Statement issued by Thandi Nontenja – UDEMWO Secretary General As the country commemorates another week of Children’s Week, the United Democratic Movement Women’s Organisation (UDEMWO) calls for the hand of justice not to be lenient to children abusers and murderers. Children have become vulnerable in the hands of evil doers and they must pay for their actions. Since the beginning of the year, more than 19 children have been killed in the Western Cape province alone while the killings continue throughout the country. This includes the cannibalism that took place in Port St Johns. This gives a clear indication that we are living in a cruel society. Most of these children died in the hands of the people close to them or someone they know. It cannot be that we continue living in such a society. We want justice to be served and a lot more needs to be done in making sure that children are protected and they feel safe. Everyday a child dies horribly and perpetrators continue to live amongst the community where they committed crimes. This must stop. The government together with all the stakeholders involved must come forward and tell the community about its plan to curb the crimes. We believe that the community has a vital role to play in making sure that the children are protected. We must go back to basics where my neighbour’s child is my child. End
Honourable Chairperson and Honourable Members The United Democratic Movement (UDM) joins millions of South Africans to declare, violence and abuse of women and girlchildren, a crime against humanity. Violence against women and girls is rooted in gender-based discrimination and social norms, as well as gender stereotypes that perpetuate such violence. The recent spate of gruesome murders of girls and infants, have a devastating effect on girls, women and society in general, and must be rejected by all. As a nation, we must never tolerate crime, the crime against women and girls must be stopped now. We must do everything legal, to prevent it from happening and address its root and structural causes. Prevention must entail, supporting the implementation of the laws, policies and programmes that place a strong focus on the promotion of gender equality, women’s empowerment and their enjoyment of human rights. Working together, as women, girls, men and boys, we must accelerate progress in preventing and ending violence against women and girls. Awareness raising and community mobilisation, including through traditional forms of communication, the mainstream and social media. The “Not in My Name” campaign by men must be part of our daily life. It must be a collective responsibility and an obligation of both men and boys to prevent and end violence against girls and women. Working with faith leaders, traditional leaders and communities, we must change the social norms and harmful practices, acknowledge and act against gender injustices. Government must too, ensure that the girlchild is protected and make available all the institutional function to give security to the girls. Abuse of girls through child labour is illegal and we have a responsibility to monitor the labour market and ensure that this is abolished. There must be a concerted drive to ensure that all girls enjoy full and equal access to education with the necessary support to keep them focused on the development of their future. A girlchild must be taught and encouraged to accept that there is no small or insignificant violence; all violence is gross violence and is a crime, and therefore must immediately be reported to law enforcement agencies at the time of its occurrence. Law enforcement agencies must be trained and taught on how to respond and manage gender-based violence. As society, we must build working families and household that respect human life. Criminals, who murder our young women must have no place in our homes, political parties, churches, schools, sports, and arts and cultural associations and in the society in general. I thank you
Honourable Chairperson and Honourable Members Electricity is a fundamental factor in a wide range of socio-economic matters; it is the lifeblood of an economically and socially active community. Reliable electricity has the potential to significantly improve the quality of life of the poor, in particular, those in rural areas. We need to make it a priority to promote and incorporate all viable options for electricity generation. We must aim to ensure that every household has access to reliable electricity. The United Democratic Movement (UDM) calls on Government that, in rolling out solar and wind energy, we should give priority to rural communities and this programme should be conducted speedily. So far, what we have noticed that electrification does not reach to the deep rural areas in particular the Eastern Cape. An example, is wards 18 and 28 in the Mbhashe Municipality, Eastern Cape. Even after citizens took to the streets, and were promised intervention, to date, no electricity has been delivered in these areas and there is no acceptable explanation. We must agree, across the political spectrum that rural poverty constitutes a national crisis and is a grave injustice. Whilst there may be no silver bullet for the desperate conditions facing millions of the rural poor, the growing need for affordable energy has the potential to contribute to the rural socio-economic development. The wind energy provides a cheap reliable and mature source of energy and economic development; and is an integral part of South Africa’s energy mix. Lastly, and whilst it may not directly fall under your portfolio, Honourable Ministers, it is UDM’s firm position that the leadership problems at Eskom needs to fixed. Political interference needs to stop and stop now. We need a functional Eskom so that the Country’s electricity challenges can be addressed without compromise. The UDM supports the policy debate on Budget Vote 26. I thank you Address by Mr LB Gaehler, MP and UDM Eastern Cape Representative in the National Council of Provinces
