TO: Hon. Baleka Mbete, Speaker of the National Assembly
From: Hon. Nqabayomzi Kwankwa, MP – UDM Chief Whip
Dear Madame Speaker,


The above matter has reference.

We once more find ourselves faced with the challenge of having to deal with attacks on foreign nationals by South African citizens. According to media reports, many lives have once again been lost and property destroyed in the spate of xenophobic attacks taking place in KwaZulu-Natal.

To this end, it is the United Democratic Movement’s (UDM’s) considered view that Parliament should lead the debate on this very important matter in order to influence the climate of public opinion.

I therefore request you, Madame Speaker, in terms of rule 104 (1) of the Rules of the National Assembly, to place the problem of xenophobia in South Africa on the Order Paper for discussion.

I am aware that rule 104 has never been invoked before in the democratic South Africa. However, the violent crimes that have been committed against foreign nationals in South Africa over the past ten years, if not nipped in the bud, are likely to escalate into a vicious fight or a full blown genocide.

However, should you, Madame Speaker, feel that this matter is not of urgent public importance, I would be delighted if you would accede to my request in terms of 103 (1) of the Rules of the National Assembly, which would make it just a matter of public importance.

We are aware that the rules provide for such requests to only be made during days on which the House sits. However, the UDM is of the view that the urgency and seriousness of this matter warrants that we act without delay.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Nqabayomzi Kwankwa, MP.

UDM Chief whip