We find it extremely difficult to digest the fact that three women, who hail from the Alfred Nzo district municipality in the Eastern Cape were, late last year, burnt to death because they had allegedly been witchcraft practitioners. This can only be described as the worst aberration of what might be called “mob justice”. It was recently reported that elderly women in the Eastern Cape are physically abused, raped and killed, because they practised witchcraft. They feel that they are in fact persecuted, in this manner, for the mere fact that they have grown old and wrinkled. This kind of inhumanity is spine-chilling; who would have thought that this world would change to a horrific and evil place where women are killed in such a brutal way based on groundless accusations and false pretences. There cannot be any justification for harming any person because of unfounded allegations that they practice so-called witchcraft or not. In the eyes of the law, murder is murder and the perpetrators of these depraved crimes should be caught, prosecuted and jailed. The United Democratic Women’s Organisation (UDEMWO) understands that these women have asked government for protection and to be moved away from their communities for safety reason. This would mean that they will in essence be banished and torn away from their loved ones. UDEMWO does not agree that, to isolate these women based on spurious allegations, is a viable long-term solution. Our constitution protects our rights to have inherent dignity and the right to have our dignity respected and protected. UDEMWO therefore condemns this violence and brutality in no uncertain terms, but even more so when it happens to our elders. We are so frustrated and aggravated that the women in this country are faced with different forms of abuse left right and centre, yet women’s minister Bathabile Dlamini is nowhere to be found. She should be the champion of women in all of our struggles. Lastly, UDEMWO believes that government must play a greater role in demystifying traditional practices within the confines of the law. It should step up its efforts to educate citizens on the role that such practitioners play in our society and broaden its information campaign to change people’s perception so that they can honour the fact that their fellow citizens and they have equal rights. Issued by: Ms Thandi Nontenja UDEMWO Secretary General
Address by Mr LB Gaehler, UDM Member of Parliament in the National Council of Provinces: Eastern Cape Honourable Chairperson, and Honourable Members The United Democratic Movement (UDM) acknowledges that we, as a Country, have come far in terms of ensuring that all South Africans enjoy equal human rights. For that we are thankful. However, in its January world-report, Human Rights Watch said that South Africa “continued to face a number of human rights challenges” and that the public confidence in Government’s ability to deal with these challenges has eroded. This revelation must be looked at against an international backdrop of the rise of populist, authoritarian leaders who pose a threat to human rights across the globe. The UDM holds the view that human rights violations include corruption and the lack the respect for the rule of law. As we debate in this House, we find a typical example of this unfortunate reality, where millions of poor South Africans (whose livelihood depend on social grants) have pinned their hopes on the Constitutional Court to defend their right to social security. Government has – instead of creating this hope – jeopardised the rights of the most vulnerable of our people. The actions of Government have created panic and anxiety, and instilled the fear of perpetual poverty. Every South African is entitled to economic, social and cultural rights as entrenched in the Constitution. These rights are indispensable to his or her human dignity. The UDM believes that poverty is the greatest of human rights violations and it must be treated as such. The high levels of poverty, gross economic and social inequality, as well as chronic unemployment and corruption, are the enduring realities in our country that, in practical terms, cast doubt on whether South Africa is indeed a country for all her people. In the midst of plenty, some are still unable to enjoy even the minimum level of food security, water and electricity, quality education and healthcare, as well as shelter. This is not only as a result of a depressed economy, but also unwillingness, wilful negligence and/or discrimination on the part of both the public and private sectors. Yesterday, we witnessed this kind of gross negligence and arrogance in the Constitutional Court. Those on the margins of society are overlooked and are made prisoners of poverty, rather than prisoners of conscience, enduring the torture of hunger and a slow death from preventable causes. Chairperson, given the interconnected nature of all human rights violations, we need a comprehensive and holistic approach in engaging with the economic, social and cultural rights of our people. Before we can celebrate human rights, more needs to be done before our people can fully enjoy their rights. I thank you