Statement issued by Thandi Nontenja – UDEMWO Secretary General The United Democratic Movement Women’s Organisation (UDEMWO) is shocked by the events surrounding the death of Eskom employee Thembisile Yende. She disappeared for almost two weeks and finding her body at her place of work is concerning in the extreme. The suspicious circumstance around her death is compounded by the fact that her car was apparently parked outside the offices, yet a police search did not reveal that she was, dead or alive, locked inside. It becomes quite worrying if women cannot even rely on the police to locate missing persons; in particular the more vulnerable women and girl-children. This is another example of how exposed the women has become in the South African society of today. We have a patriarchal, male dominated, culture in this Country where women are deemed second-class citizens. It does not help when the very minister, responsible for promoting our cause, makes hypocritical statements about a victim of violence being “internally weak”. Minister Shabangu is inefficient and is definitely not doing our cause any favours. President Zuma would have been well-advised to have removed her in his recent Cabinet reshuffle; we need a minister in this portfolio that is uncompromising in fighting for women’s rights. Minister Shabangu must be proactive in addressing the recent increase in gender-based violence. This phenomenon shows that she and her department are, or at least have been, complacent. She clearly has no concrete plan of action to address this issue and UDEMWO wants to see a bigger budget allocation to finding effective tools to address gender violence and changing societal perceptions, as well as male attitudes. UDEMWO calls on the South African Police Services to speedily get to the bottom of this case and find the perpetrator/s of this heinous crime. End
Honourable Chairperson and Members The Presiding Officers of this 5th Democratic Parliament, in the foreword of the Strategic Plan 2014-19, said, “Parliament exist to represent people and to ensure their involvement in government processes”. In this regard, and in the context of celebrating its twenty years of existence, we would recommend that this house, deliberately creates more mechanisms for citizens to have access to all the laws made by Parliament. We must move towards a deliberative participatory model of democracy anchored by an aggressive civic education. It is through knowledge that the people can understand and appreciate their responsibilities and rights in a democracy. Participation is an essential part of development; it develops self-confidence, pride, initiative, creativity, responsibility, cooperation and sharing and working together. Without meaningful participation development will lack and all development efforts and alleviation of poverty will be immensely difficult, if not impossible. People must be enabled to take charge of their lives and solve their problems whilst government and other development agencies are creating conducive environment and are facilitating. Secondly, the relationship between the parliamentary management and the staff has to be addressed with speed. It cannot be correct that each financial year we face possible labour action, because the management and the workers’ representatives are unable to dialogue effectively. The current dispute on salary increase and the alleged threat of retrenchments do not augur well for the effective functioning of this institution and has to be resolved with speed. Lastly, the outsourced function of cleaning, requires a reconsideration in order to safeguard jobs. The employees have proposed that they be insourced as Parliamentary staff. Given that their service is inherently part of the work of Parliament, we support the proposal for insourcing. We propose that the Presiding Officers prioritise the resolution of this matter. The United Democratic Movement supports the policy debate on Budget Vote 2. I thank you. Address by Mr LB Gaehler, MP in the UDM Eastern Cape Representative in the National Council of Provinces
