Memo to: Mr Terry Tselane, Vice-Chairperson of the Electoral CommissionFrom: Bantu Holomisa (Chairperson of the Multi-Party Forum and UDM President)

Copied to: Judge Thami Makhanya, Rev. Bongani Finca, Ms Raenette Taljaard, Advocate Thuli Madonsela, leaders and representatives of other political parties


Dear Mr Tselane

The abovementioned matter has reference.

The Electoral Commission is on record that it has accepted the Public Protector’s report 13 of 2013 captioned: “Report on an investigation into allegations of maladministration and corruption in the procurement of the Riverside Office Park to accommodate the head offices of the Electoral Commission in 2011”.

It is also a matter of public record that Commission Chairperson Pansy Tlakula has in her personal capacity lodged papers at the Pretoria High Court to review and set aside the Public Protector’s findings and recommendations against her. This was confirmed at a meeting between the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) and the Multi-Party Forum on 1 April 2014.

We have received information that the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO), Mr Mosotho Moepya, has allegedly paid R500 000 from the IEC’s coffers to pay for Advocate Tlakula’s legal fees.

We herewith enquire if the Commission is aware and/or has approved the expense.

If it is indeed aware and/or has approved these expenses, how does the Commission justify its decision whilst Advocate Tlakula has engaged in these legal battles in her personal capacity and on basis was such a large amount paid even before the review has commenced?

Two credible organisations have fingered this person as having done irreparable damage in terms of the IEC lease agreement i.e. no value for money, and yet she has the audacity use state moneys to fight her personal battles.

We hope to receive your response to this enquiry by the end of this week.

Yours sincerely
Bantu Holomisa, MP
UDM President and Chairperson: Multi-Party Forum