The ACDP, COPE and FF Plus (the “Panel”) was requested to provide an opinion on a dispute in the coalition in PE and to adjudicate whether the parties in dispute are in breach of the Coalition Agreement (“Agreement”).
The three parties resolved among itself to adjudicate the matter on a balance of probability.
The following needs to be noted:
Therefore, care must be taken in using this document to base any prejudicial decisions upon. At most, this document, its observations and conclusions can only be used as a guide to implement the Coalition Agreement’s dispute resolution provisions, which are based on finding consensus on the way forward.
In the event that the Coalition and parties would like this Panel to make substantive and informed findings in order to provide proper direction with legal effect, it is advised that this Panel, or another constituted panel, holds a proper hearing where oral and other evidence is submitted and tested.
The following guiding principles of the Agreement must be kept in mind:
In this analysis, not all of the issues will be dealt with due to the limitations of the evidence presented set out above. However, the following conclusion can be made:
The Coalition Agreement is being undermined by the current state of affairs and a fundamental breach has already occurred due to the breakdown in trust between the parties.
We are not making a finding who is at fault as this falls outside the instructions to the Panel and cannot be made in any event due to the incomplete state of the available evidence.
Finding: the issue of personality and power mongering has subsumed every other consideration as the correspondence reveals. Substantive issues gave way to open and unceasing bickering.
The investigation confined itself to looking into violations of the governance agreement. Some issues are not covered by the agreement or the papers presented but are from subsequent letters from the DA and UDM and are laid out in observations. The findings are laid out beneath the relevant clause in the agreement.
The agreement entered into by the coalition partners is rooted in the joint acknowledgement that the government they form in each municipality “must be qualitatively different from the administrations they are replacing”. In particular, the new government “must use public resources to benefit all the people; … root out corruption wherever it manifests itself and by whomsoever it is committed; … be caring particularly for the poorest and most vulnerable citizens; … provide opportunities for people to get ahead, … and strive to provide safety for all within the mandate given to municipalities”. Visible acts will include, “transferring title deeds to occupants, (and ensuring) the provision of early childhood development, the supply of water, electricity, sanitation and refuse removal to all inhabitants”. This is the second test that must apply.
We are determined to place all the inhabitants of the municipalities at the centre of service delivery where we co-govern.
Finding: the issue of one’s preferred candidates to fill posts became a two-way tug of war eclipsing the above considerations. The cause of the poor fell by the wayside. This should have consequences for those escalating the problem.
For these reasons, the Parties commit themselves, in the municipalities in which they are the government, to abide by the following principles:
Finding: The IDP process was not consultative.
Finding: If everything was done by the book nothing would need to have been said but to point to the book. Competent legal and audit service would have given oral and written advice. Instead of doing just that, the national leaders were being called upon repeatedly to referee the endless fights. If any party was seeking to exert undue and irregular influence or was guilty of using bullying tactics, charges should have been formulated and the Speaker should have referred the matter to the disciplinary committee to investigate. That is why the disciplinary committee exists in Council.
Finding: 1 hour overtime decision may result in a qualified audit opinion which breaches the agreement. Other parties should have been consulted.
Finding: Suborning payment to companies that are under investigation for corruption and meeting with and speaking to staff members who are also under investigation could cause a serious breach in the legal process, costing the NMB metro severe financial loss. It is prudent and correct to request members of the government (all parties) not to meet with or talk to staff or companies with pending legal cases.
Finding: there is no provision here for the unilateral laying of charges with the police and the firing off of letters to the Minister and MEC without the involvement of other partners. The mayor as well as the deputy mayor ought to be engaging all the members of the coalition at all times and particularly when matters of importance arose. As a result of the mayor and the deputy mayor slugging it out as individuals and rushing to the media, the situation has been made untenable.
Finding: In the appointment of senior management it is accepted practise that legal opinions given by a structure’s own legal advisors are accepted and acted upon in said structure. It forms a rational and legally defensible decision. Disagreements must be referred to the dispute resolution mechanism.
Nepotism refers to an official unfairly advantaging family members in appointments. This is not the case in the suggested appointments of senior management. The law insists that the best person for the position must be offered the job taking into account equity laws. The coalition agreement states that there will be no cadre appointments which is commonly understood to be unfairly advantaging party members. This should have been resolved in the dispute resolution mechanism.