Introduction The ACDP, COPE and FF Plus (the “Panel”) was requested to provide an opinion on a dispute in the coalition in PE and to adjudicate whether the parties in dispute are in breach of the Coalition Agreement (“Agreement”). The three parties resolved among itself to adjudicate the matter on a balance of probability. The following needs to be noted: The adjudication is performed purely on the papers; No single comprehensive affidavits from both parties setting out arguments and issues chronologically with supporting annexures were furnished, and thus made connecting the various issues (argument and counter-argument) cumbersome; Many of the issues submitted are mere accusations with no proof provided to support the veracity thereof; The issues submitted with documentary proof was helpful, but are in some respects still lacking in making a finding. As far as disputes regarding the legality or not of decisions – and many of the disputes centre around this – none of the parties presented evidence of having sought independent legal advice and submitted those legal opinions for scrutiny by the Panel, save for one referred to by the EM – but was not submitted for scrutiny. It is to be noted that the Panel is not a body constituted with legal experts and thus cannot pronounce on the correctness or not of the two opposing legal positions; The DEM’s comprehensive rebuttal of the allegations against him references many annexures, NONE of which were attached. This seriously prejudices his version of events and as such the contents will have to be accepted as bona fide and correct. The Panel had barely three days since instruction to apply their minds. Therefore, care must be taken in using this document to base any prejudicial decisions upon. At most, this document, its observations and conclusions can only be used as a guide to implement the Coalition Agreement’s dispute resolution provisions, which are based on finding consensus on the way forward. In the event that the Coalition and parties would like this Panel to make substantive and informed findings in order to provide proper direction with legal effect, it is advised that this Panel, or another constituted panel, holds a proper hearing where oral and other evidence is submitted and tested. Coalition Agreement: The following guiding principles of the Agreement must be kept in mind: The parties to the Agreement are equals and no one party has a higher status than the other on any basis, including size. As with all agreements, the requirement of good faith – and therefore ‘trust’ – is important. Its preamble sets out very important objectives for the public good which can only be achieved by way of cooperation between the parties. On page 2 under the heading “Co-governance in Municipalities” very important and practical directives are set out that supports the notion that all parties in coalition are equal in status (bullet point one), will fulfil its election undertakings made to their respective constituencies (bullet point three), will receive recognition for their work in the coalition government (implied in bullet points one and three) and will collectively work for the greater good of all the people in the particular municipality (bullet point 2 and the remainder of bullet points). On page 3 under the heading “Managing Co-Governance”, certain mechanisms are created to deal with any disputes between parties. The agreement is patently and clearly about co-governance and collaboration. Therefore, mutuality has to prevail and in fact to a considerable degree. Every act of every member of the coalition, in the given circumstances, has to be rigorously tested for mutuality, reciprocity, transparency, good faith and reasonable give and take. These are totally essential to the success of a coalition. The ostensible purpose of the coalition in Nelson Mandela Bay is to reflect governance characterised by integrity and a clear commitment to “bringing open, honest, accountable and responsive government to the people of South Africa”. To what extent has the emphasis been on attaining the above goal and which member of the coalition has not pulled his or her weight in the above regard? Dispute: In this analysis, not all of the issues will be dealt with due to the limitations of the evidence presented set out above. However, the following conclusion can be made: A complete breakdown of trust between the party exists; The various allegations have given rise to the following two opposing perceptions and positions: EM: that the DEM is uncontrollable, acts irrationally, undermines the coalition and must now be replaced; DEM: that the EM is domineering and infringes upon the autonomy of the DEM as a representative of a separate and independent political party and that the EM does not consult properly with the DEM. A racial dimension is also present. This positioning has now due to various acts, accusations and counter-accusations escalated into an impossible situation. The breakdown in trust is in violation of the Agreement. It is, however, not possible to decide who is truly at fault. The evidence indicates acts of departure from the Agreement by both parties, especially as the dispute escalated. Findings: The Coalition Agreement is being undermined by the current state of affairs and a fundamental breach has already occurred due to the breakdown in trust between the parties. We are not making a finding who is at fault as this falls outside the instructions to the Panel and cannot be made in any event due to the incomplete state of the available evidence. Finding: the issue of personality and power mongering has subsumed every other consideration as the correspondence reveals. Substantive issues gave way to open and unceasing bickering. The investigation confined itself to looking into violations of the governance agreement. Some issues are not covered by the agreement or the papers presented but are from subsequent letters from the DA and UDM and are laid out in