Newsroom > kitso mothibe

No bail for suspects

No bail for suspects

Statement issueb by Thandi Nontenja – UDEMWO Secretary General The United Democratic Movement Women’s Organisation (UDEMWO) welcomes the arrest of three men relating to the rape and horrendous murder of four women two weeks ago in Soweto. The arrest brings hope that the criminals will face the music for their action. As UDEMWO, we call for no bail for the culprits. We are also concerned that the police refused to attend to crime scenes citing their safety above of the citizens. The recent reports of the 13 year old teenager who went missing three weeks ago and the parents received no assistance from the police until the media intervened. Kabelo Matsatsi, the father reported the event but police officials refused to help. We condemn the misconduct by police. It is unacceptable. We are asking ourselves if the safety officials will not be able to attend to these crimes who will? How many more girls/women must die before something is done? We would also like to see synergy amongst the government departments i.e. South African Police Service, Department of Justice and the Department of Correctional Service as these departments play a vital role. They should complement one another in making sure criminals face and suffer the consequences of their acts. This is a national crisis; it must be attended to with urgency. End