Statement by the UDM National Deputy Secretary
The United Democratic Movement supports the joint effort of the IEC and the National Youth Commission to embark on a programme to get the youth to register and participate in the upcoming elections. The UDM fully utilised the opportunity to participate in this process.
The UDM is concerned with the National Youth Commissions apparent lack of understanding of the extent of the looming crisis. The UDM will seek a meeting with the IEC as we are calling for a youth registration day. We call for a day focusing on registering the youth at school and university’s across the country.
Registration must take place under the banner of the IEC and be supported by the NYC. Even though the NYC lacks the ability to conduct an effective campaign, they do have the capacity to support the IEC.
We regret the NYC’s departure point that the low voter registration, especially amongst the youth does not represent a crisis. The low registration reflects on the youth’s loss of confidence in the structure of government – including the NYC. Those structures and institutions have failed to demonstrate to the youth a commitment to serve the interests of the youth.
It is critical that the youth are made aware of the impact that their votes would contribute to their own future and the future of the country. We say to the youth that you have the power to rock the boat, by rocking the vote, so get jamming and register.