observations. The findings are laid out beneath the relevant clause in the agreement. The agreement entered into by the coalition partners is rooted in the joint acknowledgement that the government they form in each municipality “must be qualitatively different from the administrations they are replacing”. In particular, the new government “must use public resources to benefit all the people; … root out corruption wherever it manifests itself and by whomsoever it is committed; … be caring particularly for the poorest and most vulnerable citizens; … provide opportunities for people to get ahead, … and strive to provide safety for all within the mandate given to municipalities”. Visible acts will include, “transferring title deeds to occupants, (and ensuring) the provision of early childhood development, the supply of water, electricity, sanitation and refuse removal to all inhabitants”. This is the second test that must apply. We are determined to place all the inhabitants of the municipalities at the centre of service delivery where we co-govern. Finding: the issue of one’s preferred candidates to fill posts became a two-way tug of war eclipsing the above considerations. The cause of the poor fell by the wayside. This should have consequences for those escalating the problem. For these reasons, the Parties commit themselves, in the municipalities in which they are the government, to abide by the following principles: Reference to our coalition governments will reflect the constituent parties in the coalition. Finding: Referring to the government as the DA led coalition violates the agreement. Our coalition governments will act in the interests of all the residents of those municipalities, whether or not they are supporters of the coalition Parties, in an effort to improve and uplift the lives of all the people of the municipalities, and to promote social cohesion. Our coalition governments will land the broad thrust of the parties’ municipal manifestos, into the Integrated Development Plan of the municipalities. Where there are aspects of incompatibility, these will be the subject of negotiation. Finding: The IDP process was not consultative. Our coalition governments are committed to infrastructure-led growth: investment in infrastructural service provision (roads, weekly refuse removal, utility provision) and above-inflation budgetary allocation to repairs and maintenance of municipal infrastructure. Our coalition governments are committed to sound and sustainable financial management. This means that all the necessary management interventions must be in place and respected to achieve unqualified and/or clean audits. Finding: If everything was done by the book nothing would need to have been said but to point to the book. Competent legal and audit service would have given oral and written advice. Instead of doing just that, the national leaders were being called upon repeatedly to referee the endless fights. If any party was seeking to exert undue and irregular influence or was guilty of using bullying tactics, charges should have been formulated and the Speaker should have referred the matter to the disciplinary committee to investigate. That is why the disciplinary committee exists in Council. Finding: 1 hour overtime decision may result in a qualified audit opinion which breaches the agreement. Other parties should have been consulted. Our coalition governments will establish an open and transparent tender system – public tender committee meetings and a comprehensive and up-to-date service provider database. Our coalition governments will have a zero tolerance for corruption on the part of both politicians and professional staff, as well as a commitment to take all the necessary action to detect and interdict corruption, and to take disciplinary steps and/or to lay criminal charges against those responsible. Finding: Suborning payment to companies that are under investigation for corruption and meeting with and speaking to staff members who are also under investigation could cause a serious breach in the legal process, costing the NMB metro severe financial loss. It is prudent and correct to request members of the government (all parties) not to meet with or talk to staff or companies with pending legal cases. Finding: there is no provision here for the unilateral laying of charges with the police and the firing off of letters to the Minister and MEC without the involvement of other partners. The mayor as well as the deputy mayor ought to be engaging all the members of the coalition at all times and particularly when matters of importance arose. As a result of the mayor and the deputy mayor slugging it out as individuals and rushing to the media, the situation has been made untenable. Our coalition governments will avoid irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure, and a commitment to take action against those responsible (politically and administratively) for such expenditure. Our coalition governments will select a “fit for purpose” executive management team, including the municipal manager and the executive directors, and will place an absolute prohibition of nepotism in appointments. Our coalition governments will also seek to fill vacancies on the staff establishment as rapidly as possible, preferably within 90 days. Finding: In the appointment of senior management it is