Address by Mr ML Filtane, MP in the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa Honourable Speaker and Honourable members I wish to preface my contribution to this debate by saying that the United Democratic Movement (UDM) is keenly aware of the plight of farmers who have fallen victim to what we generally call “farm attacks”. The UDM, without reservation, condemns these acts of violence and murder, and lawlessness that has the daily characteristics of our communities but we wish to direct your attention to “another kind” of “farm attack”. On Friday the 25th of March 2016 – on a Good Friday – and ironically in Human Rights Month, a six-year-old boy was attacked by a baboon on a farm near Richmond; leaving him in critical condition. In addition to the attack on a human being, the baboons had endlessly destroyed the crops of the families living on the land. They were continuously exposed to physical danger and food insecurity, thus degrading their humanity and condemning them to poverty. The UDM is still repulsed by reports that the farmer had ignored the multiple warnings of the farm dwellers. The recent shooting of a farmworker in Limpopo by a farm owner claiming to have mistook him for a monkey, is another example of where farm workers and dwellers are treated as less than human. These examples are a clear indication that the relationship between farm dwellers, workers and owners, is at its lowest ebb. The lives of farmworkers and dwellers are not taken seriously by the land owners and they even give animals better treatment, and protection, than they do their workers whom they pay meagre wages. The South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) confirmed these observations when they briefed the Portfolio Committee on Rural Development and Land Reform in February 2017. They conducted site inspections, some unannounced, on farms throughout the Country and found, amongst others, that: • There is a challenge in accessing privately-owned farms in the Western Cape, Mpumalanga and Limpopo; • There have been several complaints relating to water and sanitation access on farms; • There has been a lack of access to food and electricity for farm dwellers; • Several farm families were allegedly forcibly removed from a farm in the Breede River Valley and placed in an informal settlement known as Spookie Town; and that • In Limpopo there is a prevalence of hate speech where farm workers are still called by the k – word. Farm workers and their families must be freed from continuous physical, social and economic isolation. Government needs to speed up its programmes aimed ensuring that farming families have access to services such as schools, healthcare, decent housing, water, sanitation and others. As a society, we must continue with our efforts to ensure the peaceful and mutually beneficial co-existence of farmers and farm workers; including the surrounding communities. A stern warning against the violation of human rights on farms must be issued. This kind of behaviour must be rejected by all of us and it must come to an end. An integrated approach must be adopted to ensure that the lives of farmers, farm workers and dwellers are supremely respected. It is time for us to join hands in the movement that work towards finding lasting solutions to the socio-economic challenges that face the farming communities in our country. South Africa must belong to all who live in – it both in word and in deed. Thank you
Address: by Bantu Holomisa at a UDM Elections Rally Community Hall, Seeisoville, Kroonstad • Mr Mbhazima Shilowa • Leaders of the UDM in the Free State • My fellow South Africans WELCOME This is the third rally, which the United Democratic Movement (UDM) organised this weekend. We yesterday moved from the Western Cape to the Eastern Cape and today we are here in the Free State. The previous weekend we hosted rallies in Limpopo, the North West and in Mpumalanga. The reason I mention this, is to prove to the doubting thomases that the UDM does not only exist in the Eastern Cape – we indeed have a national footprint. To all of you, I say “thank you” for welcoming the UDM in your midst. It is heartening to see so many citizens who share the ideal of transforming South Africa into a Winning Nation. STATE THE NATION Although some progress has been made over the past five years, corruption has become a hallmark of how the incumbent government conducts its business. We can no longer beat around the bush… it is a fact that corruption destroys the gains of our freedom. Simple. Once voters recognise the direct link between 1) the looting of state resources and poor service delivery and 2) a government that sees nothing wrong with corruption, it makes their decision so much easier. We cannot allow the same hyenas to stay in power for another five years. These people seem to live in a parallel universe where the poor can be ignored or made fools of. What we witnessed, when Youth League bash in Thembisa on 22 February, it was quite astounding to see their Mini Cooper and big bike brigade in action. If one considers, for example, that a 2014 Harley Davidson VRod Muscle motorcycle costs nearly R220,00 and that an entry level Mini Cooper sell at around R300,00, it gives one some perspective of what the future holds should they become the next generation of leaders in the African