Newsroom > Pansy Tlakula

The replacement of Pansy Tlakula with Mr. Glen Mashinini

The replacement of Pansy Tlakula with Mr. Glen Mashinini

United Democratic Movement Women’s Organisation (UDEMWO):The replacement of Pansy Tlakula with a male candidate Mr. Glen Mashinini is not an appropriate choice. Statement by Ms Thandi Nontenja, UDEMWO Secretary General We are not pleased by the recent appointment of Mr Glen Mashinini, the former Presidential Advisor as the new chairperson of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) replacing Pansy Tlakula. As women the appointment of a male candidate does not sit well and it shows clearly that women are not taken seriously by the ruling party, African National Congress. We’ve only heard about government’s tough law in enforcing the gender equality and a total makeover in the workplace but we have not seen that happening. Under the legislation it’s said that departments and companies are required to fill 50% of all senior positions of each gender and by electing Mr Mashinini as the candidate to fill Tlakula’s position the 50/50 has not been applied. The African National Congress is so good in introducing policies, bill and legislature and later not implement such. We were happy to hear about the Gender Equality Bill which will take this country to greater heights crafting a healthy environment for both men and women but that was only a dream to us women. The only other woman Commissioner in the IEC, Rene Taljaard, has just resigned from the IEC, we don’t know the reason for her resignation, but our concern is that position is also likely to be filled up by another man. We rue the day that the ANC recalled former President Thabo Mbeki, his successor seems to be the “Master” of the men’s forums. The silence of the ANCWL on this matter is deafening.

UDM: Holomisa reacts to Pansy Tlakula’s resignation

UDM: Holomisa reacts to Pansy Tlakula’s resignation

STATEMENT ISSUED BY MR BANTU HOLOMISA, MP – UDM PRESIDENT The United Democratic Movement (UDM) notes that Advocate Pansy Tlakula has resigned as Chairperson of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC). She has at last seen the light, but it is a pity that she was forced to do so at great cost to government and political parties. There are now no more excuses; the Electoral Commission must immediately implement all the findings of the Public Protector, including those that fingered certain IEC officials. Let this be a lesson to other people in high places who believe they are untouchable and above the constitutional organs and courts of this country Read more on SABC

Multi Party Forum on the decision of the Constitutional Court on the matter of the IEC Chairperson

Multi Party Forum on the decision of the Constitutional Court on the matter of the IEC Chairperson

Statement on behalf of the Multi Party Forum on the decision of the Constitutional Court on the matter of the IEC Chairperson We welcome the Constitutional Court decision on the matter of the Chairperson of the Independent Electoral Commission Advocate Pansy Tlakula. This decision vindicates the findings of the Public Protector and two other credible institutions that pronounced on the matter. We take our hats off to the whistle blowers who helped root out this maladministration and abuse of public monies. Advocate Tlakula and the African National Congress should hang their heads in shame and respect the decision of the highest court of the land.

Multi-Party Forum’s comment on appeal lodged by IEC Chairperson Pansy Tlakula

Multi-Party Forum’s comment on appeal lodged by IEC Chairperson Pansy Tlakula

Statement issued by Mr Bantu Holomisa, MP – UDM President and Chairperson of the Multi-Party Forum We confirm that we yesterday received court papers as submitted with the Constitutional Court by the Chairperson of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), Advocate Pansy Tlakula. We have filed our answering papers. The political parties that are part of this action will be guided by the Constitutional Court and we hope that the matter will reach conclusion as soon as possible. In the meantime, we call on the Electoral Commission to deal decisively with the other recommendations of the Public Protector, amongst others that: •           the disciplinary processes be started against all staff members who were fingered in Advocated Madonsela’s report; •           the lease agreement, found dubious by no less than three independent and credible institutions, be cancelled. The Commission’s indecisiveness, regarding the implementation of the Public Protector’s findings and recommendation, make us doubt their commitment to the promotion of the ethics of good governance. The excuse advanced in the past about waiting for legal opinion must not be used to kick to touch

IEC lease agreement scandal – IEC paying for Commission Chairperson’s legal costs

IEC lease agreement scandal – IEC paying for Commission Chairperson’s legal costs