accepted practise that legal opinions given by a structure’s own legal advisors are accepted and acted upon in said structure. It forms a rational and legally defensible decision. Disagreements must be referred to the dispute resolution mechanism. Nepotism refers to an official unfairly advantaging family members in appointments. This is not the case in the suggested appointments of senior management. The law insists that the best person for the position must be offered the job taking into account equity laws. The coalition agreement states that there will be no cadre appointments which is commonly understood to be unfairly advantaging party members. This should have been resolved in the dispute resolution mechanism. Berating and accusing staff is unacceptable. This should be referred to the disciplinary mechanisms of the council. Shouting at and swearing at staff is equally unacceptable. All of the parties should have been convened and consensus striven for. Failing that the majority decision must hold. Holding back progress without clear legislative or constitutional support retards progress. Our coalition governments will allocate housing opportunities fairly, on the basis of an audited, transparent and non-racial housing waiting list database and with the transfer of title deeds. Our coalition governments will likewise allocate EPWP opportunities fairly based on an up-to-date work-seekers’ database. Allied to this, they will interdict of the allocation of such opportunities for favours or on the basis of political affiliation. Our coalition governments will implement policies that ensure effective debt collection, while developing a fair indigent policy. Our coalition governments will be open and transparent, and will not unreasonably withhold information from the public. Our coalition governments will place a ban on the use of blue-light convoys and the excessive executive office perks and privileges, such as the use of official vehicles (except where real security concerns dictate this), travel, the upgrading of offices, and so on. Finding: The agreement clearly states a ban on blue lights. Where possible, our coalition governments will invest in integrated public transport and broadband as enhancers of opportunity. Our coalition governments commit themselves to open, transparent and consultative government, and the institution of systems and processes to ensure this. In the metros, our governments will instate sub-councils. In bigger and far-flung municipalities, this may mean decentralised administration. Managing Co-Governance The Parties accept that co-governance requires special measures to enhance co-operation and mutual trust. Accordingly, the Parties’ governance will be based on the following: The Parties commit themselves to seek consensus on any matter relating to the administration of the Council and must make every reasonable effort to settle any disagreement or dispute by means of the mechanisms provided for in this agreement. The Parties undertake to make the agendas of any plenary meeting of the Council or any committee of the Council available to all the councillors at least seven (7) days before that meeting. The Parties agree not to introduce any new matter, or any amendment to a matter, unless the matter or amendment has been dealt with in the manner prescribed in this agreement. The Parties agree to give adequate notice of any matter, save for matters of strict exigency, that any party intends to raise and any meeting of the Council or a committee, and will supply additional documentation so as to allow the other party(ies) the time to arrive at an informed decision. The Parties agree to establish a Political Management Committee (PMC) in each municipality in which they co-govern, consisting of the leader of each of the coalition partners in that council. The PMC shall meet as often as necessary, but shall meet at the request of any of the Parties, and at least five (5) days before every plenary meeting of the Council. Where it meets at the request of any Party, it shall convene within seventy-two (72) hours of the request being made. The PMC will be assisted with secretarial services by one or more appropriately qualified municipal official(s). Finding: Every effort should have been made by both parties to resolve their differences. This agreement should have been the basis of tackling every issue. Unfortunately, the correspondence does not show that the agreement was being minutely referenced. The agreement is very detailed. If it was laid out with numbers, it would have served as a kind of constitution Any Party which disagrees with or has misgivings about any matter being proposed before the Council or a committee must raise the issue at the PMC. Should it not be possible to reach consensus in the PMC, the matter will be withdrawn from the agenda of the council or committee, and the issue will be escalated to the Dispute Resolution Mechanism (DRM). Finding: In the matter of the appointment Ms Zitumani we agree that it should have been referred to the dispute resolution mechanism. The Deputy Mayor has without invoking dispute resolution voted 3 times against the government resolutions. The DRM shall consist of the provincial leader of the Parties or his or her nominee and one additional member from each Party. The DRM must convene to consider any matters referred to