UDM marches for Marikana Justice – statement by Mr Bongani Msomi (UDM Secretary General) on 11 September 2013

The United Democratic Movement (UDM) reiterates its call for government to pay for all legal representation of the Marikana victims at the Farlam Commission. In doing so government will be serving Lady Justice by levelling the playing field and ensuring that the scene is set for justice to be effected.

It is a pity that the ANC led government only listens when people take to the street.

The UDM, together with the families of the Marikana victims, and other interested parties will be marching in solidarity to the Union Buildings on 12 September 2013 from 10:00am. The march will commence at Burgers Park in Pretoria central. The aim of this march is to give a voice to this crucial aspect of the legal proceedings. Other interested individuals especially those who want to see justice done are welcomed to participate.

We demand the ANC led government to come to its senses and act in good faith.