• My colleagues in other political parties,
• Leaders of civil society organisations,
• Fellow South Africans from all walks of life!

1. Welcome:

• On behalf of the organisers, I welcome each one of you who have made the effort to be here today.

• Your presence, as well the wishes of many other freedom-loving South Africans who could not be present, is a testimony that this cause is just.

• We should be proud of this display of patriotism.

2. The National Day of Action: our purpose

• We are gathered here to send a signal to the ruling party that, although we respect that the electorate gave it a mandate to rule, South Africans are concerned that it is allowing this land of ours to decline under its watch.

• Amongst other burning issues, our people are most concerned about corruption, poverty, unemployment and lawlessness. But chief amongst these issues is our waning economy.

• Recent events resulted in a plummeting rand, ratings agencies have downgraded South Africa and this will inevitably lead to a depression of our economy.

• The knock-on effect of our Country’s economic ‘junk status’ will negatively impact our people.

• Banks won’t lend us money and Government will struggle to service our debts.

• Levels of poverty will rise, employment will decrease and no new job opportunities will be created.

• Everyone will suffer. The rich will become poorer, but worse, the poor will become destitute.

• When some of the top leaders of the ruling party apologised to President Zuma for publicly criticising his actions, one disappointed South African said this:

“Deputy President is wrong.
Secretary General is wrong.
Treasurer General is wrong.
Integrity Commission is wrong
SACP is wrong.
COSATU is wrong.
Rating Agency S&P (Standard and Poor) is wrong.
Concourt was wrong.
Public Protector was wrong.

SO, only Zuma is right?”

I want to add: “the opposition is wrong”.

We, the people who are here today, are wrong!

• The powers-that-be remain unmoved, and become defensive, when loyal South African citizens raise such points.

• We can’t continue marching forever. We MUST find a way to converge in under one roof to discuss South Africa’s future.

• We must find a vehicle that will provide a safe space for us, irrespective of political affiliation, to hammer out a common vision, binding to all, of how we should address our Country’s problems.

• We may soon need to have a summit of political, and leaders of civil society to exchange ideas on how to take South Africa forward.

• Not only should we find solutions to our current set of challenges, but most importantly, we must leave behind a prosperous country for future generations.

Thank you

#ZumaMustFall: National Day of Action, UDM President Mr BH Holomisa, MP addressed the masses at the Union Buildings, Pretoria