Hon Speaker, Hon President and Members
The South African economic situation demands that we adopt an approach that is all inclusive and pragmatic.
One of the credits to our country is our ability to resolve challenges through dialogue. Perhaps in resolving the current economic crisis, we need to borrow from our recent past. CODESA delivered political liberation with more still to be done on economic front so that we can have a binding consensus on the macro-economic policy of the country.
In this regard, the United Democratic Movement suggests:
• That an all-inclusive National Summit be convened to develop and adopt a framework to guide all role players towards a National Economic Transformation Indaba whose resolutions will result to a progressive amendment in the current legislative regime.
The proposed Economic Indaba must emerge with a comprehensive blue print of a road to be traversed by the country in dealing with such matters as land, education and skills development, black economic empowerment.
Madam Speaker – the security of the worker’s pension needs immediate attention. Given that the Public Investment Corporation (PIC) seems to be a sources of questionable deals for cronies of the ruling elite through amongst others, consortiums like Kilimanjaro Sakhumnotho and some not-for-profit organisations like the “Global Fund for Christ”.
In this regard, UDM suggest to all contributors to the Pension and Provident funds, to consider establishing an Independent National Pension Fund Forum, to amongst others:
• Monitor investments, auditing and usage of their monies by the Public Investment Corporation and other Financial Institutions.
We further propose that a task team led by a retired Judge be established in order to:
• Investigate all complaints from ex-mine workers who have been marching to Parliament and Union Buildings, demanding information on their provident funds, allegedly not paid either by the state and or their employers.
Madam Speaker, a widely publicised offer by the President to bring finality to the Nkandla saga in the interest of national unity is noted.
There is no doubt in any body’s mind that the Nkandla saga has affected many individuals and institutions adversely due to his handling manner against many advices.
As we speak, this has affected the trust and confidence of many Public Representatives in this house, who felt abused during this process.
In this regard, we appeal to his revolutionary consciousness as a patriot with unquestionable struggle credentials, to place the interests and unity of the nation first and vacate the office with dignity.
Further and to avoid another embarrassing sitting President, scoring own goals, the house must demand the long-time promised Ministerial Handbook for scrutiny.
South Africans, whilst SONA was very lean on corruption, billions that were supposed to help improve our social ills in this country is being looted left and right.
A new phenomenon has emerged through SETAs which are used to divert skills development funds to bottom-less private pockets. Employees who are suspected of blowing the whistle, on alleged corruption against the CEO of the Construction SETA, are either expelled and or suspended in droves.
To make things worse, some of these employees were paraded and humiliated when they were taken by the CEO and Chairperson of the Board to an outsider, the Provincial Secretary of the SACP in KZN. The victimised employees have appealed to the Presidency without success.
Surely, South Africans, we cannot allow SETAs and the Department of Higher Education and Training to be an SACP employment bureau and a funding vendor.
I thank you
Very good indeed Sir, we are proud of you. Mr president has just to leave the seat.
Dear Sithelo
Thank you for your comment, the message will be conveyed to Mr Holomisa.
Please accept my apologies for this very tardy response – we’ve experienced some technical difficulty.
All the best
UDM National Office