organisation (UDEMWO) would like to convey a message of condolences to the families and friends of the Eastern Cape nurses who were killed on their way to the graduation ceremony in Alice while others were seriously injured. This is such a sad time for the health fraternity, not only in the Eastern Cape but to all health workers and South Africans. The whole country is in mourning during this unbearable time. We also wish a speedy recovery to those who are still in hospital. As UDEMWO, we are concerned by the fatalities that continue claiming the innocent lives on R63. We are calling upon drivers to be more cautious and refrain from the reckless driving on the roads. The Department of Transport, Road Traffic Management Corporation and law enforcement officials must investigate the root cause of these fatalities and come up with ways to curb them. We cannot continue losing lives every time because of silly behaviour of the drivers. One life lost is too many. Statement issued by Ms Thandi Nontenja UDEMWO Secretary General