Mr Jacob Zuma should rather look at his organisation which is currently contradicting the positive gains of our history under his leadership. Who has ever thought that a liberated South Africa would be led by a questionable character like himself who lavishly and exclusively spends taxpayers monies without having any regrets, thereby superseding the negative conduct of former Apartheid Presidents. Shockingly superseding! His organization is promoting lawlessness and politics of thuggery as we speak. Realistically, today South Africa is burning because of ANC’s infighting which he claims to be growing. What a contradiction! The ANC’s implosion has unfortunately led to both public and private property being caught in a crossfire of the ANC’s infighting. The sooner he packs his bags the better . He is an embarrassment to South Africa. It is true they fired me because they were paving way for their corrupt tendencies – from Sol Kerzner to Gupta’s capturing of the ANC. So who is fooling who? Haaaaaaa! Statement issued by: Mr Bantu Holomisa, MP UDM President