Newsroom > SONA 2019

Youth expectations for SONA: #DataMustFall

Youth expectations for SONA: #DataMustFall

President Cyril Ramaphosa’s expected state of the nation address (SONA), must be solution orientated with a clear plan and time frames for its implementation. We as young people, and as the majority of the population, need things to happen and happen fast. We cannot have another rehash of old promises that raise our hopes with every SONA, only to be disappointed. We are expecting to hear more from the president in terms of job creation and strengthening the economy with youth participation in particular. The United Democratic Movement Youth Vanguard has been consistent in its call that young South Africans must become wealth creators. It is therefore incumbent on government to create an economic environment that fosters entrepreneurship. We however wish to raise one significant point, which we hope that President Ramaphosa will touch on. We are of the view that exorbitant data charges need his immediate attention. To be youth inclusive we need a government that is serious about creating opportunities for young people in this digital era. Data must completely fall as it hampers learners’ studies, fetters youth looking for jobs and their registration of small businesses, etc.. Young South Africans must stand up and join us in this quest as we use the internet to access all opportunities. Issued by: Mr Yongama Zigebe Gauteng Provincial Secretary, UDM Youth Vanguard

The UDM’s reaction to #SONA2019

The UDM’s reaction to #SONA2019

• Honourable Speaker and chairperson of the NCOP • Mister President • Honourable Members South Africa needs key interventions in order to eradicate poverty, place more citizens in jobs, in particular young people, whilst closing the gap between the haves and the have nots. Firstly, we need massive investment in the maintenance and development of a well-coordinated and integrated socio-economic infrastructure that is driven by government. Reading the City Press report recently on the state of the Mahikeng’s socio-economic infrastructure is further confirmation that the country cannot wait for another year without this massive investment into the infrastructure development. Mr President, we invite you to visit places like Ikhwezi township, Norwood and Northcrest suburbs in Mthatha, to witness the reality of a road infrastructure that is non-existent. Like in many other parts of the country, these potholes have caused damage to private property such as motor vehicles. This is not only limited to the infrastructure that does not exist, but it includes that which has been upgraded but not maintained properly. A classic example of this is the Mthatha airport which was upgraded in 2013, yet it had to be closed due to poor maintenance. Instead of correcting this anomaly, government is busy fighting with itself on the so-called authority and responsibility. I have no expectation of any leadership to be provided by the current serving Minister of Transport given that in November 2018, he was made aware about this but he ignored the warnings. For that reason, I suggest that you ask the South African Air Force (SAAF) who have specialists on Aviation to assist with the Mthatha Airport whilst we are waiting for the sleeping Minister. This Aviation intervention is urgent Mr President, because the ongoing closure of that Airport is negatively affecting the economy of that part of the country. Many projects announced and started by this government are never get finished. There was a project to connect water from Mthatha Dam to the surrounding villages up to Coffee Bay. This project was stopped for almost three -and-half years, and we are told that there is no money to complete the project. What happened Mr President, is it this lack of proper planning or another day of looting. In a village near Burgersfort, in Limpopo, more than 72 RDP houses have been left unfinished since 2014. This is the same municipality that is alleged to have illegally deposited R200 million into the VBS Bank which has since been found to be a source of funding bottomless pockets of politicians from the ruling party. Again, another example of daylight looting from the poor. Mr President, the challenges facing the higher education sector are to governing party’s lack of proper planning for the roll out of fee free higher education in South Africa. This crisis management style of leadership has to be a thing of the past. In some health institutions instead of getting medication you are greeted and kept company by monkeys, this is the case at the Durban’s RK Khan Hospital. Despite the government’s knowledge of the infrastructure challenges in the health sector, there is no convincing strategy to address these problems. The current load shedding by Eskom is contrary to the pronouncement and commitments made by government recently. We were told, that load shedding is the thing of the past, yet Eskom is currently on stage three or four. Eskom comes up with a new excuse from the known diesel and coal. Now we are told that the project of Hitachi and Chancellor House in Medupi and Kusile which they built are the reasons for this load shedding. Chancellor House is the ANC fundraising front, it is therefore prudent that your party must take full responsibility for turning South Africa into darkness. It is also clear that the ever-increasing electricity tariffs are as a result of decisions of companies that are syphoning millions from the tax payers to the governing party. We welcome the reconfiguration of the intelligence service as it is a long overdue decision. It has been delayed because of the abuse of its mandate and resources. I thank you