Structures > UDM Youth Vanguard

Logo of UDM Youth Vanguard
Aims and Objectives

The UDM Youth Vanguard shall

  • Embrace and enrol young men and women of the country into a new political home that will promote and protect the interests of the youth.
  • Support and reinforce the United Democratic Movement in the attainment of its vision and mission.
  • Encourage young people to participate in all national issues that affect the youth of this country.
  • Encourage national self-discipline based on an acceptance that each right carries with it a corresponding and equal obligation and responsibility
  • Strive to unite at all time all the people of South Africa.
  • Remain vocal in addressing the needs, at the best interest of all South Africans and thus giving a political direction that is based on the needs and aspirations of all South Africans.
  • Ensure equal and effective participation and interaction of both the urban and rural youth towards creating opportunities for the youth to unleash their full potential.
  • Strive and vigorously campaign for educational, moral and cultural upliftment of the youth.
  • Promote exchange programmes nationally, regionally and internationally.

Membership (as per UDMYV Constitution)

  • 7.1. Membership is open to all South Africans from 16 and 35 years and subscribes to its Policies, Vision and Mission of the United Democratic Movement.
  • 7.2. He/she is a South African citizen.
  • 7.3. He/she is not a member of any political party.
  • 7.4. Application for membership shall be received by branch where it exists. The branch can reject or accept such application.
  • 7.5. The membership shall lapse,
  • 7.5.1. When the member turn thirty five (35) years,
  • 7.5.2. Is expelled following disciplinary proceeding,
  • 7.5.3. Resign in writing to the organisation or he/she passes away and also if it is found after audit, reviews of annual membership that the member has not paid his or her annual subscription for up to six months, furthermore the membership of executive member who is above 35 shall be valid until end of his/her term.
  • 7.5.4. Young people who qualify for membership in accordance with rules of this section shall be issued with a membership card on payment of a joining fee. The congress or NEC shall determine the joining fee.7.5.5. All members shall be on acceptance in the ranks of UDMYV, after they had solemnly declared their readiness and willingness to serve the organisation.
  • 7.5.5. All members shall be on acceptance in the ranks of UDMYV, after they had solemnly declared their readiness and willingness to serve the organisation.