Statement issued by Thandi Nontenja :UDEMWO Secretary General

As the United Democratic Movement Women’s Organisation (UDEMWO), we are overwhelmed at the stunt by the African National Congress Women’s League (ANCWL) to take into the streets in defence of President Jacob Zuma. Their march shows clearly that Women’s League does not care about societal matters but their main objective is covering each other’s backs rather than the masses.

This is an insult to women of this country that the ANCWL decides to stand by Zuma the very same thing they did when he was facing rape case and other cases. The current ANCWL President Bathabile Dlamini was at the forefront during that case against another woman.

To us as UDEMWO, it appears clearly that their interest lies only in self-serving.
The nation is currently faced with burning issues and we have never heard from the Women’s League and now they have courage to march protecting one man. The country would be a better place if they would use the same energy and heroism in matters that will benefit us all, specifically women.

Instead of addressing the symptoms of Zuma’s blunders the ANCWL should find the root causes of him being ridiculed. They must look around to see which other Presidents were ever ridiculed more than him. The answer lies within the ANC.

ANCWL must also remember that the President they are defending was elected by people and he must account to the citizens.
