• UDM Leaders at all levels of Eastern Cape • UDM public representatives • My fellow South Africans WELCOME Ladies and gentlemen, the United Democratic Movement (UDM) says “thank you” for making the time and effort to attend this rally and listen to our message. To our election teams that have worked themselves to a standstill to make a success of this event – thank you for the hard work guys. CELEBRATING 20 YEARS OF FREEDOM – A VIEW OF THE PAST We yesterday celebrated 20 years of our new democracy. It is quite extraordinary that we have come so far as a nation in a relatively short time. We will never forget the tyranny and human rights abuses of the past, because it serves as a reminder of what should never happen again. Our deepest gratitude to the struggle icons, many of whom hailed from the Eastern Cape, for their selfless efforts and sacrifices. CORRUPTION DESTROYS THE GAINS OF OUR FREEDOM At the moment our nation is going nowhere slowly – corruption has become a hallmark of how government operates. Maladministration and ineptitude are at the order of the day. Abuse of state resources have become a way for the ruling elite to line their pocket at your expense. This is true of the ruling party’s government at national, provincial and local levels. We can no longer pussyfoot around these issues… it is a fact that corruption, maladministration and incompetence destroy the gains of our freedom. STATE OF THE EASTERN CAPE This province is heavily under budgeted given the two homelands and townships’ infrastructure that had to be integrated into in the developed infrastructure we inherited in 1994. This has not happened. The infrastructure of the former homelands and townships in the Eastern Cape are in total disrepair. When one enters the townships of Port Elizabeth you might think you have entered a 3rd world country. This is a travesty. Voters should open their eyes and punish the ANC for putting the future of this province and its people on the back burner. THE STATE OF THIS MUNICIPALITY The UDM salutes the struggle leaders who hail from this city. Their contribution to the liberation of our people is well documented and history teaches us that they lead from the front and put the needs of our people before their own. As citizens of this metro, you must take over the good work of your grandmothers and fathers, and your parents. You must take the ruling party’s comrades in corruption of Port Elizabeth to task. These so called public servants spend more time fighting each other, than fighting for the people. The youth of PE must take responsibility for the future of this city; apply your abundant energy to turn the situation around – apply your minds to how we should ensure economic emancipation, good education and health care as well as promoting the check and balances to eradicating corruption. Harness your verve and vitality to erase the damage the ruling party’s cronies have done. Go back to the foundation the forerunners of old left and expose corruption, breathe life into the local economy and leave your own legacy to those who come after you. WHAT ARE THE UDM’s PLANS? Should I, as the UDM’s candidate for the premiership, be given the opportunity to govern, the following critical objectives shall be on the agenda for change: 1. Address the democracy dividend deficiency in the Eastern Cape, so that it becomes a model province in terms of all development goals. 2. Turn the province into key economic growth area in the country, so that it becomes the 4th fastest growing economy in South Africa by 2019. 3. Improve the quality of life of the poorest by bringing essential public services closer to the people and to increase the capacity of all institutions that provide those services, such as healthcare, educational opportunities, food production and security and local employment opportunities. 4. Turn around the performance of provincial government, but in particular the departments of health and education. 5. Provide effective local governance by employing qualified people, with the right skills-sets, in the right places. Proper planning, the appropriate use of resources and performance management and monitoring are key issues. 6. The celebration of corruption, which has somehow developed in a competition to see who outsmarts whom, must be brought to an end. We will therefore implement policies that ensure that the best talented, properly trained and competent persons are appointed; in other words, political deployment will become a thing of the past. CONCLUSION It is true that history tells us where we come from, but it is time for us to focus on the future; it is time for us to clearly identify where we are going. It is time for change. May the 7th, can be the catalyst for that change, but this cannot happen if you don’t take action. The people of this beautiful city, especially our young people, must be the agents of that change and the UDM the vehicle. Vote UDM! Thank you
Memo to: Mr Terry Tselane, Vice-Chairperson of the Electoral CommissionFrom: Bantu Holomisa (Chairperson of the Multi-Party Forum and UDM President) Copied to: Judge Thami Makhanya, Rev. Bongani Finca, Ms Raenette Taljaard, Advocate Thuli Madonsela, leaders and representatives of other political parties ===================================== Dear Mr Tselane The abovementioned matter has reference. The Electoral Commission is on record that it has accepted the Public Protector’s report 13 of 2013 captioned: “Report on an investigation into allegations of maladministration and corruption in the procurement of the Riverside Office Park to accommodate the head offices of the Electoral Commission in 2011”. It is also a matter of public record that Commission Chairperson Pansy Tlakula has in her personal capacity lodged papers at the Pretoria High Court to review and set aside the Public Protector’s findings and recommendations against her. This was confirmed at a meeting between the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) and the Multi-Party Forum on 1 April 2014. We have received information that the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO), Mr Mosotho Moepya, has allegedly paid R500 000 from the IEC’s coffers to pay for Advocate Tlakula’s legal fees. We herewith enquire if the Commission is aware and/or has approved the expense. If it is indeed aware and/or has approved these expenses, how does the Commission justify its decision whilst Advocate Tlakula has engaged in these legal battles in her personal capacity and on basis was such a large amount paid even before the review has commenced? Two credible organisations have fingered this person as having done irreparable damage in terms of the IEC lease agreement i.e. no value for money, and yet she has the audacity use state moneys to fight her personal battles. We hope to receive your response to this enquiry by the end of this week. Yours sincerely Bantu Holomisa, MP UDM President and Chairperson: Multi-Party Forum
• National Office Bearers of the UDM • UDM Gauteng Provincial, Regional and Branch Leaders • UDM members and supporters • My fellow South Africans THANK YOU AND WELCOME I would not be standing here, if not for the hard work of the election teams of the United Democratic Movement (UDM) in the province. You should feel proud of your efforts. Enkosi. Today we celebrate the first 20 years of our democracy. The United Democratic Movement (UDM) is proud to be part of this history. We have made a tangible difference in steering this nation in the right direction; consistently exposing corruption and advocating for honest, conscientious and transparent government. We sometimes forget that it is extraordinary that we have come so far in such a short time. Although we will never forget how oppressive this society was, we also need to focus on the next 20 years and the 20 years thereafter and so on. LOOKING FORWARD TO THE NEXT PHASE OF OUR DEMOCRACY Today marks the first day of the next phase of that democracy. It would not be an overstatement to say that 7 May 2014 is nearly as important as the 27 April 1994. We again stand at the precipice of change and we must not lie to ourselves – it is time for change. We cannot allow the country to slide further down this slippery slope of corruption, maladministration and ineptitude. We can choose to continue on this path or have the sense and moral fortitude to take our responsibility as voters seriously. Poverty and corruption destroys the gains of our freedom. Disrespect for the rule of law destroys the gains of our freedom. There is no getting around these facts. The ANC is to blame and you should hold it accountable. GOOD GOVERNANCE AND RESPECT FOR THE RULE OF LAW Disrespect for the rule of law, as exhibited by our executive, as well as institutionalised corruption have a direct bearing on South Africa’s downgrading on international ratings, which in turn negatively impacts investor confidence – so the vicious cycle continues. In this regard the UDM commits itself to promote a culture of good governance and respect of the separation of powers of government, the legislatures and the judiciary. THE ECONOMY – A BETTER FUTURE FOR ALL The UDM believes that meaningful government intervention is needed to ensure economic growth. This means that we need good roads; an efficient rail network; electrification, provision of water, irrigation and reticulation in areas where people live and businesses operate. There has been much talk about the nationalisation of mines. Tensions raised to a boiling point, which resulted in great instability, not only amongst mineworkers and their employers, but it also negatively impacted on South Africa as an investment destination. A UDM government commits itself to: • Use a manageable budget deficit and government debt to create jobs and stimulate the economy. • Implement checks and balances to ensure that taxpayer’s money is not wasted and action is taken against corrupt government employees. • Ensure that our people, especially in rural areas, have access to passable roads, electricity, water and a fully-fledged railway network. • Initiate opportunities for young South Africans by radically reducing the red-tape that stifles entrepreneurship. • Make mining one of the major points of discussion at the Economic Indaba which the UDM proposes. EDUCATION AS THE STEPPING STONE OF DEMOCRACY An educated citizen is a national asset. In order for our education system to produce graduates with the necessary expertise for the job market, a UDM government commits itself to invest the education budget into the improvement of infrastructure, training of teachers and their career growth. Further, our policy and curriculum will be consistent and always in synch with the socio-economic imperatives of the country. FEEDING A NATION It is unimaginable that we, in this day and age, have people who go to sleep hungry and wake up hungry. South Africa was once the bread basket of this region, but the incumbent government has let our rural economy slide into the abyss. A UDM government commits itself to: • Use agriculture as a tool to expand our economy, create jobs and generate wealth – especially in rural areas. • Prioritise the needs of commercial and emerging farmers by developing policies that will level the playing field, to allow them to compete against their international counterparts. KEEPING OUR PEOPLE IN A GOOD STATE OF HEALTH A healthy citizen is a productive citizen and, therefore, a vehicle for economic development. Unfortunately, our public healthcare is in the I.C.U. and cannot deliver. A UDM government commits itself to improving the country’s national healthcare system by building more clinics and hospitals. We shall improve facilities, services, ensure availability of medicines and medical supplies. We shall ensure that the system responds effectively to communicable diseases and substance abuse. Medical practitioners shall be well trained and compensated. CRIME PREVENTION For many years the ruling party has refused to acknowledge the magnitude of the crime crisis facing South Africa. There is no synergy between the various partners in the justice cluster i.e. intelligence, police, the courts and correctional services. A world-class nation can only exist in a productive and safe environment that encourages enterprises to flourish whilst attracting local and foreign investments. A UDM government commits itself to: • Restore civil order and develop a doctrine to ensure that the police functions in line with our constitutional values. • Enhance coordination between the departments of justice, police, correctional service, defence and national intelligence. WHAT DOES THE FUTURE HOLD FOR YOU? The choice is yours – you can allow our country to continue on the same downward path or… you must do something different. Simple. Should you make your mark for the UDM, you can be assured that we will send a team of people to government that have your concerns at heart. CONCLUSION In ten days we will go to the polling stations to make our mark in favour of the political party of our choice. You have an opportunity to bring change to your lives. To bring that change, vote UDM! Thank you
Message from UDM President Bantu HolomisaMy fellow South Africans2014 is an auspicious year, as South Africans mark 20 years of freedom.The Bill of Rights ensures that all the citizens of our beautiful country have the right to equal protection and benefit of the law. Our dignity has been restored and we enjoy freedom and security of our person. We can live where we want to. No one is denied access to establishments based on colour. We all have the right to basic education; to speak our own languages, freedom of religion and celebrate our diverse cultures.These liberties, as enshrined in the country’s constitution, which were hard won are being destroyed by corruption. To compound matters the socio-economic circumstances of our people make it very difficult to safeguard the gains of our freedom.The United Democratic Movement (UDM) seeks to address these basic deficiencies and also empower our people and transform South Africa into a Winning Nation. If one looks at our economy one cannot deny that, amongst others, job creation and poverty are interlinked. The UDM believes that job creation is the ultimate weapon to combat poverty, but this goal will not be realised if our economy is not managed properly. Government has a must intervene to protect our economy and South African jobs when necessary. Meaningful government intervention is needed to ensure economic growth. This necessarily means, for instance, that our roads should be passable; an efficient rail network should be in place; the electrification, water, irrigation and reticulation of communities and business should be high on government’s agenda. Regarding our macro-economic policy, there is still no consensus on how South Africa can transform its economy in a manner that creates wealth and improves the fortunes of the disadvantaged majority. South Africa already finds itself on the same path as our sister nations on the African continent that have failed their citizens. Disrespect of the rule of law, as exhibited by our executive, as well institutionalised corruption, has a direct bearing on South Africa’s downgrading on international ratings, which in turn negatively impact on investor confidence. The symbiotic relationships between political parties and their so-called “investment arms” (such as the ANC and Chancellor House Holdings) erodes private sector confidence. It is an unfortunate fact that South Africa is steadily sinking deeper in the quagmire of corruption. What makes matters worse is that these acts of corruption keep reaching new heights and they happen with greater frequency. A case in point is, during the infrastructure development in preparation of the 2010 Soccer World Cup, service providers inflated their prices to make a greater profit at the expense of the taxpayer. Citing another example, we were all shocked to learn that Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), which had a good international reputation, could be embroiled in corruption and maladministration. In the final analyses; no one can dispute that: Corruption destroys the gains of our freedom! The obvious question that follows is: Are things so bad that we might as well throw in the towel? The UDM emphatically says NO! As much as the situation in which we find ourselves might be discouraging and bleak, the UDM firmly believes that it is not too late for us to turn things around. There is so much untapped potential in our country and her people that we cannot, and should not, let go of the dream of prosperous nation. In this manifesto the UDM makes a number of constructive suggestions to address some of the burning issues we face as a nation – for greater detail on our policies please visit our website www.udm.org.za. As you read through this manifesto, remind yourself that you, the voter, have the power to make the dream of a prosperous South Africa a reality. We need a government that puts South Africa and her people first. We deserve a government that will really take South Africa forward. Vote UDM! Thank you Bantu Holomisa Good Governance Rule of law is a system on which a proper government should be based as it guards against the abuse of power and allows innovation and the economy to flourish. As an indictment of our government, the Institute for Accountability unequivocally stated that, since 1994, the reason for poverty in South Africa is directly attributable to, “the theft” of R700-billion. The Institute further stated that government in fact had the resources necessary to uplift 11 million citizens from abject poverty – see http://www.timeslive.co.za/thetimes/2014/01/27/corruption-is-killing-the-poor). The UDM sees corruption as one of the main contributors to unemployment, poverty, inequality and poor service delivery. Our people are so frustrated by their living conditions that their anger frequently boils over and instead of government listening to their concerns it dispatches the police. We cannot hope to effectively eradicate poverty without addressing “institutionalised corruption”. There are many examples, such as the E-tolling system; Travelgate; the Oilgate/PetroSA (Iraq) scandal; the deal involving Hitachi, Eskom and Chancellor House Holdings; the IEC and the South African Police Services’ lease agreement scandals; Guptagate and also of course Nkandlagate. Another typical example of the disregard of the rule of law is that, despite the fact that a court ordered the President of this country to hand over the so-called “spy tapes”, a government property, he refuses to do so. In yet another instance, cabinet chastised the Public Protector for simply fulfilling its mandate. This cancer of corruption has implicated many top leaders and officials (including the highest office in this country) and it has spilled over into the private sector. The brazen practice of corruption has the ruling party reeling from one scandal to the next. It has in fact reduced its promise to combat corruption to a joke. How perfectly timed was the arrival of the Information Bill just after the media had exposed a number of corruption scandals. Although the jury is still out, there seems to be general consensus that the Bill was introduced to hide evidence of corrupt practices. The tendency to appoint people with the “right political connections”, instead of