Time is now for Tripartite Alliance to be disbanded – statement by Mr Bongani Msomi (UDM Secretary General) on 18 September 2013

The UDM cannot but state the obvious, which is that the foundation of the Tripartite alliance is visibly shaking, and partners are feeling uncomfortable with this marriage of convenience.

The common enemy, Apartheid, has been defeated, leading to a situation where the alliance is no longer relevant. The ANC’s appointment of their deputy president, Cyril Ramaphosa is a clear indication that the ANC is nonchalant about this alliance. Ramaphosa himself shows his true colours, through actions such as purchasing a buffalo for a staggering R12.5mil, when there was a problem at Lonmin. He is also the wrong man for this job as he does not care about the workers.

The bottom line is that Cosatu is suffering at the hands of the ANC, the latter has weakened Cosatu by absorbing its leaders to government departments or institutions.

This must stop.

The UDM reiterates is call that the time is now for the tripartite alliance to be disbanded.