Zuma has no respect for the people of this country. He has embarrassed his own colleagues in the ruling party, in the process compromised the morale fibre of this country.

His pronouncement is nothing less of electioneering. The people of South Africa must continue to hold the President and government to account. His attempt to want to avoid further embarrassment and ridicule by the Constitutional Court, should be rejected at all costs.

The Constitutional Court must proceed to confirm powers of the Public Protector. We reject his reference to AG. Public Protector’s remedial actions must not be amended by Zuma who is the main culprit. Public Protector said figures must be determined by National Treasury and SAPS not AG.

In the meantime ANC must do us a favour and call him back. He is a liability. South Africa deserves better.

Statement issued by UDM President Bantu Holomisa