those who have the right qualifications and/or skills, promote mediocrity. One sees many examples of this tendency when one looks at the corrupt and ineffective state owned enterprises (SOEs) that serve as a gravy train for the elite. To make matters worse, the situation has become more complicated with the tri-partite alliance leaders now fighting over state resources forgetting that this infighting erodes investor confidence and leaves our people living in squalor without basic services. A UDM Government commits itself to: promote a culture of good governance. respect the separation of powers of government, legislatures and the judiciary. develop a vetting process where persons nominated for positions in the executive are subjected scrutiny to establish their integrity and suitability to serve in a specific portfolio. restore proper relationships between politicians and officials; the current culture of political interference in the daily administration of government, causes bureaucratic chaos and fuels corruption and tender fraud. restore the powers of the accounting officers and ensure that there is no political interference. The role of political heads should be confined to oversight. introduce courts dedicated to handle cases of corruption; to swiftly eradicate corruption as demonstrated by the UDM’s track record of consistently and fearlessly exposing corruption. root out this culture where corruption is condoned and celebrated. conduct a skills audit to ascertain whether the right people are employed in the right posts and at the right levels. appoint government employees, leaders of the Chapter 9 Institutions and SOEs, based on merit, relevant knowledge and qualifications. review the current tender system that currently makes it possible for bribery and corruption to flourish. SA economy in context While the UDM acknowledges and appreciates the impact of the colonial and apartheid legacy on the South African economy, 20 years into our democracy there is clear verifiable evidence that poor policy choices, mismanagement, corruption and lack of visionary and imaginative intervention has negatively affected our economy. As a direct consequence, massive poverty, high unemployment (especially among the youth), growing inequality as well as shrinking productive manufacturing sector have become defining features of our economy. In recent years our global and continental competitiveness has been on the decline as reflected in most studies and surveys. The reality is that this country is fast becoming more of a welfare state than a developmental state with the swelling number of dependents on state-provided social security and diminishing productive sector of manufacturing and entrepreneurship. All this happens against the backdrop of escalating cost of living which puts a greater squeeze of economic hardship on the average citizen. As an answer to these challenges, the UDM has a carefully considered plan to stimulate and grow the South African economy for the benefit of all its citizens while remaining globally competitive. The economy and job creation Since 1994 the paradox of the South African economy has been a jobless growth, even when this country has had a sustained growth for ten years. Therefore the recent global financial crisis can never be used as an excuse for what is obviously a structural problem perpetuated by poor policy choices by the ruling party. The problem is twofold, slow economic growth to meet the increasing demands for employment and development as well as jobless growth even in the sectors that have registered significant growth. The ruling party has adopted policies that have failed to grow the South African economy at the rate required to create jobs. As a result, the average economic growth rate stands at a dismal 2.6% per annum compared to the other emerging markets and most African economies where average is between 6 and 8%. The official unemployment rate is 24.7%. This unemployment rate excludes those people who have given up looking for work. When this category is included in the overall measurement, the unemployment rate deteriorates to more than 35%, with youth the most affected. This presenting perfect conditions for social and political instability should this situation not be urgently addressed. In other words, nearly 7 million South Africans are unemployed due to the misguided policies of the ruling party. According to the 2014 World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Risk report, South Africa has the third highest youth unemployment rate in the world. It estimates that more than 50% of young South Africans are unemployed and this rises to above 70% in some rural communities and informal settlements. The growing service delivery protests and labour unrest are objective irrefutable indications of a growing crisis, with the state more frequently relying on violence and brute force as evidenced by the Marikana Massacre and many other situations in communities in the Northwest and Limpopo. The most painful irony is that the former liberation movement, that espoused egalitarian principles during the struggle years, now presides over the most grotesque and ever-worsening inequality. South Africa today has earned the dubious title of being one of the most unequal societies in the world even surpassing Brazil that has held this ignoble title for some time. This badge of dishonour is a direct consequence of corruption and policies that allow the rich to accumulate obscene levels of wealth in a vast ocean of material poverty of the majority of our citizens. This situation is made worse by the ruling party’s abuse of otherwise well-intended policies of empowerment such as Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) and state tender policies that are twisted to enrich the politically connected cadres of the ruling party. The most dramatic and symbolic demonstration of the social distance between the ruling political elite and the people is the failure to review and make modest the ministerial handbook. Even in the face of global and local economic and financial crises they insist on parasitic preservation of their lifestyle using taxpayers’ money. Poor management of fiscus The ruling party often prides itself on its ability to maintain fiscal discipline. However, in the past five years South Africa’s fiscal position has deteriorated significantly due to the ruling party’s poor management of the economy and its failure to improve the country’s competitiveness. Nowhere is this loss of competitiveness more evident than in the current account deficit of 6% (R200 billion). In 2008, South Africa’s debt-to-GDP ratio was 23%, and it is projected to reach 39.3% in 2013/14 and 43.9% in 2016/17. In 2007/2008 South Africa had a budget surplus of 1.7%. This surplus declined to a budget deficit of 4.2% in 2013/14, which puts our country in the unenviable position of operating twin deficits on the expenditure side of the budget and the current account. It is clear that the ruling party has failed to properly manage our economy. It has also failed to close the gap between revenue and consumption and is therefore unfit to govern. Government has failed to create an environment that is conducive for foreign direct investment. Instead it insists on keeping the interest rates artificially high in order to attract portfolio investments that are fickle in nature. This however raises the cost of credit for ordinary South Africans. South Africa’s current cabinet is far too big to function effectively. Millions of taxpayers’ money is wasted on maintaining their opulent lifestyles with perks like fancy cars and luxury accommodation. Government departments waste billions of rands hiring service providers and consultants to start projects; they however do not even make the effort to monitor progress and establish whether the minimum requirements are met. Such service providers are paid in full without government inspecting the quality of their work. When international businesses seek to invest in our economy, they are “told” who their South African partners would be. A classic example would be the deal between Hitachi, Eskom and Chancellor House Holdings (the latter of course being the ruling party’s investment arm). This institutionalised corruption that makes potential investors think twice about investing in our economy. UDM plans for economic development and job creation After a careful analysis of South Africa’s economic challenges and opportunities, reinforced by comparative analysis of successful policies in other countries, the UDM has a practical realisable plan. The basic philosophy of the UDM is that “Government Must Do More”. While the UDM recognises the valuable role that markets should play, it is of the firm belief that government must play a key role in creating a stable policy environment and developing the economy for the benefit of our people. “Government Must Do More” means that a responsible government: cannot depend on market forces alone. cannot fail to decisively intervene in the economy whilst the quality of life of its citizens deteriorates, South Africans cannot find decent work, millions live in abject poverty and suffer because of underdevelopment. has to ensure that our political freedom translates into economic emancipation. A UDM government commits itself to: use a manageable budget deficit and government debt to create jobs and stimulate the economy. implement the necessary checks and balances to ensure that government (i.e. taxpayer’s) money is not wasted. streamline the cabinet by appointing fewer ministers as part of cutting costs. review the public sector wage bill. stop the over-utilisation of consultants by appointing competent staff. stop the current practice of appointing individuals, who did not make it as public representatives, as so-called “advisors”. standardise the value of perks (e.g. vehicles) across the board for ministers, deputy-ministers, directors general, mayors and traditional leaders, etc. take action against any government employee found guilty of corruption, instead of rewarding them with ambassadorial posts. Infrastructure development Well-targeted strategic infrastructure development is critical for the proper functioning of the economy. It is the cornerstone of sustainable social and economic development. The ruling party’s infrastructure development programme is not properly planned and fails to address past imbalances and backlogs. For instance, while government has budgeted and approved more than R800 billion over the next few years for infrastructure development, very little of this is allocated to rural areas and other previously disadvantaged communities in the townships, informal settlements and peri-urban areas. As a result, the infrastructure in these areas is in a state of disrepair. This causes people to migrate to large cities in search of better job prospects and better living conditions. Even as new infrastructure is being put in place there is a decay of the old infrastructure due to the lack of maintenance plans. In many parts of this country the only way to access service delivery requires that a citizen be a card-carrying member of a particular political party. A UDM government commits itself to: draft a “map of infrastructure development” with emphasis on transparency and closer cooperation between government and the people. invest in the economy through a properly planned infrastructure development programme and other large scale, government funded programmes that are community-driven and applies good environmental practice. empower communities by investing in the transfer of knowledge and skills to create jobs. ensure that South Africans have access to passable roads, electricity, water irrigation and reticulation as well as a railway network. allocate a significant amount of resources to infrastructure development in rural areas and previously disadvantaged communities e.g. build roads and dipping tanks, fence grazing lands and mealie fields and adequate sanitation. ensure proper consultation with the affected communities before projects are rolled out. eradicate the culture of rolling out infrastructure development and basic service delivery to people who belong to a certain political party. Small business development Development of small businesses has been accepted worldwide as the backbone of global economic growth and development while simultaneously creating more jobs. Small businesses in developed countries contribute more than 50% to Gross Domestic Product (GDP), while in Asia they contribute around 40%. In South Africa, too little has been done to reduce the costs and administrative burden for existing small businesses. As a result, our small businesses contribute around 30% to the GDP. Ironically, government’s delayed or even non-payment to small businesses has contributed to their collapse. The UDM believes that a growth rate of 6 to 8% is required to reduce unemployment. To do this we need to unleash the creative spirit inherent in South Africans to create jobs. UDM also plans to reverse the trend of shrinking numbers of South Africans in the retail sector that is gradually being taken over by foreign nationals with little, if any, assistance provided to South Africans to compete effectively in this sector. A UDM government commits itself to: develop a policy that will ensure a fair system where entrepreneurs and small business owners, from inside and outside of South Africa, can do business harmoniously. do more to promote small business development to ensure that our citizens become wealth creators rather than employment seekers. introduce capacity building and training programmes for aspirant and existing entrepreneurs as a way to encourage people to start new businesses and to improve the competitiveness of existing ones. identify and remove obstacles that inhibit small business development. create access to capital, for example, via development banks that assist sector specific entrepreneurs. facilitate access to new markets for their products. provide tax incentives for businesses that create jobs and specifically those in labour intensive industries. empower and create opportunities for unemployed graduates in beneficiation programmes. review labour policies to reflect the desire to stimulate SMME growth. Women empowerment There is no equitable partnership between men and women. There needs to be a social paradigm shift about gender-equality that should usher in a new generation of women and men working together to create a humane world order. The violent crime perpetrated against women and children should be addressed. Women must be assisted to establish co-ops as part of economic empowerment and job creation. A UDM government commit itself to: ensure the participation of women in development processes with sustainable investment in capacity building through education, health and nutrition programmes. eliminate all obstacles that limit women’s access to wealth creation, decision-making, education, health care services and productive employment. a zero-tolerance system to punish, deter and rehabilitate offenders while supporting and restoring dignity and justice to victims. Youth empowerment According to the 2014 World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Risk Report, we have the third highest youth unemployment rate in the world. It estimates that more than 50% of young South Africans do not have jobs – this includes the semi-skilled and skilled youth. A UDM government commits itself to: focus on initiatives to get our youth working through education, skills development and vocational training. initiate job creation and opportunities for young South Africans, by radically reducing the red-tape that stifles entrepreneurship, introducing targeted incentives and supporting programmes for small businesses started by young people. employ semi-skilled youth as “green battalions” in projects to remove alien species, combat soil erosion, help with afforestation projects and introduce sustainable subsistence farming. empower our youth to develop micro-businesses, where they could for instance recycle, maintain schoolyards, parks, cemeteries, sporting facilities, etc. arrange youth mentorship and exchange programmes through bilateral agreements with other countries. Empowering people with disabilities There is a whole department dedicated to improve the lives of women, youth and people with disabilities and yet those with disabilities are treated as the step-child of this department. There are very few people with disabilities who are employed, not only in the public service, but also in the private sector. A UDM government commits itself to: develop policies based on the United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities as described in http://www.un.org/disabilities/convention/conventionfull.shtml. conduct regular audits to ascertain whether the public and private sectors are fair in giving people with disabilities the same opportunities as able persons. Industrial Policy In 1995, government embarked on a massive trade liberalisation programme that dramatically reduced trade tariffs in a wide range of labour intensive sectors, such as textile, agriculture and mining industries. This resulted in massive job losses as our core industries and labour intensive sectors had to compete with countries where such industries are heavily subsidised. Even worse, key strategic industries e.g. the steel industry (Iscor) were unbundled and sold to the private sector that now sells the same products for infrastructure development at inflated prices. The governments of the most powerful economies in the world, such as America, China and India and various other countries in Europe recognise the responsibility they have to their citizens. They do not hesitate to intervene in their economies by protecting local jobs and businesses. A government that proposes anything less does not care, and is not willing to accept responsibility, for the welfare and prosperity of its people. If you drive around in Ekurhuleni (in Gauteng), which used to be a hub of the steel industry, one only sees the scars of neglect and disuse because it could not compete with subsidised industries in other parts of the world. The ruling party is obsessed with the concept of beneficiation – this is however mere lip service. How ironic that, we export raw materials only to import the final products. The ruling party thus creates jobs for people in other countries. There are far too many instances where major developments, such as big mining projects, start in areas without the necessary consultation with the affected communities. What makes matters worse is that these companies, after pillaging the resources and damaging the environment, disappear into thin air. A UDM government commits itself to: do more – a responsible government cannot depend on market forces alone and fail to intervene in the economy while the quality of the life of its citizens deteriorates and millions of our people live in abject poverty and under-development review South Africa’s international trade tariffs and duties to protect developing local industries, encourage exports, increase international trade and support inbound tourism. create an environment that is conducive for the manufacturing sector and industry to flourish. create Export Processing Zones (EPZ) or Industrial Development Zones (IDZ) on a trial