Malusi Gigaba’s terms in office has been fraught with scandals, misconduct and abuse of powers. His list of dubious deeds ranging from granting citizenship to the Guptas, the Firebird aviation debacle, sexual videos and lying under oath is spine chilling.

His resignation is long overdue. That said, merely falling on one’s sword is not good enough. We hope that this is not just a stunt to run away and avoid accountability.

The United Democratic Movement Youth Vanguard wants ex minister Gigaba to be held accountable for all his wrong doing and the law should now follow its course. We are tired of executives ducking and diving as a tactic to dodge the law. Every punishable crime committed should be effected to set an example for others who are tempted to do the same. No one is above the law.

The UDM Youth Vanguard calls on President Ramaphosa to appoint in this position an ethical person of integrity who has the best interest of the people of South Africa at heart.

Wishing Malusi Gigaba well in his future endeavours would be hypocritical as we, the youth of South Africa, still expect him to account. At this point in time we hope to see him cooperate with any investigative institution and/or commission.

Issued by
Mr Yongama Zigebe
Gauteng Provincial Secretary
UDM Youth Vanguard