Newsroom > Mine shaft

UDM calls for effective rescue on the mine accident in Boksburg – statement by Bongani Msomi, UDM Secretary General

UDM calls for effective rescue on the mine accident in Boksburg – statement by Bongani Msomi, UDM Secretary General

The United Democratic Movement (UDM) is saddened by the horrible accident of the 5-year-old boy who fell into a mine shaft while playing with friends in Boksburg last Saturday. The UDM calls for effective rescue assistance in making sure that the boy is brought back. We cannot allow a similar incident to that of Lilly Mine be repeated where mine workers were never recovered with authorities implying instability of the ground. A lot more effort must be put in place making sure that such victims are retrieved. Looking at the area, where this accident took place there are no warning signs and yet there are community members living around and this makes people more vulnerable and prone to danger. As UDM, we call for an investigation into this horrible accident. This is so unfortunate and we believe it could have been avoided by all means by those responsible for the abandoned mine. Someone must be held liable and must account for the accident which occurred at unattended mine. The Department of Mineral Resources must take the blame as it is supposed to secure all the abandoned mines. If no actions are being taken, a lot more community members will be victims of such horrible accidents.