basis in some of our coastal provinces or in identified industrial areas with the purpose of creating jobs. reduce the red tape that stifles the ability of domestic companies to export their products to the rest of the world. develop support programmes for the labour intensive sectors and give special attention to those that create job opportunities for all South Africans. Mining There has recently been some interest in the subject of the nationalisation of mines which raised tensions to a boiling point. This situation resulted in great instability, not only amongst mine workers and their employers, but it also negatively impacted on South Africa as an investment destination. The complete UDM policy regarding minerals and energy is available on www.udm.org.za. A UDM government commits itself to: Make the mining topic one of the major points of discussion at the Economic Indaba which the UDM proposes. Some of the matters to be discussed are: the question of ownership of land, mines and mineral wealth. the allocation of mining rights to the ruling elite and its implications. socio-economic conditions of the workers and the communities that settle close to where the jobs are. the controversial issue of mineworkers’ access, or lack thereof, to a provident fund worth billions of rands. the unions’ investment arms and the pay-out of dividends to workers who have contributed to the fund. the appointment of an independent commission of inquiry to investigate how these workers’ monies had been invested, especially in cases where the workers were retrenched, had retired or passed away. Quality Education Our education system has become a political football and the solution lies in firm leadership. We need to restore authority to government and not teacher unions. Government spends approximately 6% of GDP on education. Despite the significant amount of resources ploughed into our basic education system, South Africa’s quality of education is very poor. This means that our children do not get the basic education they deserve thus leaving them ill-equipped to find employment. The 2013 matric pass rate of 78.2% is meaningless when one considers that the majority of matriculants can barely read and/or write. This scenario worsens when one considers that 60% of learners drop out before they reach Grade 10. Another factor that puts our learners and teachers at a disadvantage is the chopping and changing of education policy with the appointment of each new minister. Just when the teachers master a new curriculum, they have to start from scratch and in turn the learners suffer. Our tertiary institutions do not provide fair access to deserving students. They suffer from high drop-out rates and do not produce enough graduates to fill the skills shortages in the economy. The Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs) have failed spectacularly – after 20 years they have produced nothing more than employment opportunities for the ruling party cadres who could not find jobs elsewhere. A UDM government commits itself to: translate the large education budget into quality education by developing and maintaining an education system that produces school-leavers and graduates that are equipped with job-related and life-skills. get back to the basics i.e. teachers must teach; learners must learn. free public education until Grade 12. career orientation and education will be enhanced to ensure that children can determine their future careers timeously and can reach the various goals on the way towards their employment. involve all the relevant stakeholders in curriculum development. design curriculum in such a way that it adapts to changing needs of society. it is important that the vital pillars of our education policy do not depend on the whims of one party’s minister, but are agreed to by all. improve the quality of the educational infrastructure, such as the physical infrastructure, teaching material and human resources. increase spending on the provision, development and maintenance of school buildings, water, sanitation and electricity. instil discipline, order, neatness and productivity. address the lack of commitment reflected in the neglect of the dress code by teachers and pupils as well as vandalism and truancy. ensure that crime, especially sexual harassment and abuse, at schools is met with zero-tolerance. Offenders will be removed from the institution and will face the full might of the law. foster a culture of learning and discipline with the reintroduction of regular school inspections. depoliticise the management and administration of schools by unions. review the entrance requirement as well as the curriculum for teacher training. include self-employment as a viable alternative within career guidance. Implement specific entrepreneurship education and training in the curricula of both basic and higher education institutions. review structures and curricula at FET colleges to ensure that they become more practical in addressing the needs of learners who aspire to be future entrepreneurs. restructure the SETAs by appointing the right people to the right positions. Feeding South Africa – Food Security and Rural Development The degradation of household food security in the country is of great concern. Though household food security is not the sole responsibility of the agricultural sector, it is vital that the production of food is stimulated to fulfil the needs of a fast growing population. Rural revitalisation and economic stagnation Many rural areas are in crisis with regard to resources and service delivery. Rural economies have imploded. The majority of people live in abject poverty. A major flaw of economic policy in the past 20 years has been the failure of the ruling party to bring infrastructure in rural areas and townships on par with that in the cities. People migrate to the large cities fuelling the chronic housing shortage; millions are forced to live in shacks because the infrastructure in the cities cannot keep pace with the demands of rapid urbanisation. Commercial farmers and their concerns In the past South Africa was net exporters of food and today we are net importers. It is extremely difficult for our commercial farmers to compete against their counterparts in other counties, because those countries make great effort to support their farmers. The safety and security of those who live in rural areas and far-flung areas of our country is of great concern. Poor border control and stock theft have a negative impact on our farming communities. Rural poverty is compounded by government’s neglect of development, alienation of farmers, communities and traditional leaders alike. In some instances land lies fallow or commercially viable farms has become unproductive because the new owner/s of the land do not have the necessary knowledge and/or capacity to run those farms. A UDM government commits itself to: use agriculture as a tool to expand our economy, create jobs and generate wealth, especially in rural areas. prioritise the needs of South African farmers by developing policies to subsidise farmers that will enable them to fairly compete against their international counterparts. We will also protect the South African market from the dumping of such subsidised products. reverse this situation through a concerted effort to stimulate agriculture and related businesses as well as using them as platforms for development in rural areas. create the necessary infrastructure that will create jobs and encourage the growth of more employment-creating agricultural-related enterprises, to ensure that the migration to urban areas is slowed down. accelerate the distribution of land in line with the UDM’s Land Policy and to encourage people to return to, or remain in, rural areas and start productive enterprises there. build infrastructure to support agricultural activity, such as irrigation schemes that have been proven to be successful in the past. establish “One-Stop Agricultural Service Centres” in rural areas where emerging farmers can ask for advice, veterinary services, access the necessary tools and knowledge to run their farms as businesses and also have a market for their produce. introduce special units specifically involved in rural safety through the deployment of reserve forces and other government security agencies to provide safety and enhance border control to curb stock-theft and smuggling. streamline the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform to speed up the processes and restore land to their rightful owners, because the delays causes uncertainty and tension. The role of traditional leaders in development Traditional leaders have been side-lined for the past 20 years and they could have, and should, play an important role in rural revitalisation. In rural municipalities tensions between traditional leaders and councillors have reached boiling point, because traditional leaders have been stripped of the power and the deference they are entitled to. Many of them feel that they are only given recognition at election time. The houses that were established for traditional leaders are reduced to talk-shops and any decisions made by such bodies are not taken seriously by the ruling party. There is no standardisation in terms of the packages of the traditional leaders of the various tribes. Quality Healthcare Currently the poor are still disadvantaged in regards their access to, and the quality of, the primary health care they receive. It remains a sad fact of daily life for many South Africans who have to travel long distances to the nearest clinic or hospital. Hygiene at many clinics and hospitals are at unacceptable levels and must be addressed immediately. Provision and medicine stock at many clinics and hospitals fall far short of the basic requirements. The current spread of infrastructure and services prevent medicine from reaching hospitals and clinics. Inefficient mechanisms in the current system deprives patients, especially those in a critical state or in emergency, from being treated timeously and/or referred to institutions that are able to deal with their needs. At the moment patients are forced to wait hours and sit in long queues before they are assisted by staff that have a dismissive attitude towards their fellow humans in need. A UDM government commits itself to: bring health care infrastructure and services closer to the poor. improve public health facilities and services, including the maintenance of hospitals and clinics. ensure that all hospitals and clinics are properly stocked with medicines and other medical supplies and/or equipment. ensure that allocated money is spent on the services for which it is intended. No “savings” on budgets or rollovers will be tolerated. Accounting officers shall comply with the principle that under-spending is worse than over-spending. ensure that all doctors and nurses at primary healthcare facilities are properly trained, qualified and well compensated. streamline referral procedures to ensure that patients who require emergency or specialised care receive speedy and appropriate treatment at the appropriate medical facility. ensure that the primary health care system is tailored to respond effectively to the major diseases threatening the South African population such as tuberculosis (especially drug-resistant tuberculosis), cholera and malaria which are preventable illnesses and/or that can be treated. ensure that nutrition education and family planning form a basic part of primary health care, recognising that appropriate education and training in these areas will have a major impact on the well-being of communities. ensure that the Department of Health is part of an integrated response to alcohol and drug abuse, recognising that substance abuse contributes to high levels of violence, death and the breakdown of South African society. Justice cluster – safety and security There is no synergy between the various partners in the justice cluster i.e. intelligence, police, the courts and correctional services. The only time when we see any semblance of synergy is when they act in defence of the ruling elite. For many years the ruling party has refused to acknowledge the magnitude of the crime crisis facing South Africa (aside from the occasional outburst from a minister or two which never makes a difference). A world-class nation can exist only in a productive and safe environment that encourages enterprises to flourish whilst attracting local and foreign investments. It is extreme folly to parachute a national police commissioner, with no policing experience, to command the South African Police Force (SAPS) and that has a negative impact on discipline and morale. A UDM government commits itself to: restore civil order as an immediate priority. develop a doctrine that ensures that our police service functions according to a set of rules that are in line with the values enshrined in our Constitution. enhance coordination between the ministries and departments of justice, the police service, correctional service, defence and national intelligence. improve border and rural security by making use of a re-empowered, reorganised and retrained reserve force of the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) to patrol our borders. transform certain units of the South African Army into smaller, disciplined, professional and well-trained forces that are able to rapidly expand and mobilise when required i.e. rhino poaching. implement a crime eradication strategy. encourage communities to participate in fighting crime through the establishment of neighbourhood watches, etc. improve the relationship between the public and police in order to enhance intelligence gathering. establish a baseline information system (database) for strategic planning around crime and policing issues. ensure that SAPS encourage the best and the brightest to rise through the ranks; thereby ensuring that the people who command the police force understand policing. promote regional cooperation between South Africa and its neighbouring countries. Such cooperation will, amongst others, include improved extradition treaties to ensure that criminals do not cross our borders with impunity. Protecting the Environment The issue of the environment is of critical national and international importance. The threats to the survival of our environment and the people who inhabit it makes the issue a top national priority. The practice of proper use of land and resources is understood, but high levels of poverty in many parts of the country have led to the destruction of the environment; soil erosion, water pollution and widespread deforestation. As a result, desertification is threatening our country. It is critical that we uplift the poor and rescue our environment from permanent destruction. At the same time storms and adverse weather are becoming commonplace due to global climate change and this further exacerbates the threat to our environment. The socio-economic implications of the destruction or degradation of our environment imposes a serious obligation on everybody to play his or her part to protect our environment. Environmental concerns require a holistic and non-political approach because it affects all players, irrespective of social standing. Any activity by any person that harms the environment impacts on the lives of all the people of South Africa. The task of saving our environment calls for the elevation of the problem as a priority that warrants a “Marshall Plan” to save our natural heritage. Such a plan should identify, build and reward individuals, institutions and community-based organisations to rescue and conserve our environment. Here a specific opportunity exists to make use of the many community radio stations, which are doing sterling work on reflecting community issues and are well-placed to raise awareness about environmental, health and the related issues. Government advertisements would also help to make these stations economically viable and break the artificial advertising monopoly of the SABC. Community radio programmes would help with the broadening of knowledge, awareness of environmental issues and encourage commitment to its protection as well as development to show the poor who may have previously viewed issues of environment as a preoccupation of the wealthy. It must be made known to all our people that environmental concerns and strategies are geared towards the improvement of the quality of lives of all our people without exception. We must defuse the potential conflict between the imperatives of conservation and those of resource-poor communities. We need to link conservation with socio-economic development by allowing communities to have sustainable access to the life-supporting and income-earning potential of nature reserves and other protected areas. Population, resources and land distribution will remain areas of challenge and opportunity. The environmental and socio-political needs must deal with the material and perceived legacy of apartheid. In environmental management terms, this might mean a shift in focus to living and working environments and land reform. The UDM supports sustainable environmental development, in other words, we want that the prosperity we create today to not leave future generations without useful resources. The UDM believes that, through the implementation of bio-diversity programmes thousands of jobs can be created – it is possible to generate jobs and business opportunities whilst being environmentally responsible. A UDM Government will pursue the following objectives: Implementation of tax incentives to encourage the private sector and other institutions to invest in the development of technologies for conservation and sustainable use of bio-diversity programmes. Similarly more active enforcement of the environmental law is required. Individuals or organisations that contravene these laws must be penalised. The massive number of environmental laws and regulations must immediately be consolidated into one concise and effective law. In South Africa in particular, and in the world in general, we face three major environmental crises: climate change, water scarcity and the energy crisis. These three challenges pose massive threats and require a concerted national and international response. A UDM Government would be a champion of these causes locally, on the continent and in international forums. Electoral Reform Political accountability is at the heart of fully-functioning democracy. The current proportional representation (PR) system means that elected leaders are accountable solely to their party bosses and not to the people who voted them into office. We need to be discard the PR system sooner rather than later. In addition the current practice where political parties impose their choice of president on the nation is profoundly undemocratic. A UDM government commits itself to: move towards a mixed electoral system that draws from the strengths of both the proportional and constituency based electoral systems. The first major step we will take is the introduction of constituencies into the PR system to ensure that politicians have a specific geographically-defined community they represent. change the electoral laws to allow for a separately elected President, as is the case in many democracies across the globe in that way we will put the power back in the hands of the voters.
