Newsroom > Rape crisis

Gender-based violence: back in spotlight

Gender-based violence: back in spotlight

The United Democratic Movement Women’s Organisation (UDEMWO) is enraged that gender-based violence (GBV) is on the rise during the Covid-19 lockdown. GBV has never dissipated; we live amongst abusers, rapists, and murderers in our communities. Simply put, being a woman in South Africa is dangerous. If a GBV crime is not featured in the media, it does not get the attention it deserves. We realise that there are many dynamics that play into the combating of GBV, but the South African Police Service is not doing its part. Seeing the Minister of Police inspecting “spaza shops” at the weekend, is extremely disturbing. It’s not his job! He should leave shop inspections to qualified environmental practitioners and address the life-threatening problems women are facing. UDEMWO is also disappointed that government is so silent about the R1,1 billion that was allocated to fight GBV in September 2019. Has the money done any good to fight GBV or are the comrades in corruption at it again? How long will hashtags trend in social media… with more GBV victims’ names added every single day: Naledi Phangindawo, Tshegofatso Pule, Simbongile Mnangcotywa and Sinah Molefe to name but a recent few. Enough is enough!   Issued by: Ms Thandi Nontenja UDEMWO Secretary General

Enough is Enough: Laticia Jansen

Enough is Enough: Laticia Jansen

The United Democratic Movement Women’s Organisation is totally flabbergasted with the ongoing behaviour of violence within schoolers in South Africa. Every day, every week, we wake up to devastating news of yet another learner that has lost a life. This has become a norm in our society, with so many questions left unanswered. Sending your children to school to get education nowadays simply means you are sending them straight to death, isn’t “Education the most powerful weapon which we can use to change the world?” Clearly it is not, if death of our children is the price. The UDEMWO calls on the School-governing bodies and serve its purpose thoroughly, what we are witnessing at the moment as South Africans is pure disaster, the SGBs are failing dismally. Our children spend most of the day at school, The Educators should take full responsibility of what happens to them, In Leticia’s case the school transport driver that left her behind is as guilty murderers. He must be apprehended as soon as possible. The UDEMWO calls on all school to have control measures when it comes to picking up scholars, and if the scholar isn’t boarded on the transport, the teachers and the parents should be made aware. The government should take these cases serious as this is getting out of hand by day. To the Jansen family; We send our heartfelt condolences. May your precious princess rest in eternal peace. Issued by: Ms Thandi Nontenja UDEMWO Secretary  

8 years is not enough for Uitenhage rapist dad

8 years is not enough for Uitenhage rapist dad

The United Democratic Movement Women’s Organisation (UDEMWO) is pleased to see that it is true that “ityala aliboli”. The sentencing of the retired Salvation Army captain, Lionel Potgieter, who raped his daughter since an early age is a typical example. In as much as he finally got what he deserved, eight years is not enough. Chantel was viciously abused and tortured for six years during her formative years. Nothing can ever bring back Chantelle’s youth. She never had a life of being a child, because someone she looked up to and who was supposed to protect her, abused her instead. It is heart-breaking that, most of the time, the law favours the perpetrators over the victims. UDEMWO calls for harsher punitive measures to be meted out to those who abuse women and children. Issued by: Thandi Nontenja UDEMWO Secretary General

UDEMWO: 6-year-old raped in a Dros Restaurant

UDEMWO: 6-year-old raped in a Dros Restaurant

The United Democratic Movement Women’s Organisation (UDEMWO) is shocked and outraged by the recent rape of a 6-year-old girl at a Dros restaurant. This is sickening and too much to swallow. The thought that the culprit went as far as committing his evil act in a public space, where it is thought to be safe, makes us even angrier. This wicked man did not even care that there were loved ones around. This is a clear indication that he does not even care and has no conscience. UDEMWO will be part of picketers outside the court, calling for no bail. Our society does not have a space for such inhumane individuals who do not respect women and children. UDEMWO also calls on parents not to lose sight of their little ones, we are living in an evil society. What we have unfortunately witnessed in the past is that our justice system favours alleged perpetrators. We hope that our justice system will do what is right and lock him up for the rest of his life. Issued by: Ms Thandi Nontenja UDEMWO Secretary General

UDEMWO welcomes laying of rape charges against Danny Jordaan

UDEMWO welcomes laying of rape charges against Danny Jordaan

The United Democratic Movement Women’s Organisation (UDEMWO) applauds Jenifer Ferguson for her bravery and boldness for finally laying charges of rape against South African Football Association boss Danny Jordaan. We have been waiting for this day and for all women, this is hope. Ferguson’s step will pave a way for other women to speak up. It goes back to say, ityala aliboli. We continue to be in dismay of how much damage has been done by those in high places. Women in this country have no place of safety. Many women decide to keep quiet after their ordeals because of the stigma and all sorts of ill treatment they get from the society. It is even saddening that someone powerful as Mr Jordaan can be named in such an alleged crime. No one is above the hand of justice and we hope that no stone will be left unturned to reveal the truth. Mr Jordaan has been crying foul. It is his time to prove that he is innocent. We hope that the hand of justice will do its course. UDEMWO, will continue to stand with Jennifer and all other women who continue to endure abuse in the hands of those they trust.

