The United Democratic Movement has observed that there have been too many service delivery protests around South Africa, prior to elections and after. We hoped to see less of these occurrences, especially after elections, but seemingly they are increasing on a daily basis. We saw what happened when the red ants overran Alexandra in Johannesburg, when the life of a three months old baby was claimed. Yesterday in Philippi (Cape Town), another four-months’ old infant lost her life because of the use of teargas. Not only was an infant deprived of life, but two persons, trying to get away from stone throwers, were killed. This is a travesty. South Africans endure the pain of being neglected by government whilst it continues to pay lip service when it comes to service delivery. Government never honours its promises. Instead of helping people, government responds to them with violence. How long should we see such events? How long should the people of South Africa suffer, when they are only asking for basic necessities such as; shelter, water and roads, to name a few. To the families of those whose lives were lost, may you be comforted. Issued by Mr Bongani Msomi UDM Secretary General