• National Office Bearers of the UDM • UDM Provincial, Regional and Branch Leaders • UDM members and supporters • My fellow South Africans THANK YOU AND WELCOME We are in the home straight of Elections 2014. To the election teams of the United Democratic Movement (UDM), who have worked tirelessly to make this event a success, thank you for the hard work. You have made us proud. As this will be my last visit to this area before 7 May, I wish to thank you, the people of the surrounding communities, for always welcoming the UDM in your midst. Despite the mountainous challenges you face on a daily basis, you still came to listen to us. You have shown your willingness to walk this road with the UDM; to walk this road to economic freedom and a better life for all. THE FALLACY OF WEALTH AND PROSPERITY – THE PAST 20 YEARS The UDM acknowledges the impact of the colonial and apartheid legacy on the South African economy. However, some time down the line, we must be realistic and take stock of what went wrong in these past two decades. It is a bitter irony that our radios and televisions are filled these days with the poorly veiled ANC propaganda, which is served up as the success stories of government. But let me ask you this, have you actually seen any of these “wonderful changes” in your lives here on the platinum belt? If one thinks of the promise of a good life, that Madiba and his peers paved the way for, one is left with a bad taste in your mouth. The unfortunate reality is that people, like yourselves, are forced to leave and go further-and-further away from your places of birth in a desperate search for a decent income and therefor a decent life. The brutal socio-economic circumstances that South Africans face, make it impossible to safeguard the gains of our freedom. Poverty makes a laughing stock of our struggle icons’ legacy. What is the use of being free, if you are unable to do something as basic as putting food on the table? What is the answer to the silent question in your children’s eyes? Sorry my child, I can’t provide for you, because I can’t even provide for myself. You find yourselves in this undignified situation because of the poor policy choices, economic mismanagement and the unmitigated corruption of the ruling elite. The ANC cannot dodge the fact that they made this mess. Whilst the denialist comrades sit in their cosy houses in Sandton, you are made to suffer in the cold, dusty shanty towns with no hope of that wealth ever reaching your lives. Does that sound right to you? Is this freedom? WHAT DOES THE FUTURE HOLD FOR YOU? You have a choice. You can continue on this same path or… you must do something different. Should you make your mark for the UDM, you can be assured of sending a team of people to government that have your concerns at heart. There are many solid ideas, plans and strategies contained in the UDM manifesto, that talks to education, safety, health, good governance, the environment and other important matters. However, given the unique distresses of this community, I want to focus on an issues that are particular to your lives. The UDM commits itself to make mining topic one of the major points of discussion at the Economic Indaba which the UDM proposes. Some of the matters to be discussed are: • the question of ownership of land, mines and mineral wealth. • the allocation of mining rights to the ruling elite and its implications. • socio-economic conditions of the workers and the communities that settle close to where the jobs are. • the controversial issue of mineworkers’ access, or lack thereof, to a provident fund worth billions of rands. • the unions’ investment arms and the pay-out of dividends to workers who have contributed to the fund. • the appointment of an independent commission of inquiry to investigate how these workers’ monies had been invested, especially in cases where the workers were retrenched, had retired or passed away. CONCLUSION In eleven days we will go to the voting stations to make our mark in favour of the political party of our choice. South Africans must take charge of the future of our country. We must take charge of our futures. We can no longer afford to sit with our arms folded whilst the majority of our people live in abject poverty – future generations will judge us harshly, because we let things slide on our watch. Punish the ANC for their failures. On the 7th of May, you will have an opportunity to bring change to your lives. To bring that change, vote UDM! Thank you
10th list 1. Bantubonke Harrington Holomisa 2. Nqabayomzi Lawrence Saziso Kwankwa 3. Khumbuzile Anna Prudence Madonsela 4. Kholofelo Nurse Mokgawa 5. Christobel Thandiwe Nontenja 6. Stanley Zoyisile Ntapane 7. Monde Archibald Ralo 8. Zolisa Lavisa 9. Sipho Richard Ngwema 10. Malcolm Julian Taylor 11. Patrick Similo Sitole 12. Nomathamsanqa Caroline Siwisa 13. Pumza Malefane 14. Mahlodi Johannes Rapetsoa 15. Akhona Mfaba 16. Bongani Johnson Msomi 17. Humphrey Sangolibanzi Nobongoza 18. Zelda Lungisa Ngxiki 19. Reuben Mlungisi Masango 20. Luzuko Malibongwe Luwaca 21. Susheelduth Avinchand Bhola 22. Nomfundo Faith Jamjam 23. Avhasei Edward Ramudingane 24. Nonqaba Xamle 25. Mogoshadi Lynah Msiza 26. Bonginkosi Zondani 27. Isaac Thabo Makofane 28. Kayise Donald Msindwana 29. Shiraz Ahmed Omar 30. Nhlanhla Emmanuel Thwala 31. Mamogodi Benjamin Mmotla 32. Christopher Zanemvula Deliwe 33. Kgosi Daniel Maselwane 34. Matsobane Adolf Mmina 35. Motlatso Selomo 36. Maleho Rampai William Lesoro 37. Goodman Lufefe Sololo 38. Janodien January 39. Pogisho Johannes Molebatsi 40. Sandile Hermenius Mankebe 41. Nomntu Iris Juleka 42. Freddie Heugh 43. Hazel Elizabeth Govender 44. Bongile Qum 45. Nelson Disita Sakabe 46. Sechaba Petrose Liphapang 47. Letuka Alfred Motsoane 48. Mawabo Pokolo 49. Lobisi Morake 50. Sindiswa Yawa 51. Matlakala Peter Mogatwe 52. Lindekile Silangwe 53. Lennox Mpumelelo Ndude 54. Mongezi Jacob Msuthu 55. Noel Dibakwane 56. Zintombi Precious Sododile 57. Pumeza Cynthia Mayekiso 58. Asemahle Magani 59. Mzwandile Piet Mdi 60. Pule Matthews Kulati 61. Galeboe Johannes Maleke 62. Thembeka Rose Anta 63. Ramarumo Johannes Malumise 64. Anna Mamohau Diloko 65. Felix Lulama Bongani Mahlati 66. Zodwa Eunice Maroloma 67. Mzimkulu Mpangele
TO: His Excellency, Mr JG Zuma, President of the Republic South Africa Minister of Trade and Industry, Dr Rob Davies Chief Executive Officer: Coega Development Corporation, Mr Mninawe Silinga FROM: Bantu Holomisa, MP Government not honouring contractual obligations at the expense of small businesses – Dimbaza See below, correspondence from Mr B Willows, representative of SBM Iron and Steel Manufacturers (Pty) Limited from Dimbaza, near King William’s Town in the Eastern Cape. Mr Willows clearly outlines the history of the situation and the company’s frustrations with government’s non-payment since February 2012. This is yet another example where government’s administrative bungling results in the non-payment of its service providers. This unacceptable situation is proof enough that the promises recently made by the national chairperson of the ruling party, Ms Baleka Mbete, are hollow. Government touts small business development and entrepreneurship as a focus points to generate jobs, however actions speak louder than words. It is an undeniable fact that government is responsible for ruining many companies, because of its non-payment, thus forcing them to close their doors. Clearly the past, and current, election promises of the ruling party is nothing more than election rhetoric that never realises at grassroots level. We call on you and the relevant authorities to urgently attend to this matter. Kindly advise Bantu Holomisa, MP UDM President ——————————————————————————————– To: The Honourable Bantu Holomisa 17th April 2014 Dear Sir. My name is Barry Willows and I represent SBM Iron and Steel Manufacturers (Pty) Ltd herein after referred to as (SBM). In September 2011 we were in the process of concluding a deal to open a Steel Plant in the Coega Industrial Development Zone (CDZ). We had a site reserved right next to another applicant, called Agni Steel SA. In October 2011, we were approached by Economic Development Department (EDD) asking us to please consider moving our operation to Dimbaza, as Scaw Metals were closing down their foundry and retrenching 500+ staff. We agreed to look at it and after a rapid Due Diligence, and decided that it would be beneficial to construct a steel plant in Dimbaza, but would need to conduct a Detailed Feasibility Study (DFS) first. EDD agreed and they applied to the Employment Creation Fund for funding to conduct the DFS, and the structure was that EDD owned the Dimbaza DFS Project, and SBM were appointed as the Implementing Agency to conduct the study. In February 2012 the ECF approved the funding for the DFS. Memorandum of Agreements were drawn up between the DTI and EDD, and EDD and SBM respectively. These were signed by all parties in January 2012, and the transfer of funds was to occur within 30 day thereafter. Initial investigations by SBM showed the potential to open a steel mill and a Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) Plant, which combined has the possibility to create 700+ direct jobs. A support Letter was received from the ECDC offering SBM the use of any or all vacant factory space in Dimbaza. Besides the steel mill and DRI plant, the DFS is designed to convert all disused factories in Dimbaza into a steel hub or cluster whereby small businesses will be set up to fabricate products from the steel mill such as window and door frames, reinforced concrete, nuts, bolts, screws, nails, Eskom pylons, a galvanising plant etc. The aim is to create between 3000-5000 jobs and entrepreneurs in Dimbaza. To cut to the chase; let us fast forward to April 2014. Despite many promises of payment, continued correspondence, pleas, requests etc, absolutely nothing has happened. In fact, just last month March 2014, the DG of the DTI has requested a re-verification of all projects, whether approved or not to be conducted by Ernest and Young. So in effect the Dimbaza Project is right back to BEFORE we started. Whilst EDD and SBM felt this was unnecessary as this is only a feasibility study, SBM complied and a re-verification has been done on the Dimbaza Project, there has still been no further communication from the ECF and both EDD and SBM do not know what is happening. Agni Steel have since opened a R400 million billet plant at Coega, whilst SBM have still not received one cent to conduct the DFS to assess the viability of a Steel mill and cluster in Dimbaza. This has clearly frustrated job creation in the area, and we are concerned that this may continue as SBM and EDD receive information from the ECF that continuously fails to materialize. SBM has been promised the “Transfer of Funds” on so many occasions, but absolutely nothing ever comes of it. It continuously gets delayed for some reason or another. We have (and have had for over 14 months now), signed legal and binding agreements but still nothing ever materializes. All documentation is complete and with the ECF including tax clearance certificates etc, so there is absolutely no reason whatsoever for these hold-ups, but still they persist. We are appealing for your intervention as we know the Eastern Cape is very close to your heart, and we pray that we will be able to conclude the DFS as soon as possible so-as to possibly get a steel mill up and running and change the fortunes of the unemployed and destitute in Dimbaza. It would be greatly appreciated if you could intervene in the hope that you may be able to accelerate the process so that the Dimbaza Project can actually materialize and an employment initiative can be explored. Thank you and we look forward to implementing this exciting project soon. Kind Regards. B Willows SBM Iron & Steel Manufacturers (Pty) Ltd.
• Moderator/Programme Director • The leaders of other political parties • Members of the audience • My fellow South Africans INTRODUCTION Thank you to the Daily Dispatch for giving the United Democratic Movement (UDM) the opportunity to discuss our points of view regarding our plans to transform South Africa into a Winning Nation. CORRUPTION FROM TOP TO BOTTOM Although some progress has been made over the past five years, corruption sticks out like a sore thumb. It is undeniable that South Africa finds itself on the slippery slope of more regular incidents of serious corruption. We have become a jaded nation where we only notice the misappropriation of funds if there are billions of Rands involved. We are witnessing a government that more and more resembles the dreaded apartheid regime. Here we think of the dissolution of the Scorpions, the introduction of the Information Bill, undermining press freedom, attacking Chapter 9 institutions and abuse of State Owned Enterprises (such as the SABC). The other alarming reality is that we have a president that does not know how state moneys were used to build his private residence… also, what happened to the so-called “spy tapes”? We are talking about a government that does not have the word “accountability” in their vocabulary. AN UNHEALTHY DEMOCRACY IN ACTION Our democratic constitution seeks to guarantee our freedom, but this can only be achieved if the socio-economic environment allows the Bill of Rights to be manifested i.e. a return to the original agenda to better the lives of all South Africans. As a result of the high rate of unemployment and poverty, our people have taken to the streets to voice their dissatisfaction. Sadly, government does not even bother to listen to their desperate plight and instead dispatches the police to silence them. IS THE PICTURE SO BLEAK THAT WE MIGHT AS WELL THROW IN THE TOWEL? The main question that a voter should ask of him/herself is this: “Do I want to suffer another five years at the hand of a party that loots state resources and celebrates corruption?”. The UDM believes the answer should be “no” and that we can still salvage the situation. WHAT WILL THE UDM DO IF GIVEN THE MANDATED TO GOVERN The UDM fundamentally believes that job creation is the ultimate weapon to combat poverty, but that the economy must be managed properly to achieve this goal. Strong government intervention is required to ensure that we have, amongst others, functioning roads, electrification, water irrigation and reticulation, and an efficient rail network, which are required to ensure economic growth. There are more details on what the UDM offers the nation in our 2014 Election manifesto, which is available on www.udm.org.za, but I would like to raise some salient points: A UDM government commits, amongst others, to: Good governance: a) Restore respect for the rule of law. b) Put in place the necessary checks and balances to ensure that government money is not wasted. c) Instil respect for the separation of powers of government, legislatures and the judiciary. d) Introduce courts dedicated to handle cases of corruption; to swiftly eradicate corruption. The economy and job creation: e) Remove the red-tape that prevent small businesses from flourishing so that our citizens become wealth creators rather than employment seekers. f) Invest in the economy with a properly planned “map of infrastructure development” with emphasis on transparency and cooperation between government and the people. g) To defuse the tensions between the government, labour and the private sector in an effort to harmonise relationships in an open and transparent manner. h) Treat all provinces the same way, instead of the current tendency where budget allocations are biased towards provinces from where powerful individuals hail. Feeding SA – food security and rural development i) Use agriculture as a tool to expand our economy, create jobs and generate wealth, especially in rural areas. j) Prioritise the needs of our commercial and emerging farmers by developing policies that will enable them to fairly compete against their international counterparts. k) Restore the respect due to traditional leaders and create space for them to constructively interact with councillors and involve them in the decision-making processes, especially where development projects are concerned. Education: l) Involve all the relevant stakeholders in curriculum development. m) Translate the large education budget into quality education by developing and maintaining an education system that produces school-leavers and graduates that are equipped with job related and life skills. Health care: n) Bring health care infrastructure and services closer to the poor. o) Ensure that the budget allocation is spent on the services for which it is intended and no “savings” or rollovers will be tolerated. THE EASTERN CAPE IN PARTICULAR It is common knowledge that the Eastern Cape is heavily under budgeted given the two homelands and townships’ infrastructure that had to be integrated into in the developed infrastructure that was inherited in 1994. This has not happened. The UDM has identified the following key objectives for this province: a) Address the democracy dividend deficiency so that it becomes a model province in terms of all development goals. b) Make the Eastern Cape one of the key economic growth areas in the country, so that it becomes the 4th fastest growing economy in South Africa by 2019. c) Improve on the quality of life of the poorest in the province, by bringing essential public services closer to the people and increase the capacity of the institutions that provide those services e.g. healthcare, education, food security and local employment opportunities. d) In particular, turn around the performance of the departments of health and education. e) Provide effective local governance through appropriate personnel employment, proper planning and utilisation of resources as well as performance management. f) Restore the correct relationships between politicians and officials. g) This province is endowed with the most spectacular and under-utilised resource in the form of our environment. Our environment is a priceless asset; and yes, development is necessary, but not at the expense of our natural heritage. Our environment can be preserved and also be used as a tool to create jobs through tourism. CONCLUSION We cannot afford to sit with our arms folded whilst the majority of our people live in abject poverty – future generations will judge us harshly, because we let things slide on our watch. The UDM election campaign is inspired by hope, and the certainty, that this nation can overcome its challenges and deliver a better future for all South Africans. 7 May is around the corner! Make your vote count! Vote UDM Thank you
To: The Public Protector – Ms Thuli Madonsela Copy: The President of the Republic – Mr Jacob Zuma The Auditor General – Mr Thembekile Makwethu From: The UDM President – Mr Bantu Holomisa, MP subject: Department of Labour Compensation Fund: corruption and wasteful expenditure Dear Ms Madonsela The above mentioned matter has reference. R2,5 billion Compensation Fund investments misuse The UDM understands that the main purpose of this fund is to compensate for occupational injuries and diseases. Reserved funds normally are invested with the public investment cooperation for unforeseen mass occupational injuries that might occur in future and to cater for increases on injury on duty, monthly pensions for employees and dependents. Payment of advances to private companies – R546 million There are serious allegations which fingers the Compensation Commissioner who has paid some companies in advance to the tune of R546 million. He is alleged to have undertaken a very risky action by paying advances to these companies without any invoices to reconcile the payments. Debtor’s book has increased: R3,3 billion in 2010 to 8,9 billion in 2013 The Compensation Commissioner appointed a debt collector by the name of NICS since 2010 that has already been paid about R160m. In contrast, the debtors’ book has increased from to R3.3billion in 2010 when they took over from internal staff to R8.9 billion in 2013. This is evidence that NICS is not effective at all but is collecting on the efforts made by internal staff by charging 10% of collection. The contract was deliberately manipulated and changed by the Compensation Commissioner to deviate from the initial tender specification whereby NICS was supposed to collect on older debts beyond 180 days. NICS collects on simpler cases to make quick cash while internal staff is also pursuing the same cases. The Commissioner has flatly refused the legal advice by the Senior Council that the contract should have been terminated on grounds of poor performance. We therefore appeal to your good office, President’s office and the Auditor General to speedily attend to this seemingly looting spree taking place at the Compensation Fund. As you will be reading this document, especially Mr President, you will find that the Minister of Labour Ms Mildred Oliphant is being accused of conflict of interest with the Accenture IT Company, where her close relative is a director. As a result of this apparent corrupt relationship, Accenture was procured to a closed tender and the Minister did not declare her relationship to Accenture. Kindly advise. Mr Bantu Holomisa, MP UDM President
