Newsroom > cabinet reshuffle

President Ramaphosa’s “cabinet changes” is a damp squib

President Ramaphosa’s “cabinet changes” is a damp squib

The United Democratic Movement Youth Vanguard is of the view that President Ramaphosa’s new dawn is a copy and paste of the old order and thus have abandoned the youth of South Africa with his so-called cabinet change. He has showed the country a lack of conviction by retaining figures such as Nomvula Mokonyane who has shown her incapability as communications minister with the disastrous handling of the public broadcaster. Mokonyane’s shift to environmental affairs, after failing in her previous department, was a move without consideration on the part of the president. We, as the youth of South Africa, should not be surprised if we run out of oxygen under her bungling leadership. Former president Jacob Zuma once said that the ANC is more important than the country and we fear that President Ramaphosa is doing the same. We call on the president to imbibe decisive leadership and lead with the interest of the country first and not that of his party. We as the UDM Youth Vanguard still call on the president to fire minister Bathabile Dlamini from cabinet unless there is some or other cause to keep her in office. The UDM Youth Vanguard does however welcome the merging of the department of communications and postal services under Minister Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams. We have seen her in action in her previous portfolio working very hard in bringing ICT to the youth. We wish her all the best and we hope that she will bring stability and offer leadership in this newly merged department with the understanding that it is a very challenging time as the SOEs in this department are faced with many challenges. This move by the president shows that the young people of South Africa cannot trust that the ANC will take us seriously come 2019 and we therefore encourage them to find an alternative and vote for the UDM. Issued by Mr Yongama Zigebe Gauteng Provincial Secretary, UDM Youth Vanguard

President Ramaphosa’s cabinet reshuffle is a major disappointment

President Ramaphosa’s cabinet reshuffle is a major disappointment

The United Democratic Youth Vanguard (UDMYV) would like to express concern over President Cyril Ramaphosa’s cabinet reshuffle. At most this cabinet represents the old order of former President Jacob Zuma and is divorced from the supposed “New Dawn” that the African National Congress (ANC) claims to espouse. How else would the President explain the retention of people such as Ms Bathabile Dlamini, Ms Nomvula Mokonyane (as the face of government), Mr Malusi Gigaba, Mr Sfiso Buthelezi and Mr Kebby Maphatsoe? It is quite clear that President Ramaphosa puts the ANC’s needs before those of the country. Signs are clear that the ANC will never change and therefore the United Democratic Movement must stand up to lead the people of South Africa. The absence of young persons in this cabinet is very disappointing especially in the ministry of sports and recreation where an opportunity was missed to bring in a young person. The reappointment of Mr Nhlanhla Nene, as finance minister, is however welcomed and the UDMYV wishes him well in filling that position. The UDMYV would like to challenge President Ramaphosa to put his foot down and lead the country with conviction. He promised to trim his cabinet and he has failed to do so owing to his party’s internal politics. We call on the people of South Africa to note this anti-climactic moment and hold President Ramaphosa and the ANC to account in the 2019 national and provincial elections. Issued by: Katleho Mothama Political Liaison Officer, UDMYV Gauteng Yongama Zigebe Provincial Secretary, UDMYV Gauteng

UDM writes to Chairperson of the Joint Standing Committee on Intelligence to request urgent meeting to quiz origins of the so-called Intelligence Report

UDM writes to Chairperson of the Joint Standing Committee on Intelligence to request urgent meeting to quiz origins of the so-called Intelligence Report

Dear Mr Nqakula REQUEST FOR URGENT MEETING: JOINT STANDING COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE The above matter refers. In my capacity as a member of the Parliamentary Joint Standing Committee on Intelligence, I request that you convene an urgent meeting of the Committee to consider the widely reported and circulated ‘Intelligence Report’ [the Report] that purportedly has been the central reason for the change of leadership in the National Treasury. In order for the Committee to be able to consider this matter and deliberate, I further request that you direct the Minister of State Security, Mr David Mahlobo, and his Director General, to attend the meeting and brief us on the following, amongst others: 1. Whether the Report is a product of our local intelligence agencies? 2. Whether the Report is a product of foreign intelligence agencies? 3. Whether the Minister is satisfied with the origin and substance of the Report and, if so, to give the Committee further details? You will certainly appreciate the negative impact the Report has had on our economy and the Country’s subsequent downgrading to junk status. I hope you find this request in order and urgent. Yours sincerely Mr Bantu Holomisa, MP President of the United Democratic Movement

Negative impact of Zuma’s cabinet shuffle: South Africa hits junk status

Negative impact of Zuma’s cabinet shuffle: South Africa hits junk status

President Zuma’s cabinet reshuffle has caused “radical economic transformation” of a different kind with Standard & Poor’s (S&P) Global announcement that South Africa’s sovereign credit rating has been downgraded to BB+. We might as well use the term “junk status” to describe our government. Mr Zuma bandies this phrase about, making a sweeping statement, without any clear policy detailing what his radical economic transformation entails. This not only confuses South Africans, but any international would-be investors are surely looking elsewhere to spend their money. Enough is enough! The African National Congress has clearly lost control of President Zuma, and by default the country, jeopardising any hope of a prosperous economic future. In line with what the opposition parties said today, the United Democratic Movement will exert even more pressure to have the Speaker of the National Assembly, Ms Baleka Mbete, accede to our call for a special, and urgent, meeting of the House to discuss a motion of no confidence in President Zuma.

UDM Chief Whip asks the NA Speaker for urgent debate on President Zuma motion of no confidence

UDM Chief Whip asks the NA Speaker for urgent debate on President Zuma motion of no confidence

Dear Madam Speaker MOTION OF NO CONFIDENCE IN THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC IN TERMS OF SECTION 102 OF THE CONSTITUTION OF SOUTH AFRICA AND SECTION 129 OF THE RULES OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY With his unexplained, and seemingly unilateral, cabinet reshuffle the President of the Republic of South Africa, Mr JG Zuma, has effectively relegated the South African economy to junk status. Whether he considered the consequences his decision seems doubtful. South Africans will soon feel the pinch – but ultimately the poorest of the poor will be hardest hit when food, transport and other necessities become unaffordable. The United Democratic Movement adds its voice to that of our colleagues in other parties, and I herewith lodge a motion of no confidence in the President in terms of Section 102 of the Republic’s Constitution, as well as Section 129 of the rules of the National Assembly. Yours sincerely Mr Nqabayomzi Kwankwa, MP UDM Chief Whip

April Fool’s joke? Zuma’s cabinet reshuffle

April Fool’s joke? Zuma’s cabinet reshuffle

The United Democratic Movement has noted President Zuma’s cabinet reshuffle. The appointment of Malusi Gigaba as the new minister of finance is disconcerting, because of his clear association with the Gupta family. President Zuma is strengthening his hold on cabinet with the appointment of Sfiso Buthelezi as Gigaba’s deputy and it won’t be surprising if people start dismissing these two as indunas from the palace whose main objective would be to facilitate the further looting of resources. The fact that the Rand tanked yesterday evening, even before President Zuma made any announcement, is a sign that South Africa is in for a rough ride in the next few days up until it is clear what the new minister of finance plans to do. The “sideways promotion” of Faith Muthambi, Nkosinathi Nhleko and Bathabile Dlamini is disappointing, because they have failed in their previous portfolios. Instead of punishing them for their failures, they have been rewarded for showing loyalty to the President. Politically speaking, many of the ministers, who have been removed, still hold position within the African National Congress and, given the noise made by the Communist Party today, it would be interesting to see how the Communist Party ministers will react.