National Congress (ANC). This lurid and garish display of their fat wallets was totally discordant with what the ANC states as its priorities. Instead it just rubs salt in the wounds of the poor and jobless masses. On a side note, one cannot help but wonder where do they get the money to maintain their lavish lifestyles. Therefore, when you have your ballot papers in in hand, ask yourself this: “Do I want to again place my trust in a party that have made a total mockery of their promise to better the lives of our people. THE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR The Free State holds great promise, with over 30,000 farms, which produce over 70% of the country’s grain. It is therefore quite clear that agriculture is of paramount importance in the Free State. We don’t call it the breadbasket of our country for mahala. A UDM government will: • prioritise the needs of our farmers by developing policies to subsidise farmers that will enable them to fairly compete against their international counterparts. • protect the South African market from the dumping of subsidised products. • promote agriculture as a tool to expand our economy, create jobs and generate wealth. • put in place the necessary infrastructure that will create jobs and encourage the growth of more employment-creating agricultural-related enterprises, to slow down migration to urban areas i.e. we will bring decent jobs and financial emancipation closer to the people. The UDM believes that more opportunities should be created for emerging farmers and that they should be equipped with the right knowledge, skills, tools and infrastructure to make a make a commercial success of their farming activities. Aside from the obvious need to provide education and training to emerging farmers, a UDM government would establish a sectoral bank where they can apply for financing. Another creative solution that a UDM government would implement is “One-Stop Agricultural Service Centres” where farmers can: • ask for advice, • access to veterinary services. • find the tools and knowledge that are necessary to run their farms as businesses and also to have a market to sell their produce. RURAL SAFETY The safety and security of those who live in rural areas is of great concern, In addition the Free State is quite vulnerable when it comes to cross-border stock theft. A UDM government will introduce special units specifically involved in rural safety through the deployment of reserve forces and other government security agencies to provide safety and enhance border control to curb stock-theft and smuggling. LAND REFORM The matter of land reform still is a thorny issue that has to be addressed sooner rather than later. A UDM government will streamline the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform to speed up the processes and restore land to their rightful owners, because the delays causes uncertainty and tension. THE MINING SECTOR The Free State has plentiful mineral deposits, with gold and diamonds being of particular importance. A UDM government shall make mining one of the major points of discussion at the Economic Indaba that the UDM has long advocated for. In our view, some of the matters to be discussed are the: • question of mines and mineral wealth. • allocation of mining rights to the ruling elite and the implication thereof. • dealing with the socio-economic conditions of workers and the communities that settle close to where the jobs are. • controversial issue of mineworkers’ access, or lack thereof, to a provident fund worth billions of rands. • the unions’ investment arms and the pay-out of dividends to workers who have contributed to the fund. • the appointment of an independent commission of inquiry to investigate how these workers’ monies had been invested, especially in cases where the workers were retrenched, had retired or passed away. THE UNDERLYING RACISM IN THE FREE STATE Racism at the Free State University is of great concern. Every now and again this cauldron boils over. There are far too many incidents where white students humiliated and physically attacked black students. I do however think that the incident that shocked the nation to its core, was what happened when the so-called ‘Reitz Four” debased the dignity of some of the university’s staff to the point where I feel uncomfortable to describe what the victims had to endure. The UDM is of the view that there must be harsher punishment for South Africans who make themselves guilty of hate crime in the hope that it will prevent future incidents. CONCLUSION South Africans must take charge of the future of our country. Each citizen has a number of basic human rights as described our Bill of Rights. What we should however remember is that those rights comes with concomitant responsibilities. On the 7th of May, the people will have an opportunity to bring change to South Africa and the only way this can be successful is that voters much punish the ANC for their failures. To the UDM teams who have worked tirelessly to make this event a success, thank you for your hard work. Seven (7) May is right around the corner and we have to work tirelessly to persuade our fellow South Africans that the UDM is a viable alternative. Good luck in your campaigning. Thank you