Danny Jordaan: rape accused

Danny Jordaan: rape accused

The United Democratic Movement Women’s Organisation (UDEMWO) notes with shock, the rape allegations levelled against Mr Danny Jordaan. Since Ms Jennifer Ferguson’s allegations have become public, the South African Football Association (SAFA) boss has not uttered a word… to us it seems that, if there is smoke, there is fire? For someone in Jordaan’s position to even have a whiff of women abuse associated with him, is an indication of the male dominated thinking in South Africa. His name now joins an ever-lengthening list of powerful men accused of women abuse such as: President Jacob Zuma; former Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Training Mduduzi Manana; Sipho ‘Brickz’ Ndlovu (who has been found guilty); Molemo ‘Jub Jub’ Maarohanye and DJ Khombela “DJ Khomza” Nthleko. It shows that we live in a country subjugated by hypocritical misogynists, who continue taking advantage of women. All the aforementioned men, are role models to boys and other men, who emulate their every move. If these men in positions of public trust and power, display bad behaviour, boys will think that cruelty towards women is acceptable and normal. UDEMWO calls on SAFA to act; the Association cannot let this one pass, unless they support such seemingly dubious characters? We commend Jennifer Ferguson for her boldness in standing up and exposing the treatment she alleges to have endured at the hands of Mr Jordaan. It is clear that there is much happening in the halls of power that the Nation is unaware of. To all women (those who have suffered abuse and those who have not) continue being the Imbokodos that you are! Let us expose these jackals for what they are.

UDEMWO is stunned by gang rape case in Komani, EC

UDEMWO is stunned by gang rape case in Komani, EC

Statement issued by Thandi Nontenja – UDEMWO Secretary General The United Democratic Movement Women’s Organisation (UDEMWO) is shocked by the incident of a 27 year old woman that was gang raped by three men in Komani, Eastern Cape. The incident that saw one of the rapists being stabbed to death while the other two men were injured by the mother of the victim opens wounds to women. This incident is unfortunate. As the United Democratic Movement Women’s Organisation (UDEMWO), we stand in support for the woman, not because she killed the perpetrator but because we believe her life together with her daughter was under threat. Any mother would have done the same should they find themselves in this kind of situation. We do not condone the actions of community taking the law into hands but understanding and knowing that women are under siege in the hands of those familiar to them, we understand the situation. If she did not defend herself she could have been the one killed by the perpetrators and we are certain that if they were going to be arrested, it was going to take time. The mother and the daughter’s lives will never be the same after the horror. That is why we would like to see the remaining perpetrators being brought to book for their inhumane action. To government, more needs to be done in making sure that women and children are protected. UDEMWO has been calling for police stations in places that are rural to make things easier for the community members when they find themselves in situations like this. The mother of the victim tried getting in contact with police with no help. End

UDM Women’s organisation: reaction to rape of Bongiwe Mnguni

UDM Women’s organisation: reaction to rape of Bongiwe Mnguni

Statement by Ms Thandi Nontenja UDEMWO Secretary General The United Democratic Movement Women’s Organisation (UDEMWO) believes it is a travesty that women in the workplace, both in the private and public service, are not safe from sexual harassment, abuse, violence and rape. One of the main reasons why people with much needed skills, such as doctors and nurses, leave for greener pastures is that they are not safe at their places of work. We have much sympathy with, Ms Bongiwe Mnguni, a nurse who was beaten and raped at the Helen Joseph Hospital. We hope that she fully recovers from this horrific experience; our hearts go out to her. Although Ms Mnguni has suffered much harm to her body, mind and soul, we commend her for the courage to speak out. Hopefully this act will encourage more abused women to come forward. We also hope that Ms Mnguni will not leave the matter there. The police must investigate the incident and arrest the monster who attacked her. This man deserves nothing more than to rot in jail for the remainder of his years. UDEMWO believes that the hype created during Women’s Month and the 16 Days of Activism is all for nought. Government throws big parties under the name of sensitising the nation to the plight of women and girl-children. Journalists write endless stories during those times. They seem to be forgetting the rest of the year. Looking at this from a man’s perspective, they feel left out when all of government’s efforts are targeted at women’s issues – government should give some attention to this. The big picture looks bleak and UDEMWO calls on government to urgently make the places of work of their employees safe. Identifying the problem and talking about solutions is not enough – do something and find the criminals who makes us live in fear.