Honourable Mr JG Zuma President of the Republic of South Africa Honourable Mr Pravin Gordhan Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Dear Mr President and Minister DIVERTING RATEPAYERS FUNDS IN BEACON BAY, BUFFALO CITY MUNICIPALITY The above matter has reference. A group of ratepayers residing in Beacon Bay, Buffalo City Municipality in the Eastern Cape have for period of three to four years, decided to divert their rates to a separate bank account held with PSG, a registered financial institution. This is a civil protest by these residents based on a range of allegations against the municipality. Amongst these is the claim that the municipality has no valid by-law empowering them to force ratepayers to pay rates and that the municipal accounts are not consolidated as required by the Municipal Systems Act. They further allege that the municipality has elected to close ears, and rather threaten them with disconnections whilst they also threaten the municipality with legal action as and when they need information in terms of Promotion of Access to Information Act. The immediate and long term victim of all this is the economy of the area and its poor citizens. If the rates are not paid, the revenue base of the municipality is compromised and service delivery impossible. It is my firm belief that this matter can be resolved without having to go through the straining process of litigation which on its own will have to be funded by citizens. Accordingly, I request your office to make a decisive intervention on this matter to ensure that it is resolved as quickly as possible and in the interest of service delivery. For further information, I am happy to refer you to their spokesperson who contacted me. His name is Mr. Johan Koekemoer Pr Eng whose contact details are: Your prompt and decisive action is awaited. Mr Bantu Holomisa, MP President of the United Democratic Movement