Ms Thandi Nontenja
UDEMWO Secretary General

We have noted that the Constitutional Court has handed down judgement in the former Social Development Minister Bathabile Dlamini case.

The United Democratic Movement Women’s Organisation (UDEMWO) has been vindicated. Our longstanding view has been that the minister must face the music and that she should personally be held liable for creating this mess. We therefore welcome the decision that she should pay 20% of the Black Sash and Freedom Under Law’s legal costs.

The South African Social Security Agency disaster has caused much damage to, and distress for, the recipients of government grants. As a matter of fact, it would be difficult to calculate the cost of the damage she’s done to the most vulnerable members of our society.

It is her incompetence and self-centred attitude that has led her to this point. She will only leave a legacy of self-importance and ineptitude in her former department, which she will only carry over to her current portfolio.

Dlamini is arrogant and has no respect for her work nor for the law; as she has demonstrated when she lied with a straight face under oath. The UDEMWO calls upon the National Prosecuting Authority to forge ahead and charge her for perjury.

The ruling party is to be blamed for this mess as it continues to put corrupt and selfish individuals in positions of power. President Ramaphosa must show Dlamini the door; and he should do this immediately. This country cannot afford this kind of incompetence and negligence from any minister in any portfolio; Dlamini should go!

Issued by:
Thandi Nontenja
UDEMWO Secretary General