Blame for the unrest in South Africa is to be laid at the feet of the entire ANC leadership

2024-01-05T14:03:46+02:00July 12th, 2021|2021 Archive, Bantu Holomisa, Civil disobedience, Covid-19, Defence, Economy, Government, Marikana Massacre, Police, Safety and security, Zumagate|

Certain parts of South Africa are ablaze, and the blame is squarely to be laid at the feet of [...]

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The negative consequences of government corruption on our people and development in South Africa

2024-01-05T14:08:17+02:00March 12th, 2021|2021 Archive, Bantu Holomisa, Corruption and clean governance, Covid-19, Government, Infrastructure development, Members of Parliament, Public service & administration, Speeches, State Capture Inquiry, Zumagate|

Motion delivered by Bantu Holomisa, MP and President of the United Democratic Movement in the National Assembly in a [...]

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#StateCapture inquiry D/Chief Justice Zondo’s team must have forensic people and TOR must be based on Thuli Madonsela’s good work

2020-05-25T15:22:36+02:00January 10th, 2018|2018 Archive, Bantu Holomisa, Corruption and clean governance, Home, Media statements: UDM, State Owned Enterprises, Zumagate|

Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo Private Bag X1 Constitution Hill Braamfontein 2017 Dear Sir STATE CAPTURE INQUIRY NEEDS A [...]

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#RememberingMandela, Bantu Holomisa’s keynote address on the the Fourth anniversary since Madiba’s passing

2024-10-10T06:01:23+02:00December 5th, 2017|2017 Archive, Bantu Holomisa, Chapter Nine Institutions, Coalition government, Economy, Environment, Justice, National Summit, SONA, Speeches, Zumagate|

NMF's 4th anniversary of the passing of Madiba (Houghton) • Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer of the [...]

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Subject for discussion: vote of no confidence in President Zuma – address by Mr B Holomisa, MP (UDM President) in the national assembly of the Republic of South Africa

2024-10-10T05:55:59+02:00August 8th, 2017|2017 Archive, Speeches, Zumagate|

Honourable Speaker, Honourable Members, Fellow South Africans. Following the success of the United Democratic Movement (UDM), by creating a safety [...]

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UDM writes to Chairperson of the Joint Standing Committee on Intelligence to request urgent meeting to quiz origins of the so-called Intelligence Report

2017-06-13T15:04:51+02:00April 4th, 2017|2017 Archive, Economy, Home, Intelligence, Open Letters, Zumagate|

Dear Mr Nqakula REQUEST FOR URGENT MEETING: JOINT STANDING COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE The above matter refers. In my capacity as [...]

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