Statement by National Organiser

The United Democratic Movement has declared clearly in its vision statement that we plan to make South Africa a winning nation in Ten Years.

It is in that spirit that we wholeheartedly wish to welcome and congradulate the Pretoria Taxi Forums and associations for the launching of the Greater Pretora Metropolitan taxi Office

For too long has the Taxi industry suffered under poor regulatory systems which led to unnecessary bloodshed and the deaths of many commutors and drivers alike.

Any effort that will improve the safety of Taxi users and drivers is welcomed by the UDM. Any effort that will encourage enterpreneual spirit and that narrows the gap between the have’s and the have nots is a step in the right direction.

The sooner this pilot project is spread to the rest of the country the better. We hope that government officials will remain facilitators and not interfere too much in this newly formed office for it to survive as a clean and transparent body. This noble endevour must not end up like all others, breeding more violence and deaths.