Statement by Bantu Holomisa, UDM President

The past year has proven that the ruling party has completely lost the plot. The much-vaunted self-correcting nature of the African National Congress has been left in the dust of the ruling elite’s narcissistic machinations and infighting at the cost of the of the South African public, but most of all the poorest of the poor. They have forsaken the original agenda and placed party before the people.

The state of the nation has deteriorated to a point where the country is broke, state-owned enterprises are hyper-dysfunctional, loadshedding is at the order of the day, service delivery is at an all-time low and government is in a state of disarray.

2024 promises to be a big year for South Africa with the National and Provincial Elections on our doorstep. The political landscape is definitely interesting and there is much scope for the South African voter, but one thing is certain that the writing is on the wall for the ruling party as more and more voices dissent from the choir.

Whatever happens, the United Democratic Movement will throw all its efforts into the race next year, and we will continue fighting state capture and expose corruption in all its forms, and will also show South African voters that it is a reliable, worthy, and able political alternative.

We wish all South Africans a wonderful Festive Season, a restful period and a rejuvenated start to 2024.

Statement by:
Mr Bantu Holomisa, MP
UDM President