The UDM Youth Vanguard is in awe at the extension of the deadline that was initially two months for network operators to reduce data costs. If these network operators were interested in reducing data, they could have done so within the timeframe the Competition Commission had set.

Calls for reduction of data prices were not a new thing when the Commission tabled their report in December,2019. This clarion call has been around for years.

In the previous State of the Nation Address, President Cyril Ramaphosa promised that data will fall, yet it remained relatively high as network operators did not take him seriously.

The Competition Commission should have strengthened their hand instead of eating from the palm of the corporations and enforced them to adhere to the deadlines, failing to do so harsh punishments should be instituted instead the Commission has extended the deadline by a month.

This is unacceptable as South Africans have waited for far too long. Actions should have been taken long-time ago to enforce these so-called giants network operators to drop these high data prices.
The UDMYV is not happy at all.

This is yet another failed promise to desperate people who rely on usage of data.

Affordable data prices are not negotiable but a must!

Issued by: Masonwabe Nqawe