The United Democratic Movement (UDM) welcomes the recent arrests made by the Hawks in connection with the unfinished and unbuilt dams in the Eastern Cape’s OR Tambo Municipality. This action vindicates our persistent calls for accountability and transparency in public office.

It is with great disappointment that we witness the abandonment of what was meant to be South Africa’s first hard-fill dam near Port St Johns. The contractor’s exorbitant demand for increased contract costs, coupled with the Municipality’s inability to produce the necessary funds, has left the project unfinished and the dreams of the local community shattered.

The UDM has long been advocating for the restoration of the Eastern Cape’s dignity as the home of legends. It is disheartening to witness such blatant disregard for the wellbeing of our people and the mismanagement of public resources in this esteemed province. Therefore, the arrest of these municipal officials serves as a glimmer of hope in our pursuit of justice and restoration.

We commend the efforts of the Hawks in taking swift action against those responsible for this gross misuse of public funds. We firmly believe that these arrests are just the tip of the iceberg, and we implore the authorities to continue their investigations until all individuals involved in similar crimes are brought to justice.

The UDM calls on the law enforcement agencies to intensify their efforts in uncovering corrupt practices within government institutions. We urge them to leave no stone unturned in their pursuit of justice, regardless of an individual’s rank or status. Only through decisive actions and holding those accountable can we restore the faith and confidence of the Eastern Cape community.

The UDM will continue to be a voice for the voiceless, fighting against corruption and advocating for the rights and dignity of our people. We stand united with the residents of OR Tambo Municipality and the wider Eastern Cape, demanding a swift and fair resolution to this matter. We commit to keeping our constituents informed of any developments and will actively collaborate with relevant authorities to ensure this case is thoroughly investigated and justice is served.

Issued by:
Cllr Mzimela
OR Tambo District Municipality