Nelson Mandela Day – address by Mr Nqabayomzi Kwankwa, MP in the National Assembly
Madam Speaker, Deputy President and Honourable Members President Nelson Mandela’s election and inauguration in 1994 marked the end of many [...]
Madam Speaker, Deputy President and Honourable Members President Nelson Mandela’s election and inauguration in 1994 marked the end of many [...]
Speech by Mr Mhlati, leader of the UDM in the Eastern Cape Legislature Honourable Speaker, Honourable Premier and Executive, Honourable [...]
Statement issued by Mr Bantu Holomisa, MP – UDM President and Chairperson of the Multi-Party Forum We confirm that we [...]
Address by Mr M Mhlati in the Eastern Cape Legislature Honourable Speaker, Honourable Premier and members of the executive and [...]
Address by Mr ML Filtane, UDM Member of Parliament, in the National Assembly - Vote 33 Rural Development and Land Reform [...]
Address BY Ms CN Majeke, UDM Member of Parliament in the National Assembly on Budget Vote 16 - Health (MTEF) [...]
Address by Mr BH Holomisa, MP (UDM President) on Budget Vote 22: Defence and Military Veterans on 23 July 2014 [...]
Address by Mr BH Holomisa, MP (UDM President) on Budget Vote : State Security on 23 July 2014 in the [...]
Speech by Mr Mhlati, leader of the UDM in the legislature Honourable Speaker, Honourable Premier and the Executive, Honourable Members, [...]
Address by Mr Nqabayomzi Kwankwa, MP in the National Assembly Budget Vote 2: Parliament Madam Speaker, Deputy President and Honourable [...]
Speech by Mr Bantu Holomisa, MP and UDM President in the National Assembly Honourable Chairperson Minister and Deputy Minister Honourable [...]
Chairperson, Honourable Minister and Deputy Minister, Honourable Members, Once more, Budget Vote 10 is delivered against the backdrop of severe [...]
Address by UDM Deputy Secretary General, Mr Nqabayomzi Kwankwa, MP at Committee Room E249 Chairperson, Honourable Minister and Deputy Minister, [...]
Address by the President of the UDM, Mr BH Holomisa MP, in the National Assembly Honourable Chairperson Minister and Deputy [...]
Contribution made by UDM Member of Parliament, Mr ML Filtane, in the National Assembly Honourable Chairperson Minister and Deputy Minister [...]
Contribution made by UDM Member of Parliament, Mr ML Filtane, in the National Assembly Honourable Chairperson Minister and Deputy Minister [...]
- Contribution made by UDM Member of Parliament, Ms CN Majeke, in the National Assembly Honourable Chairperson Minister and Deputy [...]
Contribution made by UDM Member of Parliament, Ms CN Majeke, in the National Assembly Honourable Chairperson Minister and Deputy Minister [...]
Statement in Parliament by Mr LB Gaehler, UDM Member of Parliament Honourable Chair and Honourable Members Land redistribution aims to correct [...]
Address delivered by Mr Tsengwa in the Provincial Legislature Honorable Speaker and Deputy Speaker Honorable Premier and the Executive Honorable [...]
Speech by Mr Mhlati, leader of the UDM in the Eastern Cape Legislature The Honourable Speaker, Honourable Premier, Honourable Members [...]
Address by Mr Bantu Holomisa, MP in the National Assembly during the State of the Nation debate (SONA 2014) Chairperson [...]
We today say a sad farewell to a daughter of the Transkei; Mama Epainette Mbeki. She was unyielding in her [...]
The protracted labour unrest at Marikana is probably a taste of what is soon to hit the entire mining industry. [...]
Dear All Thank you for your support and votes in the National and Provincial elections on May 7th. I would [...]
• UDM Leaders from all across South Africa • UDM public representatives • Citizens of the Eastern Cape • The [...]
To: Leaders of Political Parties From: Bantu Holomisa (Chairperson of the Multi-Party Forum and UDM President) Subject: PARTIES AND THEIR [...]
• Programme Director • Nactu Leadership • Nactu Members • My fellow South Africans THANK YOU On behalf of the [...]
Workers’ Day is a celebration of labour and the working classes. In this regard, the United Democratic Movement (UDM) recognises [...]
• UDM Leaders at all levels of Eastern Cape • UDM public representatives • My fellow South Africans WELCOME Ladies [...]
Memo to: Mr Terry Tselane, Vice-Chairperson of the Electoral CommissionFrom: Bantu Holomisa (Chairperson of the Multi-Party Forum and UDM President)Copied [...]
• National Office Bearers of the UDM • UDM Gauteng Provincial, Regional and Branch Leaders • UDM members and supporters [...]