Dear Honourable Minister Joemat-Pettersson and Eastern Cape MEC F Xasa UNFULLFILLED PROMISE FOR PROVISION OF ELECTRICITY AT MQHELE A/A , XHORA, MBHASHE MUNICIPALITY – EASTERN CAPE The above matter has reference. Here under is a complaint laid to me in a meeting I was invited to by the community of Mqhele on 30 June 2016, held at their community hall. Their main complaint is lack of fulfillment by authorities who promised them that their area would be electrified as early as 1 June 2016. Further reference is made to MEC Xhasa’s promise at a meeting he had with the community of Mqhele on 12 May 2016, that officials from Eskom will visit the affected area with the relevant material to make electricity accessible to all citizens. I may as well remind you that, the 1st of June was set as a deadline for the delivery of this essential service . According to the community ‘s report a certain Ncamile Mbuqe of Eskom was also present in their meetings with MEC Xhasa when the deadline of 1 June 2016 was announced . Indeed on 1st June 2016 , Eskom trucks with loads of electricity poles came but to the dismay of the community , they passed the affected villages to Bafazi A/A .When the community tried to stop the Eskom vehicles and enquire about why they were passing their villages, police were called to intervene. As if that was not enough, the Mayor of Mbhashe Municipality responded to the protesting residents by throwing insults and rebuked them for lack of literacy and knowledge. Later on the community was told that they might get electricity in 2017. The community feels that the MEC deceived them by telling them that they would get their electricity on 1 June 2016 yet he knew that was not the case. If this is not a punishment meted against the rural poor for taking it to the streets in demand of an essential service, then the Department of Energy and the Provincial Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, are enjoined to make a prompt and decisive intervention. Even with the dawn of democracy, 22 years ago, these poor citizens of Xhora and Mqanduli in general remain with no access to electricity. Instead they are being sent all over without being told the truth. It’s becoming clear that Eskom is a political tool. Why would an MEC made such a commitment fully knowing that Eskom is not his competence. This confusion must be clarified without delay. All of you who are embroiled in these empty promises must go back to that community and tell them the exact story. In this regard, I call on your offices to make an urgent and decisive intervention to ensure that electricity is available to these citizens too. I hope this will receive your favourable consideration. Your prompt response is awaited. Mr Bantu Holomisa, MP UDM President