Berating and accusing staff is unacceptable. This should be referred to the disciplinary mechanisms of the council. Shouting at and swearing at staff is equally unacceptable.
All of the parties should have been convened and consensus striven for. Failing that the majority decision must hold. Holding back progress without clear legislative or constitutional support retards progress.
Finding: The agreement clearly states a ban on blue lights.
The Parties accept that co-governance requires special measures to enhance co-operation and mutual trust. Accordingly, the Parties’ governance will be based on the following:
Finding: Every effort should have been made by both parties to resolve their differences. This agreement should have been the basis of tackling every issue. Unfortunately, the correspondence does not show that the agreement was being minutely referenced. The agreement is very detailed. If it was laid out with numbers, it would have served as a kind of constitution
Finding: In the matter of the appointment Ms Zitumani we agree that it should have been referred to the dispute resolution mechanism.
The Deputy Mayor has without invoking dispute resolution voted 3 times against the government resolutions.
Finding: The bi-lateral meetings to attempt to resolve the differences have breached the agreement by not invoking the dispute mechanism arrangements.
The Parties further agree that their councillors in municipalities jointly controlled by the two or more parties will not unreasonably, openly, publicly or in any medium, including social media, criticise the members or the policies of another party to this agreement. If one party believes, with good cause, that a councillor through his or her actions or statements, is bringing the good name or reputation of the coalition into disrepute, or who is acting in an unreasonable or uncooperative manner, that party may refer the matter to the DRM.
Finding: It is not acceptable for a coalition partner to make public allegations against another leader in the coalition government. However, it is of extreme concern that recordings of meetings have been leaked to the media. This whole dispute has been carried into the public, disgracing the whole NMB metro government. It is in the best interest of that government to conduct an investigation of the matter and prevent any other leaks to the media.
Announcing corruption investigations on a portfolio of any Mayco member without informing or discussing the matter with said member is in breach of the coalition.
Finding : Based on the papers supplied the dispute resolution mechanism was not used to iron out any differences therefore the public criticisms in this case are in breach of the agreement .
The Parties agree that, where this is provided for in terms of the legislation and provincial choices, the municipalities will retain the Executive Mayoral system (with a mayoral committee), but that the mayoral committees will operate in an open, transparent and accountable way.
The initial positions (mayors, speakers, mayoral and executive committee members, sub-council chairs, delegates to the district councils) on each council in which the Parties are in coalition will be negotiated by the leadership of the Parties. Should a vacancy arise, this vacancy will be filled by a person nominated by the party which held that position, in consultation with the Mayor. In the event that the Mayor unreasonably refuses to accept the person nominated by that party, the matter may be referred to the DRM for resolution. Likewise, the delegation of specific responsibilities to each mayoral committee or executive committee member will be the prerogative of the Mayor, but such prerogative may be referred to the DRM should any party object to such delegation.
Note: The national leader of the DA agreed to rescind their letter stating their intention to replace the DEM in the health portfolio. The mechanism has been invoked by the National Party Leaders and an investigation is in process.
Finding: It seems that many members of the coalition are not conversant with the terms of this agreement. It would be prudent to have a workshop in each coalition government to ensure that the agreement is understood and used as a guide to manage governance.
NOTE: It was not possible given the time frame and in some cases a lack of evidence to make a finding on every issue that was raised
It is of great concern that after all Parties had decided on a way forward both the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor made public statements which negated the terms we had agreed upon. The media statement by the Executive Mayor breached the agreement that the national leaders had made to keep issues out of the media to protect the coalition and engender trust in the government. The agreement also stated that the status quo remain until the outcome of the investigation. By making his statements he directly contradicted the joint statement and added fuel to fire. The DEM by organising a public demonstration also undermined the leaders’ decision. It also most definitely did not engender trust in the government both actions were disgraceful. National Leaders’ decisions and agreements must be adhered to by all parties.
In addition, the other parties and Mayco members have expressed their support for the Executive Mayor in writing.
Anton Alberts FF+
Farouk Cassim Cope
Jo-Ann Downs ACDP