it within seven (7) days of receipt thereof, and must attempt to resolve the matters by consensus. If the matter is unable to be resolved by the DRM, it must be referred to the national leaders of the Parties to take whatever steps they believe appropriate. Finding: The bi-lateral meetings to attempt to resolve the differences have breached the agreement by not invoking the dispute mechanism arrangements. The Parties further agree that their councillors in municipalities jointly controlled by the two or more parties will not unreasonably, openly, publicly or in any medium, including social media, criticise the members or the policies of another party to this agreement. If one party believes, with good cause, that a councillor through his or her actions or statements, is bringing the good name or reputation of the coalition into disrepute, or who is acting in an unreasonable or uncooperative manner, that party may refer the matter to the DRM. Finding: It is not acceptable for a coalition partner to make public allegations against another leader in the coalition government. However, it is of extreme concern that recordings of meetings have been leaked to the media. This whole dispute has been carried into the public, disgracing the whole NMB metro government. It is in the best interest of that government to conduct an investigation of the matter and prevent any other leaks to the media. Announcing corruption investigations on a portfolio of any Mayco member without informing or discussing the matter with said member is in breach of the coalition. However, it is accepted that, where one party has a serious moral or principled objection to any matter, or where it has been impossible to arrive at consensus on any matter, that party retains the right to disagree and to criticise the majority viewpoint both within and outside the Council, whilst still retaining the governance agreement: provided that the party concerned first seeks consensus on the matter in the manner provided for in this agreement. Finding : Based on the papers supplied the dispute resolution mechanism was not used to iron out any differences therefore the public criticisms in this case are in breach of the agreement . Nothing in this agreement shall prohibit any party from advancing, commenting on, mobilising on or demonstrating for or against any political issues, in terms of that party’s constitution. Executives The Parties agree that, where this is provided for in terms of the legislation and provincial choices, the municipalities will retain the Executive Mayoral system (with a mayoral committee), but that the mayoral committees will operate in an open, transparent and accountable way. The initial positions (mayors, speakers, mayoral and executive committee members, sub-council chairs, delegates to the district councils) on each council in which the Parties are in coalition will be negotiated by the leadership of the Parties. Should a vacancy arise, this vacancy will be filled by a person nominated by the party which held that position, in consultation with the Mayor. In the event that the Mayor unreasonably refuses to accept the person nominated by that party, the matter may be referred to the DRM for resolution. Likewise, the delegation of specific responsibilities to each mayoral committee or executive committee member will be the prerogative of the Mayor, but such prerogative may be referred to the DRM should any party object to such delegation. Note: The national leader of the DA agreed to rescind their letter stating their intention to replace the DEM in the health portfolio. The mechanism has been invoked by the National Party Leaders and an investigation is in process. Finding: It seems that many members of the coalition are not conversant with the terms of this agreement. It would be prudent to have a workshop in each coalition government to ensure that the agreement is understood and used as a guide to manage governance. NOTE: It was not possible given the time frame and in some cases a lack of evidence to make a finding on every issue that was raised Observations It is of great concern that after all Parties had decided on a way forward both the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor made public statements which negated the terms we had agreed upon. The media statement by the Executive Mayor breached the agreement that the national leaders had made to keep issues out of the media to protect the coalition and engender trust in the government. The agreement also stated that the status quo remain until the outcome of the investigation. By making his statements he directly contradicted the joint statement and added fuel to fire. The DEM by organising a public demonstration also undermined the leaders’ decision. It also most definitely did not engender trust in the government both actions were disgraceful. National Leaders’ decisions and agreements must be adhered to by all parties. In addition, the other parties and Mayco members have expressed their support for the Executive Mayor in writing. Anton Alberts FF+ Farouk Cassim Cope Jo-Ann Downs ACDP
