UDM KwaZulu-Natal calls for Endumeni municipal manager to resign or to be suspended with immediate effect After our media statement of 23 October 2018 regarding deeply concerning issues in the Endumeni Municipality in the uMzinyathi District, the United Democratic Movement in KwaZulu Natal were given explosive documents that should make the Endumeni municipal manager’s life very uncomfortable. The documents contain damning proof of the municipal manager ‘s gross negligence and/or corruption by improperly and irregularly signing a contract worth R 969 000, which he has since tried to nullify by withdrawing an appointment letter. Such action has been challenged in court by the concerned service provider and is due to be heard on 6 December 2018 in the Pietermaritzburg High Court. 1. The appointment letter was signed by the municipal manager on 8 June 2018. 2. The contract which states that 50% of the contractual value (R484 500) is payable within thirty days of signing the contract, was signed by the municipal manager on 26 June 2018. 3. On 30 August 2018, the municipal manager wrote to the service provider to withdraw the letter of appointment, citing among other reasons that “Your document was incomplete as you had not filed MBD 1 nor MBD 3.1 which are compulsory to Special Conditions of Bid, point no. 10”. 4. On 15 October 2018 the concerned service provider filed a court application to enforce the contract. The sequence of events clearly proves either gross negligence and/or corruption on the part of the municipal manager. It is very disturbing that the Inkatha Freedom Party-led coalition with the Democratic Alliance (DA) and the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), is keeping mum on this and by implication intend to cause further financial losses at the expense of the Endumeni residents. The UDM KZN, urges both the DA and the EFF particularly, to put Endumeni residents first by personally pushing for the removal of the municipal manager and holding him accountable for the already lost municipal funds. Issued by Mr Boysey Gumede Interim Provincial Secretary UDM in KwaZulu-Natal