This coming weekend, 26 and 27 January, is the last chance for all South Africans who have not yet registered to vote, to do so. The United Democratic Movement (UDM) encourages all South Africans of voting age (18 and older) to register for the upcoming national and provincial elections. We especially urge our young people to take the time to visit voting stations and register.

We mostly encourage young people to make sure that they register to vote. This is where they get to voice their anger and frustration through ballot. We are concerned, after the recent data release by SA Citizen Survey, showing that more than 11.2 million citizens are unregistered and out of that 4.5 million are not intending to register.

The future of this country is in the hands of our young people. If they decide to stay home instead of making their voice heard by voting, they are still giving back the power to the same leaders who are not doing right. Youth has power of electing whoever they believe will deliver and meet their needs.

For those who have registered in the past, take the time to check that your address is on the voters’ role and that you are registered in the right voting district. Go to for information.

Make sure that you choose right, and do right by yourself, as well as for those for whom you care.

Remember, your vote is your voice so choose right and vote UDM.

Issued by:
Mr Bongani Msomi
UDM Secretary General