Address: by Bantu Holomisa at a UDM Elections Rally Community Hall, Seeisoville, Kroonstad • Mr Mbhazima Shilowa • Leaders of the UDM in the Free State • My fellow South Africans WELCOME This is the third rally, which the United Democratic Movement (UDM) organised this weekend. We yesterday moved from the Western Cape to the Eastern Cape and today we are here in the Free State. The previous weekend we hosted rallies in Limpopo, the North West and in Mpumalanga. The reason I mention this, is to prove to the doubting thomases that the UDM does not only exist in the Eastern Cape – we indeed have a national footprint. To all of you, I say “thank you” for welcoming the UDM in your midst. It is heartening to see so many citizens who share the ideal of transforming South Africa into a Winning Nation. STATE THE NATION Although some progress has been made over the past five years, corruption has become a hallmark of how the incumbent government conducts its business. We can no longer beat around the bush… it is a fact that corruption destroys the gains of our freedom. Simple. Once voters recognise the direct link between 1) the looting of state resources and poor service delivery and 2) a government that sees nothing wrong with corruption, it makes their decision so much easier. We cannot allow the same hyenas to stay in power for another five years. These people seem to live in a parallel universe where the poor can be ignored or made fools of. What we witnessed, when Youth League bash in Thembisa on 22 February, it was quite astounding to see their Mini Cooper and big bike brigade in action. If one considers, for example, that a 2014 Harley Davidson VRod Muscle motorcycle costs nearly R220,00 and that an entry level Mini Cooper sell at around R300,00, it gives one some perspective of what the future holds should they become the next generation of leaders in the African National Congress (ANC). This lurid and garish display of their fat wallets was totally discordant with what the ANC states as its priorities. Instead it just rubs salt in the wounds of the poor and jobless masses. On a side note, one cannot help but wonder where do they get the money to maintain their lavish lifestyles. Therefore, when you have your ballot papers in in hand, ask yourself this: “Do I want to again place my trust in a party that have made a total mockery of their promise to better the lives of our people. THE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR The Free State holds great promise, with over 30,000 farms, which produce over 70% of the country’s grain. It is therefore quite clear that agriculture is of paramount importance in the Free State. We don’t call it the breadbasket of our country for mahala. A UDM government will: • prioritise the needs of our farmers by developing policies to subsidise farmers that will enable them to fairly compete against their international counterparts. • protect the South African market from the dumping of subsidised products. • promote agriculture as a tool to expand our economy, create jobs and generate wealth. • put in place the necessary infrastructure that will create jobs and encourage the growth of more employment-creating agricultural-related enterprises, to slow down migration to urban areas i.e. we will bring decent jobs and financial emancipation closer to the people. The UDM believes that more opportunities should be created for emerging farmers and that they should be equipped with the right knowledge, skills, tools and infrastructure to make a make a commercial success of their farming activities. Aside from the obvious need to provide education and training to emerging farmers, a UDM government would establish a sectoral bank where they can apply for financing. Another creative solution that a UDM government would implement is “One-Stop Agricultural Service Centres” where farmers can: • ask for advice, • access to veterinary services. • find the tools and knowledge that are necessary to run their farms as businesses and also to have a market to sell their produce. RURAL SAFETY The safety and security of those who live in rural areas is of great concern, In addition the Free State is quite vulnerable when it comes to cross-border stock theft. A UDM government will introduce special units specifically involved in rural safety through the deployment of reserve forces and other government security agencies to provide safety and enhance border control to curb stock-theft and smuggling. LAND REFORM The matter of land reform still is a thorny issue that has to be addressed sooner rather than later. A UDM government will streamline the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform to speed up the processes and restore land to their rightful owners, because the delays causes uncertainty and tension. THE MINING SECTOR The Free State has plentiful mineral deposits, with gold and diamonds being of particular importance. A UDM government shall make mining one of the major points of discussion at the Economic Indaba that the UDM has long advocated for. In our view, some of the matters to be discussed are the: • question of mines and mineral wealth. • allocation of mining rights to the ruling elite and the implication thereof. • dealing with the socio-economic conditions of workers and the communities that settle close to where the jobs are. • controversial issue of mineworkers’ access, or lack thereof, to a provident fund worth billions of rands. • the unions’ investment arms and the pay-out of dividends to workers who have contributed to the fund. • the appointment of an independent commission of inquiry to investigate how these workers’ monies had been invested, especially in cases where the workers were retrenched, had retired or passed away. THE UNDERLYING RACISM IN THE FREE STATE Racism at the Free State University is of great concern. Every now and again this cauldron boils over. There are far too many incidents where white students humiliated and physically attacked black students. I do however think that the incident that shocked the nation to its core, was what happened when the so-called ‘Reitz Four” debased the dignity of some of the university’s staff to the point where I feel uncomfortable to describe what the victims had to endure. The UDM is of the view that there must be harsher punishment for South Africans who make themselves guilty of hate crime in the hope that it will prevent future incidents. CONCLUSION South Africans must take charge of the future of our country. Each citizen has a number of basic human rights as described our Bill of Rights. What we should however remember is that those rights comes with concomitant responsibilities. On the 7th of May, the people will have an opportunity to bring change to South Africa and the only way this can be successful is that voters much punish the ANC for their failures. To the UDM teams who have worked tirelessly to make this event a success, thank you for your hard work. Seven (7) May is right around the corner and we have to work tirelessly to persuade our fellow South Africans that the UDM is a viable alternative. Good luck in your campaigning. Thank you
• Leaders of the UDM in the Eastern Cape • UDM public representatives • My fellow South Africans WELCOME The 2014 elections campaign of the United Democratic Movement (UDM) is gaining momentum. Just this morning I addressed a full-hall in Khayelitsha. Tomorrow Mhbazima Shilowa and I will be in Kroonstad in the Free State. I want to take this opportunity to thank you for making the time to listen to what the UDM would do if it was given the opportunity to govern the Eastern Cape. STATE THE NATION Let’s however discuss the state of the nation first. Every five years, South Africans brave the long queues at voting stations to exercise their right to choose the political party which they think will best govern their province and this country. Although some progress has been made over the past five years, corruption sticks out like a sore thumb. It of course has many negative implications for our citizens, but it also results in the South Africa’s downgrading on international ratings indexes and this in turn negatively impacts on direct foreign investment. The main question that voters should ask themselves is this: “Do I want to suffer for another five years at the hand of a party that loots state resources and celebrate corruption?”. It is astounding that the African National Congress (ANC) had the audacity to “reroute” millions of taxpayers’ money into building a lodge for President Zuma; and they go into defence-mode and try to justify ridiculous things, such as the need to have a swimming pool, just in case one of the thatched roofs catches fire. Who are they kidding? President Zuma, is an ANC deployee; in other words the citizen of South Africa did not elect him to power. The next question that springs to mind is: “Why are they treating him differently?” – especially given how they unceremoniously got rid of President Mbeki, albeit for different reasons. Many South Africans are sickened by the flagrant arrogance of the president and his party. They hold the Public Protector in blatant contempt and, without any shame, hurl personal insults at Advocate Madonsela. Seven (7) May is around the corner, and voters should take a critical look at the way the ANC has left our people in the dirt and dust of an inequitable society. We will probably also be in agreement that the various provinces are not treated equally. If you doubt this statement, just compare the budget allocations and distribution of resources in the nine provinces. STATE OF THE EASTERN CAPE It is common knowledge that this province is heavily under budgeted given the two homelands and townships’ infrastructure that had to be integrated into in the developed infrastructure that was passed on in 1994. This has not happened. To mention but a few of the problems: the roads in the Eastern Cape are impassable; there is a shortage of water; no fencing of graze lands and mealie fields, etc. The infrastructure of the former homelands and in townships are in a shocking state of disrepair. When you travel the Transkei, the Ciskei and places like here in Duncan Village, Mdantsane and the townships of Port Elizabeth you might think you have entered a 3rd world country. It boggles the mind that the very organisation that purports to have the best interest of our people at heart, has failed them so spectacularly – it has almost leaves you with the perception that our people are worse off than when they were under the apartheid government. This is a travesty, and the voters should punish the ANC for putting the future of the poor masses on the back burner or they simply stick their heads in the ground and practice ostrich politics. Only the few have struck it lucky sit in the pound seats when it comes dishing out money. It is very ironic that the Comrades in Corruption in government have to hire consultants to do their jobs… and of course many of those consultants are linked in the chain of corruption in that spills over into the private sector. BUT WHAT WILL THE UDM DO DIFFERENTLY? A UDM government shall take the necessary steps to ensure that the following six, critical objectives should be met to turn this province around, they are to: 1. Address the democracy dividend deficiency in the Eastern Cape, so that it becomes a model province in terms of all development goals. 2. Make the Eastern Cape one of the key economic growth areas in the country, so that it becomes the 4th fastest growing economy in South Africa by 2019. 3. Improve the quality of life of the poorest in the province, by bringing essential public services closer to the people and; Also to increase the capacity of all institutions that provide those services, such as healthcare, educational opportunities, food production and security and local employment opportunities. 4. Turn around the performance of provincial government, but in particular the departments of health and education. 5. Provide effective local governance by employing qualified people, with the right skills-sets, in the right places. Proper planning, the appropriate use of resources and performance management and monitoring are key issues. 6. The celebration of corruption, which has somehow developed in a competition to see who outsmarts whom, must be brought to an end. We will therefore implement policies that ensure that the best talented, properly trained and competent persons are appointed; in other words, political deployment will become a thing of the past. Should you be interested, we will make the detailed information on how we will go about reaching these six goals. CONCLUSION We cannot afford to sit with our arms folded whilst the majority of our people live in abject poverty – future generations will judge us harshly, because we let things slide on our watch. The UDM members and supporters must hit the ground running. Go out there, paint the Eastern Cape in UDM yellow! Speak to the people and spread the gospel of the UDM. To all of the leaders, party members and people who form part of our campaign teams across the length and breadth of the Eastern Cape, thank you for your commitment thus far. We must now change gears because time is running out! 7 May is around the corner! Good luck in your campaigning. Thank you
• Leaders of the UDM in the Western Cape • UDM Public representatives • My fellow South Africans WELCOME Welcome to this rally of the United Democratic Movement (UDM). Thank you for spending your time with us; thank you for coming to listen to what the UDM believes is needed so that we can transform South Africa into a Winning Nation. We hope that you leave this rally, equipped with the necessary knowledge to make an informed decision when you cast your vote on 7 May 2014. You are today part of an historic event. This meeting is a demonstration that it is possible for us to take charge of our country’s future, because we have the guts to take responsibility as stakeholders and investors in our country’s future. It is therefore my honour, on this day, to share this platform with a friend and comrade, Mr Mbhazima Shilowa. Welcome to the club Sam! Thank you for aligning yourself, and your followers, with the dreams and ideals of the UDM i.e. achieve an equitable society and a healthy democracy in South Africa. STATE THE NATION Every five years, South Africans meet at the voting station to choose the political party, which they think, will best govern their province and this country. The voters will reflect on the progress made over the last five years, however, corruption sticks out like a sore thumb. Corruption is one of the main reasons why South Africa is downgraded in the international ratings and this negatively impacts on direct foreign investment In the end the voters of this country must decide whether they want another five years of looting and abuse of state resources and the celebration of corruption. The most recent example of this corruption is that government spent millions-and-millions of rands to build a lodge and a “fire pool” for the president at Nkandla. What nauseates many South Africans even further is the flagrant arrogance of the president and his party. They show nothing but disdain – and did not even blink an eye when they launched the unwarranted attack on the Public Protector. President Zuma, is a deployee of the African National Congress (ANC), the people did not elect him to power. The ANC should have summarily dealt with him, as it did when it unceremoniously got rid of President Mbeki, albeit for different reasons. Right now there is much noise in support of the idea that parliament must attend to this fiasco, but – with due respect – parliament has failed to deal with corruption and this includes Nkandla. We know very well what the ANC’s stance is on the matter. Why then should we waste our time; the next Parliament must be given a fresh mandate by the people. Come 7 May, voters must decide whether they want to put their eggs in the ANC’s basket. They must decide whether they want to suffer another five years of looting of state resources. LEVELS OF GOVERNMENT: WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT? There are definite signs that the deal that was struck in 1994, to create a quasi-federal system (i.e. a central government, distinct from the individual governments of the provinces), has enforced racism and tribalism. You are likely to agree with the UDM that the various provinces are not treated the same. If you doubt this, just take a look at the skewed budget allocations and distribution of resources from one province to the next. That said, the Western Cape has a problem that sets it apart from the other eight provinces. More often than not, the provincial and national governments are at loggerheads and they each refuse to employ reason and logic. This practice of grudge politics is counterproductive. Whilst they merrily attack each other, the people wallow in the malaise of poverty, underdevelopment, whilst service delivery is at an all-time low. The Democratic Alliance (DA) and the ANC spend more time slinging mud at each other, instead of focussing on finding solutions, which will have a positive impact on the lives of the Western Cape’s citizens. A side-effect, of this political grandstanding, is that the aforementioned parties are – either wilfully or unwittingly – polarising the people in this province. It is an inescapable reality that this fans the flame of tension between different communities in this province. Amidst the debris of these battles, the people of the Cape Flats still remain forgotten and live in the very same shacks they lived in since the early 80’s. Not the ANC or the DA can claim that they have made a tangible changes to the lives of these people. The only worth that is associated with the poor is that they serve as mere voting cattle. Another reality that seems to escape the powers that be, is that Premier Helen Zille and her government, are not a law unto themselves. Like any other premier, she is accountable to central government – whether she likes it or not. The UDM takes a dim view of both the central (ANC) and the provincial (DA) governments’ inability to swallow their pride, to set their difference aside, to serve the people of this province. SOCIO-ECONOMIC PROBLEMS IN THE PROVINCE One of the socio-economic problems in this province (which of course is not unique) is service delivery protests. It is clear that the provincial administrations of the ANC and the DA turned a blind eye to the poor for decades. The people are so frustrated and angry that the only way in which they can elicit a reaction from government is by burning tires on the streets, blocking highways and tossing stones at innocent road users. The UDM has a strong stance against civil disobedience, but we have some understanding of the plight of these disenfranchised communities. The domino effect then sets in – service delivery protests leads to the perception that Cape Town is an unsafe travel destination. This in turn impacts negatively on much needed income that is generated through tourism. In the meantime our young people are lured into crime, drugs and the gangsterism, because of underdevelopment and lack of education in disadvantaged communities – especially in rural areas and in the townships. Yes, we agree, the South African Police Service should pull up their socks, but the sad reality is that active policing only addresses only the symptoms and not the underlying problem. The DA can hold as many marches as it likes and hand over memorandums to the police, but that solves nothing. The root cause of the problems should be addressed. A UDM government will “go back to basics” i.e. the implementation of the original agenda, which is to ensure a better life for all South Africans. In this regard, our manifesto and policies describe what the UDM will do should it be given an opportunity to govern. ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND WEALTH CREATION The Western Cape is not endowed with mineral riches, but it makes up for that in terms of income generated through tourism, the winemaking industry and other agricultural activities. The problem is that the income generated from the aforementioned sectors very rarely reaches the desperately poor. The gap between the rich and the poor is ever widening in this province. In addition, Cape Town used to be dotted with factories where clothing, shoes and other such products were produced. These factories generated many jobs because they are labour intensive. Where did all these companies disappear to… and why? . The UDM believes that enterprising South Africans should be funded through sectoral banks. In this regard we are particularly reminded of small fishery concerns and aquaculture. CULTURAL HISTORY OF THE PROVINCE No matter from which perspective you look at the Western Cape’s history, the fact remains that this province is endowed with a very rich cultural history. However the indigenous communities have voiced concerns that they are disenfranchised. A UDM delegation recently visited the Khoisan King. The King and his headmen conveyed their feelings that government, on national and provincial levels, have ignored them to a great extent and have undermined the role that traditional leaders play in the Western Cape. CONCLUSION The UDM members and supporters must hit the ground running. Go out there, speak to the people and spread the gospel of the UDM. We cannot afford to sit with our arms folded whilst the majority of our people live in abject poverty, for future generations will judge us harshly, because we let bad things happen on our watch. Time is running out, 7 May is around the corner! Good luck in your campaigning. I thank you
His Excellency, Mr JG Zuma, President of the Republic South Africa The Minister of Social Development Chairperson of the South African Human Rights Commission Chairperson of the National Council of Churches This matter has reference. I recently visited many of the surrounding mining townships and villages in the North West and Limpopo – amongst others, Marikana, Impala No 9, Ntabeni and Smasha Block. The women and children of these communities are worse affected and are quite literally starving. Families explained that in the past their children were given food on a daily basis at their schools and that this is no longer the norm. Because family members have gone on strike, children go to school hungry, return home hungry and mothers and fathers are unable to buy food. I suggest that delegates from the Presidency, the Ministry of Social Development, the Human Rights Commission and the National Council of Churches go to see for themselves the dire situation these communities are in. We call on you to help these women and children on humanitarian grounds. Should you need any additional information please contact my office Regards Bantu Holomisa, MP President of the United Democratic Movement
The United Democratic Movement (UDM) pays tribute to a friend and comrade, the late Chris Hani, on the 21st anniversary of his assassination. The unwarranted murder of Chris Hani robbed South Africa one of its most charismatic and principled sons thus drastically changing the course this country would have taken. Hani’s unshakable belief in the eradication of poverty, prosperous and corruption free South Africa, amongst many other noble ideas, would have undoubtedly steered this country firmly towards the original values as enshrined in the constitution. We must never forget, as we look back towards the tragic moments of his brutal killing, that his untimely death united our people who became more resolute that our freedom could no longer be delayed. However, 20 years later corruption is now pulling the rug right under our feet. The promise of that freedom and the dream of 1994 of re-construction and development, and better life for all, has become illusive for the majority. We in the UDM believes that South Africa today requires a leader, like Hani, who has a passion for the poor, justice, equality – and therefore the love of a nation. South Africa yearns for a true and steadfast leader whose belief in integrity, the unity and prosperity of our people will touch millions in this country. In commemorating Hani’s life we remember him with fondness believing that he had planted enough seeds for South Africa to be able produce another outstanding leader like him during these troubled times.
