Newsroom > Registration weekend

Poor service delivery is not the IEC’s problem

Poor service delivery is not the IEC’s problem

The United Democratic Movement (UDM) notes with concern that many voting stations across the country have fallen victim to protest action and violence. It is unforgivable to endanger the lives of the Independent Electoral Commission’s (IEC) personnel and to destroy or damage property. Also, the country can simply not tolerate a situation where our democratic processes are held at ransom, because of people’s frustration and anger with the ruling party. We urge South Africans to not get riled up to the point of violence, over the ruling party’s failures. It is not the IEC’s role to deal with these issues. Although the reasons for our people’s actions are understood, they must understand that their very power rests with registering and voting. The UDM calls on all South Africans to punish the ruling party where it hurts most; at the ballot box. Leave the IEC alone to do its job. If you are unhappy with service delivery in your area, vote wisely and do not vote for a party that has proved its incompetence and don’t care attitude. Issued by: Mr Bongani Msomi UDM Secretary General