Memo to: Mr Terry Tselane, Vice-Chairperson of the Electoral CommissionFrom: Bantu Holomisa (Chairperson of the Multi-Party Forum and UDM President) Copied to: Judge Thami Makhanya, Rev. Bongani Finca, Ms Raenette Taljaard, Advocate Thuli Madonsela, leaders and representatives of other political parties ===================================== Dear Mr Tselane The abovementioned matter has reference. The Electoral Commission is on record that it has accepted the Public Protector’s report 13 of 2013 captioned: “Report on an investigation into allegations of maladministration and corruption in the procurement of the Riverside Office Park to accommodate the head offices of the Electoral Commission in 2011”. It is also a matter of public record that Commission Chairperson Pansy Tlakula has in her personal capacity lodged papers at the Pretoria High Court to review and set aside the Public Protector’s findings and recommendations against her. This was confirmed at a meeting between the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) and the Multi-Party Forum on 1 April 2014. We have received information that the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO), Mr Mosotho Moepya, has allegedly paid R500 000 from the IEC’s coffers to pay for Advocate Tlakula’s legal fees. We herewith enquire if the Commission is aware and/or has approved the expense. If it is indeed aware and/or has approved these expenses, how does the Commission justify its decision whilst Advocate Tlakula has engaged in these legal battles in her personal capacity and on basis was such a large amount paid even before the review has commenced? Two credible organisations have fingered this person as having done irreparable damage in terms of the IEC lease agreement i.e. no value for money, and yet she has the audacity use state moneys to fight her personal battles. We hope to receive your response to this enquiry by the end of this week. Yours sincerely Bantu Holomisa, MP UDM President and Chairperson: Multi-Party Forum

ANC imbedded within IEC

ANC imbedded within IEC

The Chairperson of the Electoral Commission, Advocate Pansy Tlakula, has brought the Electoral Commission into disrepute in terms of Chapter 2, Paragraph 9 (c) of the Electoral Commission’s act (51 of 1996) which states that: “ (9) No members of the commission: (c) may, by his or her membership, association, statement, conduct or in any other manner place in jeopardy his or her perceived independence, or in any other manner harm the credibility, impartiality, independence in integrity of the commission. “ Adv Tlakula’s association with a senior leader of the African National Congress (ANC), namely the chairperson of the finances portfolio committee, has compromised the Commission’s integrity and independence. Adv Tlakula not only broke the rules when she was Chief Electoral Officer, but also in her position as the Chairperson of Electoral Commission when she flatly refused to cooperate with the forensic audit sanctioned National Treasury as endorsed by Parliament. The United Democratic Movement is not surprised that the ANC is defending Adv Tlakula’s actions, because they firmly embedded within Independent Electoral Commission – this despite two credible organisations finding that she is on the wrong side of the law.

Resolutions of meeting of the Multi-Party Forum at the Burgers Park Hotel, Pretoria

Resolutions of meeting of the Multi-Party Forum at the Burgers Park Hotel, Pretoria

The following political parties, ACDP, AgangSA, Azapo, Cope, DA, EFF, FF+, IFP, UCDP and UDM met today to discuss various issues regarding their concerns around the practical processes of Elections 2014, the findings around the lease agreement of the Independent Electoral Commission’s (IEC) head office, manipulation of the public broad caster, as well as the Nkandla Scandal. PRACTICAL MATTERS REGARDING ELECTIONS 2014 Some of the practical matters that were discussed are: 1. Numbering and security features of ballot papers. 2. Allocation and distribution of ballot papers to each voting station and the security thereof. 3. Allegations of IEC officials intimidating party agents. 4. The names of the companies that: • Print the ballot papers, • Are responsible for capturing votes. • Are responsible to transport ballot papers from the printers to the IEC’s warehouse. 5. Allocation of airtime for Public Electoral Broadcasts (PEBs) to various political parties. 6. The role of international and national observers. 7. Appointment of presiding officers and the involvement of partisan persons. 8. Standardisation of assistance to voters who need help, such as blind or illiterate persons. THE IEC’s SERVICE PROVIDERS The Electoral Commission undertook to make known the names of all the services providers that • are involved in the production of the ballot papers, • their distribution and security, • as well as the IT companies who are responsible for capturing of votes. APPOINTMENT OF PRESIDING OFFICERS The political parties agreed that no person may be appointed as a Presiding Officer if they are affiliated with any political formation, such as the Sadtu. POLITICAL PARTIES’ VIEWS ON THE CHAIRPERSON OF THE ELECTORAL COMMISSION The subject of the implementation of both the Public Protector’s recommendations, as well as the findings of National Treasury’s forensic audit, regarding the IEC lease agreement of its head office, was discussed at length. Some political parties expressed the view that the good international reputation of the IEC has been tainted and it creates doubt that the Commission that can preside over free and fair elections. All the political parties present, with the exception of the Democratic Alliance and the Freedom Front Plus, agreed that Adv. Pansy Tlakula, the incumbent Chairperson of the Electoral Commission, must resign immediately. Should she refuse to resign, the parties who are in agreement will pursue legal action. The political parties have agreed to establish a small committee to discuss joint action regarding the matter and those details will be disclosed at a later stage. NKANDLA SCANDAL The leaders of the political parties will meet to discuss the matter after President’s Zuma’s reaction tomorrow as was ordered by the Public Protector.