The Chairperson of the Electoral Commission, Advocate Pansy Tlakula, has brought the Electoral Commission into disrepute in terms of Chapter 2, Paragraph 9 (c) of the Electoral Commission’s act (51 of 1996) which states that: “ (9) No members of the commission: (c) may, by his or her membership, association, statement, conduct or in any other manner place in jeopardy his or her perceived independence, or in any other manner harm the credibility, impartiality, independence in integrity of the commission. “ Adv Tlakula’s association with a senior leader of the African National Congress (ANC), namely the chairperson of the finances portfolio committee, has compromised the Commission’s integrity and independence. Adv Tlakula not only broke the rules when she was Chief Electoral Officer, but also in her position as the Chairperson of Electoral Commission when she flatly refused to cooperate with the forensic audit sanctioned National Treasury as endorsed by Parliament. The United Democratic Movement is not surprised that the ANC is defending Adv Tlakula’s actions, because they firmly embedded within Independent Electoral Commission – this despite two credible organisations finding that she is on the wrong side of the law.
The United Democratic Movement is disappointed, but not surprised, that President Zuma has once again side-stepped the issue of Nkandla in a desperate attempt to kick for touch. His response, as articulated by his spokesperson Mr Mac Maharaj, is inadequate and almost contemptuous of the Public Protector’s office. It is an indication of how little respect they have for the Public Protector as an institution that derives its power and legitimacy from our constitution. The President, consistent with his party and his government’s views, continues to put the inter-ministerial report, and now the police and the Special Investigating Unit (SIU), at the same level as the office of the Public Protect or. The inter-ministerial report places the president and government as a judge in their own case. This is unacceptable. No other intuitions can be considered more credible than the office of the Public Protector. The president must not hide behind the SIU, whose work and credibility cannot be equated with that of the Public Protector. We will rally all opposition parties to respond adequately to these delaying tactics of the president.
• Traditional leaders • Leaders of religious organisations • Provincial Office Bearers of the UDM in the Eastern Cape • UDM Public Representatives • My fellow South Africans and Transkeians INTRODUCTION We stand at the precipice of what can be a great change in the future of our country – in your futures. We can all agree that many things have gone right in the past 20 years, but the tragedy of the South African story unfortunately lies in the things that have gone wrong. THE STATE OF THE EASTERN CAPE The Eastern Cape is the step-child of a government that does not listen to the cries for help from the people in this province. The ruling party prefers to practice ostrich politics and ignore you. It is common knowledge that the Eastern Cape is heavily under budgeted given the two homelands and townships’ infrastructure that had to be integrated into in the developed infrastructure that was inherited in 1994. This has not happened. For instance, the roads are impassable, there is a shortage of water and no fencing of graze lands and mealie fields, etc. The infrastructure of the former homelands and townships are in a shocking state of disrepair. When you reach the Transkei, the Ciskei and places like Duncan Village, Mdantsane and the townships of Port Elizabeth, it feels as if you have entered a third world. One of the main threats to the Transkei region, for example, is the short supply of water. Any businessperson, in his or her right mind, would think twice before starting any commercial endeavour in towns such as Mthatha, because water supply is either non-existent or erratic. Our buildings are run down; our streets have more holes than tarred surfaces, and they are just plain dirty. If you go down the streets of the cities and towns, the paint flakes from the walls and roofs of the buildings. It is a sad and ugly sight. No-one respects the bylaws and they are definitely not enforced. Our towns are fast becoming slums and is threatening hygiene. It becomes worse when some business persons sleep inside their shops. Our people experience this phenomenon as a cultural shock. Government buildings are in a state of disrepair and our schools and hospitals are falling apart. Who would want to invest in a city or town that bears such scars of abject neglect? We see that there is absolutely no co-ordination between the local and district municipalities, as well as the provincial and national governments. This has resulted in the breakdown of discipline, and anarchy prevails where people build where they want to. Even in the villages people build in commonage areas with not respect for the traditional institutions. Government funds, in other words every cent we pay for tax, are syphoned off to consultants that are appointed to do government’s work through corrupt tender processes. Many small companies who win tenders are ruined because the ruling party and its government do not pay them on time. As a result of this ineptitude many business are forced to close down. This once great region, that produced some of the finest minds and struggle icons in the country, have become an embarrassment to its people. The current leaders of the ruling party is not only blatantly insulting their memory, but their actions are an affront to the people. We have heard how learners in KwaZulu-Natal have benefitted from state of the art computer laboratories with broadband internet access. The question at the top of our minds is: “Why are those children more important than those in the other provinces – the Eastern Cape included?” This is pure discrimination at the expense of our children. Simple. When the ruling party came into power, they threw away the baby with the bathwater and destroyed all the good things they inherited without spending a moment of thought to the consequences. In their lack of wisdom, they took away the incentives that made it attractive for companies to build their factories closer to the people who desperately need a source of income. The policies and programmes that worked in the past were callously left by the wayside, because the ruling party did not have a future vision for the province. Here we think of the units that combatted soil erosion and eradicated alien species, as well as the numerous maintenance and agricultural projects. Lastly, the people of this province have been treated as nothing more than voting cattle. Every five years, just before an election, the ruling party honchos come around and promises heaven and earth. After the results are announced, they suffer from selective amnesia and leave you in the dust of their passing gravy train. WHAT DOES THE FUTURE HOLD FOR THE EASTERN CAPE? The reality is that should voters reward the ANC with another five years to loot state resources, this province will sink even deeper in the quagmire of underdevelopment and corruption. The Eastern Cape will fall even further behind the rest of the provinces. As we speak they misused over R22 million that was intended to improve schools, hospitals, housing, etc. They diverted the funds to the Madiba’s memorial service, but in in real terms it was used to buy ANC election material. If I had the opportunity to influence things here in the Eastern Cape, and this I can say from experience, the future of this province will be ensured once we return to the original agenda, which is to better the lives of all South Africans – and especially those who live in the Eastern Cape. As leader of the United Democratic Movement (UDM), I am not interested in theories and promises. You will remember that I have successfully done this job in the past and the ethics of good governance was at the top of our list of priorities. I am only interested in practical solutions that will make a real difference to the lives of the people in this province. Collectively we need to speak with one voice and make it clear that the government that comes after this election must to do more and prioritise the development of this province. We need to recapture the lost ground in the area of education. This province was once the fountain of education for the whole country. We need to once more seriously interrogate the lack of discipline and the selling of drugs in our towns and villages CONCLUSION Each of you have the right to say “no” to corruption and poor service delivery. Let us make our voices heard and say: “We will not stand for the looting of state resources”. You have the power to demonstrate to our forefathers and mothers (many of whom paid the ultimate price for our freedom) that you can take charge of your futures and build on their legacy, instead of destroying it. The UDM calls on the traditional leaders, as the custodians of our country’s traditions, norms and future direction, to play a critical role in ensuring that our people’s right to dignity is restored and protected. The UDM also calls on the leaders of religious groupings, who are the moral compass of our nation, to lead their flocks on the path of morality and ethics. Take your rightful position, as you did in the Apartheid years, and remind our people that discrimination on any basis is wrong. We must stand together and fight to realise the dream of the Rainbow Nation. There is hope for South Africa and the UDM can lead real change in your lives. When you make your mark on the 7th of May, I want you to remember, that the power is in your hands. Think of our future and that of our children. I thank you
The United Democratic Movement (UDM) is outraged at the blatant attempt by the Buffalo City Municipality to sweep under the carpet the R10 million housing scandal implicating a senior African National Congress (ANC) official. Also, it was widely reported that Koko Godlo, whose company was awarded the tender, was appointed by the ANC to head its elections campaign for 2014. The link to the ruling party is clear. It is no wonder that he was just given the R10 million tender without the proper processes being followed. The United Democratic Movement (UDM) has lodged a complaint with the Public Protector in the Eastern Cape and requested an investigation into the matter. The council’s official response to media enquiries shows disdain of public accountability and press freedom. This attitude of the ANC-led municipality confirms our firm view that the people of South Africa, and particularly those in Buffalo City, must use the forthcoming elections to reclaim their freedom. Almost every day the poor citizens of Buffalo City are presented with a range scandals of gross misuse of the people’s money (imali yabahlali) which undermine their freedom yet rates and taxes continue to rocket. The UDM calls on the Mayor to table the report at an urgent council meeting whilst also suspending the fat cats of Buffalo City. It was reported that city officials had salary increases and yet their capacity to deliver is far below average – if it even exists. Each of voter in Buffalo City has the right to say “no” to corruption and poor service delivery. Make your voices heard and say: “We will not stand for the looting of state resources”. There is hope for South Africa and the UDM can lead real change in your lives. Voters need to think about an alternative because the incumbent government has failed our people in the worst way. The UDM is that alternative.
The following political parties, ACDP, AgangSA, Azapo, Cope, DA, EFF, FF+, IFP, UCDP and UDM met today to discuss various issues regarding their concerns around the practical processes of Elections 2014, the findings around the lease agreement of the Independent Electoral Commission’s (IEC) head office, manipulation of the public broad caster, as well as the Nkandla Scandal. PRACTICAL MATTERS REGARDING ELECTIONS 2014 Some of the practical matters that were discussed are: 1. Numbering and security features of ballot papers. 2. Allocation and distribution of ballot papers to each voting station and the security thereof. 3. Allegations of IEC officials intimidating party agents. 4. The names of the companies that: • Print the ballot papers, • Are responsible for capturing votes. • Are responsible to transport ballot papers from the printers to the IEC’s warehouse. 5. Allocation of airtime for Public Electoral Broadcasts (PEBs) to various political parties. 6. The role of international and national observers. 7. Appointment of presiding officers and the involvement of partisan persons. 8. Standardisation of assistance to voters who need help, such as blind or illiterate persons. THE IEC’s SERVICE PROVIDERS The Electoral Commission undertook to make known the names of all the services providers that • are involved in the production of the ballot papers, • their distribution and security, • as well as the IT companies who are responsible for capturing of votes. APPOINTMENT OF PRESIDING OFFICERS The political parties agreed that no person may be appointed as a Presiding Officer if they are affiliated with any political formation, such as the Sadtu. POLITICAL PARTIES’ VIEWS ON THE CHAIRPERSON OF THE ELECTORAL COMMISSION The subject of the implementation of both the Public Protector’s recommendations, as well as the findings of National Treasury’s forensic audit, regarding the IEC lease agreement of its head office, was discussed at length. Some political parties expressed the view that the good international reputation of the IEC has been tainted and it creates doubt that the Commission that can preside over free and fair elections. All the political parties present, with the exception of the Democratic Alliance and the Freedom Front Plus, agreed that Adv. Pansy Tlakula, the incumbent Chairperson of the Electoral Commission, must resign immediately. Should she refuse to resign, the parties who are in agreement will pursue legal action. The political parties have agreed to establish a small committee to discuss joint action regarding the matter and those details will be disclosed at a later stage. NKANDLA SCANDAL The leaders of the political parties will meet to discuss the matter after President’s Zuma’s reaction tomorrow as was ordered by the Public Protector.
President Jacob Zuma’s latest outburst, in response to Public Protector Thuli Madonsela’s findings on Nkandla, is yet another demonstration that he is not a moral agent and unfit to lead South Africa. Firstly, Mr Zuma – as the chief executive of the country – ought to have known everything that related to government spending at his private residence. Particularly given the amount of public money involved. His continued posture, playing ignorant, does not only expose his ineptitude, but also his moral incompetence. Secondly, whether or not he was aware, this gross maladministration and corruption literally happened right under his nose – in his own backyard – upon the instruction and under the supervision of the ministers he had appointed. Thirdly, there is enough evidence that shows President Zuma’s intimate involvement in the project, which is in direct contrast to what he said in public. The Public Protector’s report states that: “It is my considered view that the president tacitly accepted the implementation of all measures at his residence and has unduly benefited from the enormous capital investment“. Fourthly, Mr Zuma’s personal architect, Mr Makhanya, who seemed to have his own interests at heart, is implicated in wrong-doing and possible criminal acts. Surely, the president is morally responsible for the acts and/or omissions of his personal architect. Mr Zuma continuously claims to be unaware of everything; from the Waterkloof scandal to the billions of dollars reportedly cached in South Africa by former Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi. Clearly the president cannot be entrusted with the stewardship of South Africa. The United Democratic Movement (UDM) has no doubt that the president was fully aware of the project, progress and undue benefits. The UDM agrees with African National Congress Member of Parliament, Mr Pallo Jordan, that Mr Zuma’s administration is littered with scandals and that he must have the moral courage to take responsibility. The president and his government cannot be allowed to lie to the public forever. The citizens must take charge. This is our country.
