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Outstanding land claim payments for Gqogqorha Administrative Area

Outstanding land claim payments for Gqogqorha Administrative Area

Open letter to President Zuma from Mr Bantu Holomisa, MP (UDM President), regarding: outstanding land claim payments for Gqogqorha Administrative Area  On the 04th of February 2011 you, Sir, and senior officials from the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform visited Gqogqorha administrative area to resolve the land claims in the area. According to Gqogqorha residents, during this visit cheques ranging from R 31 000 to R 39 000 were written out and given to residents in payment for what they described as “rental money”. This community claims that this was the first of two payments that were due to them from government. Apparently, government was to come back a year later to settle the second part of the payment which was for “removals”. The deadline for this payment was duly set for June 2012. However, when June came the deadline was extended to September 2012. When September came the deadline was first shifted to November 2012 and then January this year. However, almost five months into the year nothing has happened. This year Gqogqorha residents followed-up with their contact person at the Eastern Provincial Government, Ms Amanda Buso to establish when they should expect to receive payment. To their surprise, Ms Buso’s who has been willy-nilly extending deadlines started sending them from pillar to post. When they make contact with her now, she refers them to a Mr Pityi, as she claims that she no longer works for Land Claims section. The Gqogqorha residents are understandably upset and frustrated with this. I call on your Office to look into this matter and ensure its speedy resolution. Mr Bantu Holomisa, MP UDM President