Newsroom > Tlakula

The replacement of Pansy Tlakula with Mr. Glen Mashinini

The replacement of Pansy Tlakula with Mr. Glen Mashinini

United Democratic Movement Women’s Organisation (UDEMWO):The replacement of Pansy Tlakula with a male candidate Mr. Glen Mashinini is not an appropriate choice. Statement by Ms Thandi Nontenja, UDEMWO Secretary General We are not pleased by the recent appointment of Mr Glen Mashinini, the former Presidential Advisor as the new chairperson of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) replacing Pansy Tlakula. As women the appointment of a male candidate does not sit well and it shows clearly that women are not taken seriously by the ruling party, African National Congress. We’ve only heard about government’s tough law in enforcing the gender equality and a total makeover in the workplace but we have not seen that happening. Under the legislation it’s said that departments and companies are required to fill 50% of all senior positions of each gender and by electing Mr Mashinini as the candidate to fill Tlakula’s position the 50/50 has not been applied. The African National Congress is so good in introducing policies, bill and legislature and later not implement such. We were happy to hear about the Gender Equality Bill which will take this country to greater heights crafting a healthy environment for both men and women but that was only a dream to us women. The only other woman Commissioner in the IEC, Rene Taljaard, has just resigned from the IEC, we don’t know the reason for her resignation, but our concern is that position is also likely to be filled up by another man. We rue the day that the ANC recalled former President Thabo Mbeki, his successor seems to be the “Master” of the men’s forums. The silence of the ANCWL on this matter is deafening.

UDM: Holomisa reacts to Pansy Tlakula’s resignation

UDM: Holomisa reacts to Pansy Tlakula’s resignation

STATEMENT ISSUED BY MR BANTU HOLOMISA, MP – UDM PRESIDENT The United Democratic Movement (UDM) notes that Advocate Pansy Tlakula has resigned as Chairperson of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC). She has at last seen the light, but it is a pity that she was forced to do so at great cost to government and political parties. There are now no more excuses; the Electoral Commission must immediately implement all the findings of the Public Protector, including those that fingered certain IEC officials. Let this be a lesson to other people in high places who believe they are untouchable and above the constitutional organs and courts of this country Read more on SABC

Multi-Party Forum’s comment on appeal lodged by IEC Chairperson Pansy Tlakula

Multi-Party Forum’s comment on appeal lodged by IEC Chairperson Pansy Tlakula

Statement issued by Mr Bantu Holomisa, MP – UDM President and Chairperson of the Multi-Party Forum We confirm that we yesterday received court papers as submitted with the Constitutional Court by the Chairperson of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), Advocate Pansy Tlakula. We have filed our answering papers. The political parties that are part of this action will be guided by the Constitutional Court and we hope that the matter will reach conclusion as soon as possible. In the meantime, we call on the Electoral Commission to deal decisively with the other recommendations of the Public Protector, amongst others that: •           the disciplinary processes be started against all staff members who were fingered in Advocated Madonsela’s report; •           the lease agreement, found dubious by no less than three independent and credible institutions, be cancelled. The Commission’s indecisiveness, regarding the implementation of the Public Protector’s findings and recommendation, make us doubt their commitment to the promotion of the ethics of good governance. The excuse advanced in the past about waiting for legal opinion must not be used to kick to touch