1. Why the new South Africa needs a new economic plan The South African economy fails to deliver what is expected of it. It is acknowledged that certain fundamentals are in place, but it is equally true that the urgently required jobs and economic growth are not materialising. Since 1994 hundreds of thousands of jobs have been destroyed and formal employment shrinks at an alarming rate. These are the signs of an economy held afloat by potential that has not been properly unleashed. Expectations about the economy and its potential for growth were justifiably high in 1994, when the first democratic government was elected. It was assumed that the end of sanctions combined with international goodwill and aid, as well as the extensive natural and human resources of the Country would all contribute to a healthy and fast growing economy capable of swiftly rectifying the damage done by the isolated Apartheid government. This document aims to build on the positive strides that have been taken and to address the shortcomings that prevent the South African economy from reaching its full potential and improving the quality of life of all South Africans. The present government lacks policies aimed at alleviating the need of especially the poor and economically marginalised people. As a result all South Africans find themselves poorer than in 1994, and poverty is on the increase on all fronts. It is critical that we recognise that a responsible government cannot depend on market forces alone, and sit back while the economy and the quality of life of all its citizens are destroyed. In the final analysis, the needs of every South African citizen are rooted in the need for to a decent job and income. Therefore massive unemployment is at the root of every significant challenge facing South Africa today. The economic choices need not be as stark as either extreme leftwing socialism, or extreme neo-liberal capitalism. In a globalising world no responsible government can allow itself to be caught in this ideological trap at the expense of its citizens. That is why supposedly staunch capitalist countries practice some form of state intervention, and vice versa why many supposedly firm socialist countries have introduced some form of open markets. It must be acknowledged that the terror attacks against the United States of America will mean a significant shift in the international agenda of the developed world, placing further responsibility on the South African government to engage in economic and social infrastructure development. With a responsible government we mean, “A government willing to help all of its people become productive and self-reliant, capable of taking care of themselves and to contribute to the whole Country’s success.” The UDM intends to place the faltering economy on a higher growth path. The UDM economic policy focuses on job creation with two broad strategy pillars, namely small business development and planned sustainable development aimed at infrastructure delivery. Small business development is based on the belief that the most rapid and sustainable method of creating jobs is through small businesses, but this will require removing all the obstacles that have prevented small business growth to date. Since 1994 there has been a heavy emphasis on attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) which did not realise as was originally expected. At the same time government has neglected the encouragement of domestic investment. The UDM will pursue planned sustainable development programmes to promote domestic investment in our economy. South Africans are suspicious and mistrust government because of perceptions that government is not equitably distributing the resources of the Country. The resources are exclusively enjoyed by a new privileged political elite. There is no consensus on a macro-economic policy that can transform the economy in a manner that could create and spread wealth wider and improve the lot of the disadvantaged majority. There are in particular concerns about the inadequacies and contradictions of the fiscal, industrial and labour policies. The government’s order of priorities leaves much to be desired. Therefore the UDM proposes the establishment of a Presidential Council on planned sustainable development to reach consensus on these issues. In order for the Council to succeed the UDM suggests that it could be composed of the business community, labour, key state departments, institutions of traditional leadership, NGOs, civil society, religious groupings, youth, women and others. The Presidential Council will operate with nine provincial planned sustainable development substructures to accommodate and coordinate development at provincial and local government level. We will introduce a policy of intervention by the state in the economy through planned sustainable development programmes that create jobs on a large scale whilst developing and maintaining infrastructure for the whole South Africa. These programmes will enhance economic and social infrastructure to increase the quality of life of all the people and communities of South Africa. The ultimate aim must be to ensure that the people of South Africa live in communities that are economically and socially viable. The UDM recommends that a new body, the Presidential Council on planned sustainable development must be established to oversee the restructuring of public enterprises, so that the proceeds flowing from this process will be used to address backlogs and the imbalances of the past. We will look at models of other free market economies that had successes with state intervention in the economy, to determine which lessons can be applied to South Africa. The UDM presents policies to South Africa to prove that there is indeed a responsible policy alternative that can increase economic growth and create jobs. 2. Vision statement The UDM proposes that government must be focussed on job creation and stimulating economic growth, investor confidence and efficient service delivery, but must be equally aware, and willing, to responsibly intervene with the economy to open up business and employment opportunities for all South Africans. The core of this economic plan is small business development. The UDM’s vision is to vigorously pursue policies that encourage and open up opportunities for individuals, single households, or groups of people to start and sustain their own small businesses. Through these activities they will empower and enrich themselves materially and spiritually, provide employment to others in their communities and enhance the general well being of society. The role of government is to promote and encourage the policies that will kick start business opportunity and enable small businesses to grow and prosper. Currently many South Africans cannot start small businesses due to obstacles, such as a lack of access to capital. 3. Broad objectives The UDM’s economic plan combines a sustainable higher rate of real economic growth with a manageable budget deficit and responsible government intervention in the economy aimed at infrastructure development and job creation. The aim is to stimulate investor confidence, and bring about faster job creation, and more efficient service delivery. South Africa needs an inspiring and shared economic vision of where we are going in the next ten years, in which all South Africans will feel that they have an important part to play in making the Country an economic, social and political success. By trying to do too many things at once, government often fails to succeed. Government has therefore too many priorities putting its capacity and resources to deliver under severe pressure. It is faced with an overload of priorities and often focuses on peripheral issues, whilst neglecting major issues. The UDM believes that our economic goals should be prioritised, namely: Achieving a rate of real economic growth of five to six per cent per annum, which we believe can be made sustainable. Turning the economy from “jobless growth” to “job-creating growth” by embarking on a job creation initiative that will not only reduce the current unemployment levels, but also create opportunities for new job seekers. This will be achieved with two broad strategies. Firstly, small business development will aim to unleash the job creation potential of small business by removing obstacles limiting or preventing their growth. Secondly, planned sustainable development programmes will be aimed at creating jobs through the development of new infrastructure and the maintenance of existing infrastructure. Alleviating poverty and reducing inequality predominantly through the creation of jobs and the expansion of business opportunities in our society, and assisting the poor to escape the poverty trap and become self-reliant and productive contributors to the economy. A Basic Service Subsidy, to assist poor people to afford basic service rates. This will also address the current discrimination against the rural poor, with urban areas being favoured for housing subsidies. 4. Specific proposals The UDM regards the following fourteen issues as critically important parts of an economic policy. 4.1. Job creation through economic growth Since 1994, the present government has failed to solve the economic problems of our Country and has not provided impetus to sustainable economic growth and investment. The fact that the Minister of Finance expects an average real economic growth rate of 3.3% per year over the medium term expenditure framework is not good enough for South Africa, particularly as we may not even sustain economic growth at that rate. Unless we are able to achieve an average real economic growth rate of five to six percent per year over a long period, we will not be able to reduce the backlog of unemployment and poverty in South Africa, let alone create new and sustainable job opportunities and addressing inequalities in our society. Unemployment remains the Achilles heel of the South African economy. Official statistics estimate that the level of unemployment in the formal sector of the economy is approximately twenty-five percent, while some analysts estimate it as substantially higher. Under the present government, the economy has under performed in many areas in relation to its potential, and has not achieved the much higher levels of economic growth needed to reduce unemployment and poverty. It is simply not possible to continue with economic policies that do not allow people to grow their economy and to create jobs. The UDM believes that the creative spirit inherent in many South Africans must be unleashed to create jobs. This can be done through a policy of small business development, whereby citizens can become wealth creators. A creative business spirit and capacity can be fostered by identifying and overhauling obstacles like unnecessary legislation and regulations, creating access to capital, establishing accessible markets for products, and by appropriate education, training and skills development. Alternative and innovative financing options will be facilitated to assist small entrepreneurs. Such options will include the establishment of local stock exchanges, small and medium business investment corporations, community development banks, negotiations with investment and insurance funds for venture capital, and the establishment of credible micro-finance institutions. We need a holistic plan for the development of South Africa. This includes infrastructure development that creates for government the opportunity to responsibly intervene in the economy. Rapid infrastructure development and maintenance should be designed to stimulate economic development, growth and job creation. In this regard government will be an important role player, coordinating the efforts of all spheres of government through planned sustainable development programmes. The UDM will steer the Country in the direction of high economic growth by improving the confidence of all participants in the economy. A major challenge is to close the gap between the “haves” and the “have-nots” by enabling our people through sustainable economic development, making South Africa a world-class nation in ten years. It is essential to engage representatives of all socio-economic sectors, including all spheres of government, business, labour, churches and NGOs in active discussion on a one-to-one basis to ensure maximal economic policy cohesion and consensus for progress and development. Big talk-shops, such as NEDLAC will be abolished. The UDM proposes specifically, in its public works policy for job creation and infrastructure development programmes, the establishment of a new body, the Presidential Council on Planned Sustainable Development. Labour and all other economic and social stakeholders will find that this new forum will be a much better mechanism to implement, and not only talk about, economic and social programmes that increase the quality of life of all South Africans. Labour and all other participants in the Presidential Council will become signatories to a Development Accord that recognises that the economic and social upliftment of all South Africans is the number one priority of every South African committed to making the new democratic South Africa an economic and social success, and attracting domestic and foreign investment. The UDM recognises the key role of international and domestic tourism in job creation. It is estimated that tourism currently contributes approximately only 5% of our GDP, whilst it is possible to double it over the medium term. It is estimated that such growth could create as many as 750 000 jobs. The UDM will therefore actively pursue policies and actions to promote tourism. Greater government resources will be dedicated to develop and market tourism in South Africa and to stimulate the local and international market. The concept of Transfrontier Conservation Areas (TFCAs) or “peace parks”, spanning the borders of countries in the Southern African region, should be endorsed by SADC as a regional priority where governments will become the drivers of this concept. The South African government should play a leading role in this process and thereby contribute to increasing tourism to South Africa and the region. Tourist infrastructure will have to be modernised. 4.2. Manageable Budget deficit The UDM supports the concept of a Manageable Budget Deficit, requiring fiscal discipline to ensure that government borrowing does not exceed reasonable limits, but allowing government the leeway to invest in infrastructure delivery, thereby creating jobs, to address imbalances and inequality. The UDM believes that government is in a position to embark on such programmes because it has a constant overrun on its income side due to the success of SARS in collecting taxes. This concept of a Manageable Budget Deficit will only be applied to capital expenditure on infrastructure development programmes aimed at job creation. Furthermore, wasteful and unnecessary government expenditure must be identified and terminated. 4.3. Progressive tax policy Under the current government the level of taxation on individuals in South Africa is comparatively high in comparison with other emerging countries. Overall tax rates are also high by world standards. This is an extremely negative factor in the economy and has severely undermined the savings performance. Under the current government taxation is becoming increasingly complex and cumbersome, with the introduction of a number of new taxes and levies. The UDM proposes that taxation must be simplified over the medium term. To boost an improved national savings performance, the UDM believes that the focus of taxation should be progressive – taxing the rich more than the poor – and that tax on personal income, up to R 4000 per month, should be abolished. Such a step will give much needed relief to lower income groups. This tax-free bracket should be adjusted over time to allow for inflation, and regularly reviewed, as and when the livelihood of average households improves in line with improved economic conditions in our society. Recognising the huge challenges facing South Africa currently, the UDM proposes that income tax be kept at the same level for an interim period and that this income be earmarked for priority issues. The UDM will commit itself to an accord with voters that this is a temporary measure and that this money will be spent on two priority areas in a manner that makes a visible difference in the quality of life of all South Africans. The one percent of income tax earmarked for this purpose will be divided equally between Crime Fighting and Skills Creation. The proceeds will go directly towards these two programmes, and will be reported upon as separate items by the National Treasury. The UDM will see to it that the existing 20c levy on all South African banking transactions is altered and enhanced to a new ad-valorum rate of 0,05%, which could generate additional revenue of approximately R10 billion per annum. This will also be levied on non-residential bank accounts to include all speculative transactions. The healthier our economic system, the lesser room there will be for speculators to impact negatively on the lives of millions of ordinary people. The UDM will abolish the marketable securities tax (MST) on investment and trading in the Venture and Development capital markets of the JSE Securities Exchange. This will boost the depth and liquidity of these sectors and facilitate the listing of more small companies, as well as the flow of foreign investor funds to these sectors. All capital gains, which investors generate in these sectors, will be declared tax-free. The current 0.25% marketable securities tax rate on the transactions on the main board of the JSE Securities Exchange will remain. The UDM will also make it attractive for small businesses to list and participate in the Venture and Development Capital Markets of the JSE Securities Exchange through measures such as tax incentives. The UDM believes that Capital Gains Tax (CGT) is the wrong tax at the wrong time for South Africa, due to the fact that it will have a negative influence on investor confidence and may hurt people with no access to land tenure. The tax on fuel will be cut to relieve the burden of transport costs on commuters who travel long distances. Subsidies to big synfuel companies will be abolished. In order to boost the property market and make it easier for first time homeowners to acquire property, transfer duties on all property transactions and property tax will be made progressive with low rates for transactions below R100 000. 4.4. Globalisation and trade liberalisation The present government’s over hasty and unbalanced approach to globalisation of the economy and its irresponsible abolition of import protection and export subsidies for key industries resulted in hundreds of thousands of job losses, especially among low-income industrial workers, thereby contributing to poverty. All international treaties and trade deals entered into by SA must serve the interests of South African taxpayers first. SA is not making the most of its resources. The prescripts of the World Trade Organisation against state intervention is being contravened by several major developed countries, which is not to say that unbridled intervention must be allowed, but simply that it would be irresponsible for government to stand by whilst certain industries and sectors are decimated by international trade. In such cases, it is vital that government, for a limited period only, give those industries some form of adjustment assistance to ensure that industries adapt to the new market conditions. The UDM will introduce a balanced globalisation policy to reverse the job losses that have occurred as a result of policies that have distorted the South African market. In this regard, new supportive measures will be considered for pressurised industries such as clothing and footwear. Antidumping mechanisms and effective border control will be stringently applied. With regard to exchange control and currency regulations the UDM supports the orderly abolition of exchange control and allowing the Rand to adjust to an internationally competitive level for maximal economic growth and foreign investment. To be internationally competitive, we must have advanced technology, industry and research institutions. Not only will the UDM ensure that we retain our developed technology and highly trained citizens, but that we take the lead as a nation to make new and internationally accepted technological breakthroughs. The UDM believes that the creation of an Export Processing Zone (EPZ) or an Industrial Development Zone (IDZ) on a trial basis in one of our coastal provinces or in an identified industrial area should be seriously investigated. This will then be properly researched and evaluated, to determine the long-term costs and benefits. The objectives of an EPZ or IDZ are to earn foreign exchange and to create jobs. The introduction of an EPZ or IDZ will be done in consultation with the relevant provincial or local government. The UDM recognises that close to twenty percent of South Africa’s exports of goods and services go to African countries and will actively promote cooperation, joint development projects and free trade within Sub-Saharan Africa. The UDM will definitely not approach Africa on the current government’s “crisis by crisis” basis. 