The introduction of EMS scooters by the Eastern Cape provincial government is a bad idea and is just a waste of tax-payers’ hard-earned money. It is doubtful that these scooters can properly manoeuvre rough roads and inaccessible areas, especially during adverse weather. In addition, these bikers, who are to assist in checking temperatures or sugar levels for chronic patients at home, would not necessarily be healthcare practitioners. These tasks cannot be performed by a layperson. The United Democratic Movement is astonished by part of Eastern Cape Health MEC Sindiswa Gomba’s reasoning behind the introduction of such a mode of emergency transport, which is to curb the influx of patients to clinics and healthcare facilities. The Eastern Cape government should have rather employed enough nurses and doctors at key clinics which would result in a reduction of waiting periods for patients and fewer referrals to hospitals. The big question that must be asked of the Eastern Cape government, since it claims to be the people’s government, is why it did not consult with the public on the practicality of this so-called solution. This is a joke and an insult to the people of Eastern Cape. — end– Contact: Bongani Msomi UDM Secretary General
The United Democratic Movement Women’s Organisation is as shocked as President Cyril Ramaphosa would be, at the total negligence at Parktown Boys High, where a young boy named Enoch Mpianzi lost his life during their trip at Ngathi River and Bush lodge. We ask ourselves a question, why there was no roll call before the children stepped into the bus and at the site before resuming activities. This type of negligence leaves much to be desires and it is totally unacceptable. The UDEMWO calls all stakeholders to take their task serious, for example; the teachers should take full responsibility for the children. This brings us to the question of indemnity! Why parents must sign indemnity when children embark on school outings? What is the role of the teachers during school outings? By signing the indemnity, parents are signing death warranties for their children as the teachers shack their responsibility and leave the children to their own peril. UDEMWO calls for the signing of indemnity in schools to be reviewed as this puts the lives of the children at risk with no one taking responsibility. Children are entrusted to the teachers and teachers should be held accountable. The UDEMWO calls on all involved to be held accountable and legal actions to be taken to serve as an example to all others in the profession. We are saddened by this incident, we send our warmest and deepest condolences to the Mpianzi’s family. Issued by: Thandi Nontenja UDMWO Secretary General
The United Democratic Movement is saddened by the loss of Education MEC, Mandla Makupula. This is not only a loss for his family or the Eastern Cape, but to the nation. We wish to send a message of condolence to the family, friends and to the African National Congress, as well as the education fraternity at large. His departure leaves a scar especially during a time that the province still faces a whole lot of challenges in education development. May his family find strength and solace in this sad time. Our prayers are with them. Issued by: Bongani Msomi UDM Secretary General
Mr Dan Plato Western Cape Minister of Community Safety 35 Wales Street 5th Floor Cape Town 8000 Dear Mr Plato UDEMWO calls for quick intervention on crimes against the women and children on the Cape Flats The unabated incidents of rape and murders, on the Cape Flats, targeted at women and children caught our attention. Since the beginning of the year, several women and children have fallen victim to such crimes and we are worried that not enough is being done to eradicate this phenomenon. Gang related violence, drug and alcohol abuse seem to be endemic to these areas. The situation is out of control with the City of Cape Town Metro Police reportedly saying that teams will only enter ‘red zones’ in large numbers to avoid potential threats and attacks from residents. There is obviously a challenge with the affected communities not trusting the police and this must be addressed without further delay. The United Democratic Movement Women’s Organisation, would like to know what drastic interventions, if any, you and your department are taking to deal with the problem. It cannot be that we fold our arms while these terrible crimes continue; something must be done to restore dignity to these citizens and heal the ills in this society. We urge that you and all the involved stakeholders to come up with strategy that will see to the safety and protection of the vulnerable. In the meantime, we welcome the arrest of the four suspects in the horrendous murder of four-year-old Iyapha Yamile in Khayelitsha over the long weekend. May justice be swift. Yours in Nation building Ms Thandi Nontenja UDEMWO Secretary General