statement by National Deputy-Secretary

The continuing of murderous attacks on farmers are condemned in the strongest possible terms. Every single murder in South Africa is one murder to many. Currently four times more farmers are murdered than the rest of the population.

Government can no longer drag its feet in dealing with these murders. All stops must be pulled out in order to ensure the safety of the farmers, their families and their employees. The UDM calls on government to make known the information that they do have on these murders and to come out clear on whether there is any other motive behind these killings. By failing to do so suspicion will increase and the ANC government will have to take responsibility for this. Agriculture is a very important industry in South Africa. Not only does it provide jobs, but it also feeds the nation. The continuous attacks and murders on farmers can paralyse this industry.

The UDM believes that these murders is another point in case for calling for a referendum on the death penalty since that may well be the only way to put an end to these senseless and inhumane actions.