statement by Bantu Holomisa and Roelf Meyer

It is during the festive season that we reflect on the year that was and the year that lies ahead. South Africa in many ways has come a long way since our first democratic elections in 1994. In many other ways however very little progress was made. Democracy brought change to all of our lives. For the most part it brought us all human dignity, that in itself a gift that can not be tagged with monetary value. But, democracy did not fulfill all the expectations that came with it. Many South Africans feel no difference in the quality of life that they live. Poverty still fills our streets and threatens the well being of our nation. Too many people still do not have a roof over their heads and too many children still do not have food to eat. Crime is rampant and we live in constant fear over when it is going to be our turn to become part of official statistics. And in all of this we find that blame is attributed from one side to the other – further dividing our nation.

It is our wish for this festive season that we will find within our rich diversity the united strength and will to fight the real enemies of poverty, crime and corruption threatening South Africa and all South Africans. That we as a nation will complete our struggle for total liberation during 1999. Liberating ourselves from the prejudice against each other and to be able work together in building a future that would in the process make of us all winners.

Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.