Structures > United Democratic Movement Women’s Organisation

Logo of United Democratic Movement Women’s Organisation

(as per United Democratic Movement Women’s Organisation Constitution)

  • 6.1.1. Membership of the Organisation shall be open to all South African Women who qualify in terms of this clause and subscribe to this Constitution and who support a multi-party democratic political system for the Republic of South Africa.
  • 6.1.2. To this end any individual aged twenty-one (21) years and above shall be eligible for membership and be entitled to exercise all rights and honour all obligations, associated with membership, without discrimination based on race, gender, marital status, ethnic- or social origin, colour, sexual orientation, disability, religion, conscience, belief, culture and language, provided that;
  • She is a citizen or permanent resident of Republic South Africa;
  • She applies for membership in writing;
  • She pays the prescribed annual membership fees;
  • She is not a member of any other political party except the United Democratic Movement

To create the impetus in society for women to move forward, well equipped to meet the challenges and demands for political, economic, scientific and technological development.


We will make effective the training and development of women in order for them to advance in all areas including the political, social, economical and cultural fields. We will empower women in decision-making skills thus encouraging them to hold positions at all levels of leadership.