The United Democratic Movement Women’s Organisation (UDEMWO) is worried about the growing number of children missing throughout the country. Everyday we hear of these missing children and most of them go missing while playing around their communities. This shows clearly that our children are no longer safe in their own communities. We are calling on parents to keep a closer look on their children and members of the community can play a big role in making sure that our areas are safe for the upcoming generation. Let us go back to Ubuntu where your child is my child. According to Missing Children SA, a child disappears every six (6) hours in the country and most of them are not found or found dead. We cannot fold arms and watch while we are losing these precious souls in their own space. We are calling on South Africans to hold hands and protect our little ones. Reasons behind these disappearances are not clear but they continue taking place and we cannot allow this. We are also calling on government to tighten up the laws relating to protection of children. Those who are involved in cases relating to children must rot in jail. Statement issued by Thandi Nontenja: UDEMWO Secretary General