The United Democratic Movement (UDM) supports the budget vote. The budget reduction in this department does not augur well for the promotion, development and transformation of sport in our Country. Already, compensation to the departmental employees had to be reduced on an escalating scale during the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) period, totalling R4.9 million. The next victims of this reduction are goods and services. Regrettably, the very people who would have benefitted from the programmes of this department stand to suffer severely. When departmental officials and sport practitioners are locked in office, and therefore cannot reach-out to communities, due to budget cuts, the development of sport and recreation activities are compromised. It also, means that there will be less usage of the sporting facilities already available and this may result in such facilities being white elephants. The economic activity that is a natural by-product of sport and recreation, activism, will be lost in the process. Nevertheless, the UDM welcomes the newly appointed Minister and his team to the batting crease. Minister, you are now facing the first bouncer, which you have to deal with in the first over. The second new ball you have to face is that of provinces, which are failing to obtain data from their distant district offices. So, as technology has been targeted as a cost-saving area, the flow of information to and from district offices will be hampered. Nationally, this will impede the department’s ability to plan ahead. No data, no detailed planning. The potential result you are about to get, will be, either you are bowled out or caught at leg-off, as you try to scoop the ball for 6 runs. Also, savings on facilities means that less facilities will be accessible to the sporting bodies. Yes, the time has come for the Memorandum of Agreement between Sport and Recreation South Africa (SRSA) and the Department of Basic Education to be reviewed, because the relationship between the two departments has yielded minimal results, so far. A better working relationship between these departments has the potential to identify, nurture, mould and develop the young talent that this country need so dearly. In the same context, a working relationship can also be used to host those with less intellectual capacity, but excellent sports orientation, to develop their talent and ultimately make a career in sport. In that way, job opportunities will have been created. Penalising non-compliant provinces is most welcome since school sport is the foundation on which transformation can be built. The intensive support for volleyball in 2017 is much appreciated. They have been in the cold for far too long. Minister, your other challenge is the high up-and-under that you are facing in rugby, and that is sustaining as well as supporting transformation. You may not knock on that ball, or else the wings will pick it up and score under the posts, thus reversing all the yards made under the stewardship of your predecessor. Shame Mbaks, ubuzama kodwa. Bafana–Bafana are with their new coach are on the nation’s radar. We expect better from them under your stewardship. In this regard, and at the risk of contradicting my principal, I wish Orlando Pirates to show them the way on 24 June at reclaim the Nedbank Cup.
Honourable Chairperson and Members The United Democratic Movement supports Budget 19. As we celebrate Africa Day, we are reminded of the important role played by our soldiers in keeping peace on our continent. I am certain, that their contribution will one day make Africa a continent for all its people and the world-over. In the context of my responsibility in the Defence Force Service Commission, I invite the Minister and the Joint Standing Committee on Defence, to appreciate that: 1. The Defence Force Service Commission (DFSC) continues to express its support for the funding of the implementation of the Defence Review 2015. Although the Country is not at war, the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) must be appropriately funded to fulfil its constitutional mandate. Notwithstanding the competing societal needs of, amongst others, health and education, there is a critical need for additional funding to the SANDF in order to fulfil its regional and continental obligations as a multilateral player to advance foreign policy. 2. The requisite funding of the Commission’s recommendation with regard to the model to delink salary from rank, will not only improve service conditions of approximately 8 894 SANDF members stagnated at lower ranks, but will serve as a fundamental building block to eventually rollout the envisaged unique salary dispensation for the man and woman in uniform. 3. It is of strategic value for the Minister and the DFSC to hold bilateral meetings regularly, to create opportunity for the Commission to provide progress report in terms of its mandate, and to equally receive regular feedback form the Minister. Chairperson, the effectiveness of our soldiers in peace keeping missions can be compromised by the quality of the equipment they are using. When the Commission visited Congo, it was exposed to extremely poor quality equipment. The United Nations would, instead of compensating South Africa for its contribution, penalise it, if something urgent is not done. The Minister needs to intervene urgently on this matter. Lastly, the budgets of both the Military Ombud and the DFSC, should be ring-fenced in order to ensure that they carry out their functions optimally and without being subjected to the internal delays within the Department. I thank you