4.5. Investment and business confidence In a globalised world investor confidence is a vital commodity. Therefore it is necessary to avoid negative sentiments towards South Africa, such as those created by the manner in which the government handles sensitive issues such as the Zimbabwe crisis, the HIV/AIDS debate, the implementation of the arms deal, racism, etc. Certain policies of the current government are not contributing to establish an environment that improves investment and business confidence in South Africa. Business and investor negativity is caused by a lack of skills in the labour market, deteriorating institutional efficiency and infrastructure, and violent crime, coupled with an ineffective criminal justice system. Of specific concern is government is handling of HIV/AIDS and corruption. The result is that South Africa has not attracted the much-needed direct investment that will stimulate higher economic growth and create jobs. The UDM believes that business operates best in a relatively stable environment. That means business needs greater certainty regarding policies and their effective implementation. The UDM will aim to bring stability in the Country. This includes the reestablishment of trust between government, business and labour, clearly spelling out what initiatives government has selected as its priorities. Business and labour can assist to encourage more local and foreign investments. The UDM will make sure that its policies on prevention of crime, management of the HIV/AIDS pandemic, affordable taxation and an efficient labour framework promotes investment in South Africa to create jobs for our people. Business and investment confidence, as influenced by perceptions regarding government and politics, can be improved with the following steps: The UDM will apply the principle of the “best person for the job” in government. We will not hesitate to offer key governmental positions to talented individuals from outside the political sector. The UDM will promote a separation of power between the Cabinet and Parliament, i.e. between the executive and the legislature. The role of Parliament and its committees must be enhanced. A government perceived to be under close scrutiny at all times will perform better and improve investor confidence. The UDM will also see to it that municipal councillors do not demand exorbitant salaries and benefits which are out of line with service delivery for the communities they serve. 4.6. Labour policy The unemployment crisis in South Africa has many causes that underscore the need for a comprehensive strategy. The primary objective must be an attempt to stem the tide of rising unemployment, with its obvious adverse consequences for social and economic exclusion. The UDM aims to create more jobs, secure (where viable) current jobs, and enhance the quality of all jobs over time. Under the present government, unemployment is still rising. It is especially in the formal sector of the economy that jobs are being destroyed. The previous government as well as the current government have failed to unleash the full potential of South Africans to start small businesses and have not removed obstacles in the way of small business development. The aim of the UDM is to ensure that each South African has the opportunity to be gainfully employed in order to contribute to the economy and society, and committed to individually and collectively creating a new South Africa at work for the social and economic prosperity of all South Africans, irrespective of race, gender or class. The UDM will dedicate a half percent of income tax specifically for Skills Creation, on the condition that such funds should be visibly and effectively used for the purpose it is earmarked. The current government fails appallingly, despite plans and the introduction of a skills levy, to promote and accelerate skills development among the majority of our economically active population, which still remains largely unskilled. The UDM will cooperate with viable business sectors to enhance effective Sectoral Education and Training Agencies. Recognising the essential role of rapid small business growth in other countries, the UDM will aggressively promote the concept of small business development. Examples in this regard include the UDM suggestion that government programmes will employ and train the unemployed in agricultural and community development projects, and planned sustainable development programmes that will create infrastructure by involving local small businesses. 4.7. Crime Prevention The criminal justice system and the high levels of crime and violence in the Country continue under the current government, with little signs of the political will and power to reverse this unacceptable state of affairs. The criminal justice system in South Africa has deteriorated in many areas and on many levels. Of particular concern is the failure of the current government to fulfil one of the primary functions of a government, namely to protect the lives and property of its citizens. Serious crimes are at totally unacceptable high levels. The current government’s response is lukewarm and shows no sense of urgency in this regard. The UDM proposes that 40 000 new police officers be recruited to address the current staff shortage. These new police officers will receive specialised and intense training, and will be brought into the South African Police Services (SAPS) over a period of three years. In addition, the structure of the SAPS must be decentralised to ensure that the best talent and capacity are not promoted or deployed away from active crime fighting. The UDM proposes that the projected decrease in personal income tax be put on hold for an interim period. A half percent of income will be earmarked for fighting crime. The spending of such funds must be visible and effective and be reported upon separately in the national budget. The UDM recognises that a framework of law and justice is essential for economic progress. We regard the establishment of safety and justice as an immediate priority. The UDM will enhance coordination between the ministries of justice, police services, correctional services, defence and national intelligence. The UDM proposes the establishment of a Crime Prevention Ministry to coordinate the work of these departments. Specific objectives and deadlines will be set for the departments to achieve our goal of a safe society. The UDM will also improve border and rural security. The reserve force of the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) will be re-empowered, reorganised and retrained. The South African Army will be transformed into a smaller, disciplined, professional and well-trained force, able to rapidly expand and mobilise when required. 4.8. Restructuring of public enterprises The UDM will rapidly turn around the current government’s poor performance of infrastructure creation, especially via the development of a restructuring programme, which is beneficial to all South Africans. Such a programme will accelerate the creation of infrastructure whilst attracting investments, and enhancing local ownership. The indecisive and confusing approach of the current government on restructuring of public enterprises should be condemned. It creates the impression of a lot of talk, with little action and severe uncertainty, which depress investor confidence and employee morale. In this process the government is losing its credibility in many respects, and may not be taken seriously in future about their intentions. The UDM proposes the establishment of a Presidential Council on Planned Sustainable Development, representing all stakeholders. The Council will specifically monitor and evaluate restructuring. It may commission reports and research for debate and implementation. This mechanism will not replace the oversight role of Parliament. The Department of Public Enterprises will be done away with and the line function management of public enterprises will become the responsibility of the department of Trade and Industry. 4.8.1. Principles for Restructuring Restructuring must be implemented within the following principles: Government should not waste money and capacity on nonessential services to ensure that it can focus on its primary service delivery responsibilities. Restructuring must ensure better services, and in the long-term lower prices. This means that public enterprises, which cannot be run more effectively for the consumer by private owners, should not be sold. Any form of restructuring of public enterprises, the sale of equity stakes or public offerings, should be timed to ensure that prevailing market conditions lead to government receiving the maximum benefit or return. Restructuring must be aimed at maximising local ownership, and as far as possible empowering employees by, for example share schemes. Restructuring of public enterprises, rendering core services, should seek formulas such as strategic equity partners, and not wholesale privatisation. Restructuring can have short-term negative results in terms of job losses and higher consumer prices. In such case, government must step in to ensure that those who lose jobs are accommodated in infrastructure development programmes or receive skills training with a view to new employment. A basic service subsidy to assist poor people to afford basic rates, especially when basic service fees rise in the short term. Restructuring must place upon new entrants and owners the obligation to actively assist in the roll out of infrastructure to previously disadvantaged communities. As small business development and infrastructure creation through planned sustainable development programmes take hold and many more communities become economically viable, that investment by companies will earn good dividends. Restructuring must be coupled with intensified skills training for employees for example, the awarding of three to five year contracts to former employees, as small business subcontractors. The proceeds or savings from a restructuring programme should be used to finance public infrastructure development programmes and to improve the delivery of services to the people. There should be no nepotism or favouritism. 4.9. HIV/AIDS The impact of HIV/AIDS looms large over the Country’s economic future. Together with tuberculosis, it has become the Country’s prime enemy in the area of health. The current government still does not have a national plan to combat the HIV/AIDS pandemic, despite the fact that an estimated 4,7 million South Africans are already infected with HIV (Eleven percent of the total population, though some estimates put it at twenty to thirty percent). The UDM will deploy resources through a National Plan of Action to focus on combating HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis. The fight against HIV/AIDS is the responsibility of every South African. The UDM believes that each person should at least be aware of his/her HIV/AIDS-status to manage his/her quality of life. This is possible if HIV/AIDS is declared a notifiable disease, whilst simultaneously respecting the right to confidentiality. These measures coupled with strong independent research on HIV/AIDS, and diseases in general, are vital if SA is to deal with this pandemic. 4.10. Education and skills creation The current government seems to have little appreciation of the crisis developing in South Africa with respect to education and the shortage of skills. Our Country is losing skilled people through emigration at a rate unprecedented in history. At the same time the cumbersome administrative requirements of the department of Home Affairs discourages skilled immigration. The current education system, instead of producing more skilled people for the job market, is producing a declining number of skilled people. The UDM recognises a well-educated population and skilled workforce as an essential basis for sustained economic development and progress. The UDM believes that school education should move “back to the basics” of reading, writing and arithmetic with a general commitment to a culture of learning and discipline. Drugs and gangs should be eradicated from all schools. The whole system of education should be reformed and designed to be capable of generating the type of skills that our economy will need. It will require proactive, policy driven investments to make education and skills training knowledge based. This is an investment in our future. The UDM proposes that the projected decrease in income tax be put on hold and a half percent of income tax be specifically earmarked for a skills creation programme (the other half will be dedicated to the fight against crime). Sectoral Education and Training Agencies, skills orientated school curricula as well as literacy and numeracy programmes will be enhanced. Specific pilot schemes aimed at current school-leavers are vital to ensure that they can enter the labour market with relevant skills. 4.11. Infrastructure delivery Since 1994, microeconomic development has been neglected. Relatively few infrastructure projects of note have been initiated while existing infrastructure, particularly South Africa’s roads network, is deteriorating due to insufficient maintenance. Many capital expenditure programmes earmarked for maintenance of existing infrastructure have either been put on hold or cancelled. In addition, many informal settlements and rural areas experience a crisis, of insufficient resources and inefficient delivery, with government not responding to their desperate needs. We will introduce a policy of intervention by the state in the economy through planned sustainable development programmes that create jobs on a large scale whilst developing and maintaining infrastructure for the whole South Africa. These programmes will enhance economic and social infrastructure to increase the quality of life of all the people and communities of South Africa. The ultimate aim must be to ensure that our citizens live in communities that are economically and socially viable. The UDM therefore proposes that a new body, the Presidential Council on Planned Sustainable Development, must be established representing all stakeholders to coordinate development. The UDM recognises the need for rapid infrastructure development, primarily because it provides the basis for other forms of economic development. Expenditure on infrastructure development could be financed from the proceeds obtained from the successful implementation of a restructuring programme and the clever disposal of unused Public Works property. Furthermore, the UDM proposes that within the framework of a Manageable Budget Deficit the government will be able to finance such programmes. Currently the government is consistently underspending on infrastructure maintenance and development. Similar deterioration is witnessed in service institutions and infrastructure, which are supposed to deliver an efficient service, for instance the company registrar’s office, the patent office, tender offices, the Masters of the High Court and other courts, etc. These offices are becoming increasingly inefficient. Physical and socio-economic infrastructure will be expanded and properly maintained. Combined with an effective local governance system this will ensure efficient service delivery. Physical and socio-economic infrastructure will be built on a larger scale focussing on houses, dams, clinics and schools, roads, airports, harbours and services to open new business opportunities, particularly tourist services. These infrastructure programmes, managed by Public Works, and coordinating the efforts of other government departments, will aim to create much needed employment in the short term. These programmes will inject funding and incentives into infrastructure with the express aim of encouraging the growth of labour intensive small businesses. Revised business-government relationships in expanding physical and social infrastructure development should be explored, for instance in the building of roads. Mechanisms must be considered to engage private sector capacity in a partnership with the public sector. There is great potential to create jobs through emerging small businesses in such infrastructure programmes. Infrastructure development through planned sustainable development programmes must aim to create productive and safe environments. This means that the infrastructure programmes required making a community economically and socially viable must be developed in conjunction with the community. These programmes must recognise that South Africa needs an urbanisation strategy and a plan to assist rural areas. 4.11.1. Urbanisation According to the population census of 1996, only 53.5% of all South Africans were living in urban areas. This level of urbanisation clearly indicates that the urbanisation process in South Africa has not yet been completed and that we are in urgent need of an urbanisation strategy for the Country. Such a strategy has to include at least the following: Identify urban geographical areas where new communities can be established. Determine where and how existing urban areas can be improved and expanded. Find ways to maintain and protect existing urban infrastructure and build new infrastructure. Determine a new urban housing policy, including aspects such as density, land tenure, property rights, permanency of a job, etc. Develop innovative new mass urban transit systems. Protect surrounding rural areas (farmland, forests, etc.) from urban sprawl. Provide in the needs of urban populations, e.g. water, power, sewerage, schools, health care and open spaces. 4.11.2. Rural revitalisation The UDM will pay particular attention to rural revitalisation, against the background of an accelerated urbanisation strategy. Many rural areas are experiencing a crisis with regard to resources and service delivery. Visible strategies will be established especially to assist emerging farmers by focussing on access to resources including capital, land, infrastructure and training. The government’s role will be restricted to creating an environment conducive to entrepreneurial and agricultural development. The UDM believes in the introduction of government programmes that employ and train the unemployed in agricultural, tourism and community development projects. These programmes will be transformed into self-sustaining, privately owned businesses that have the potential to grow, accumulate assets, and create employment. The role and institution of traditional leaders will be recognised and protected. 4.12. Immediate poverty alleviation The current policies of government have not succeeded in reducing, and in some cases have even contributed to a deepening of, the level of poverty in South Africa. Under the present government poverty has not decreased as was promised. Immediate poverty alleviation to address poverty, caused by an economy in transformation, will be realised through a basic service subsidy to assist poor people to afford basic service rates. The process will be monitored and adjusted as the positive effects of short-term and long-term job creation strategies manifest itself in the lives of ordinary South Africans. 4.13. Equal Economic Empowerment The UDM recognises the aspirations and needs of the previously disadvantaged people of South Africa to participate meaningfully in the economy. The UDM believes that specific groups that should be targeted by such an economic strategy should include the youth, women, rural poor as well as informal settlement dwellers. The UDM notes that the present Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) only empowers a selected few. Furthermore it is racially divisive and excludes most people, irrespective of race, who need to be economically empowered. BEE is perceived to be a buzzword for self-enrichment by the new elite. The UDM seeks to empower all South Africans, in particular economically marginalised groups. It is vital that South Africans share an economic and political vision focussed on partnership between all the people of South Africa. We believe that the gap between the “haves” and the “have-nots” can be narrowed by unleashing the creative spirit inherent in our diversity. 4.14. Anti-corruption and clean governance South Africa is constantly confronted by scandals of corruption and abuses of power that damages service delivery. This ranges from top ranking officials to levels lower down in the economy and even “petty” corruption, involving traffic police, theft of examination papers, etc. Many officials with “struggle credentials” have looted government funds. In some instances loyalty was rewarded with protection against investigation or prosecution. The UDM will swiftly and mercilessly eradicate corruption in the government, recognising that those entrusted with the public service will not only be ineffective and mistrusted if they disregard the law but will bring the whole institution of government into disrepute. By doing so, we will improve the morale, image and attitude of government officials and thereby, restore the public’s confidence in them. To ensure clean governance the following principles must be implemented: Government officials and politicians must serve the people and not themselves. There shall be zero-tolerance for corruption and abuse of power. Integrity, commitment and hard work are required from all in government and in the private sector. A sense of pride in and ownership of government must be encouraged and nurtured in all South Africans by establishing a new ethical framework of incorruptibility, accountability, transparency and impartiality in governance. The best quality must be ensured in all appointments, so that merit, responsibility and integrity will be guaranteed, and excellence rewarded. Effective procedures must be established and implemented to investigate and prosecute those in the public and private sector involved in corruption. Independent anticorruption task teams must be established in each province to determine the level of corruption and to immediately introduce recovery steps. Guilty officials must be prosecuted.