Newsroom > Societal problems

UDEMWO: 6-year-old raped in a Dros Restaurant

UDEMWO: 6-year-old raped in a Dros Restaurant

The United Democratic Movement Women’s Organisation (UDEMWO) is shocked and outraged by the recent rape of a 6-year-old girl at a Dros restaurant. This is sickening and too much to swallow. The thought that the culprit went as far as committing his evil act in a public space, where it is thought to be safe, makes us even angrier. This wicked man did not even care that there were loved ones around. This is a clear indication that he does not even care and has no conscience. UDEMWO will be part of picketers outside the court, calling for no bail. Our society does not have a space for such inhumane individuals who do not respect women and children. UDEMWO also calls on parents not to lose sight of their little ones, we are living in an evil society. What we have unfortunately witnessed in the past is that our justice system favours alleged perpetrators. We hope that our justice system will do what is right and lock him up for the rest of his life. Issued by: Ms Thandi Nontenja UDEMWO Secretary General