Mr Mncedisi Filtane, MPL

Honourable Speaker and Deputy Speaker
Honourable Premier and members of the executive
Honourable Members of the Legislature
Officials present here
Distinguished Guests
And visitors at the gallery be greeted in Jesus name

The increase of the total budget for 2019/20 financial year is appreciated and will make a difference especially in Social Welfare Services, as most of our people, including youth, survive on this grant.

Madam Speaker and Honourable Members, the issue of the serious shortage of social workers whilst there is high rate of unemployed social work graduates is becoming a crisis.

The United Democratic Movement (UDM) request the department to prioritize the filling of the vacant post for social workers. How can there be a shortage of social workers and at the same time there is high rate of unemployed social work graduates, this government is really sick, wayenyanisile omnye utata xa wayesithi ugovernment wase Eastern Cape use ICU.

Madam Speaker the UDM is concerned about the issue of OSD that the department did not budget for the OSD payments amounting to R51, 3 million hence the MEC committed to compensate all the qualifying OSD officials in this financial year yet there is no budget for that, with what? How will that be done?

If there is no budget allocated for that, and you will find out that it takes a decade to pay those affected, this demoralising the morale of the workers. The UDM demands the department to come up with the solutions and speed-up payment of OSD qualifying officials. And in future there must be a budget allocation for such.

Madam Speaker the UDM applauds the initiative by the department to strengthen the way it assesses the performance of NGOs and NPOs delivery services to the department, but we are worried about the limited budget for these organisations; how will the department expect these to perform and deliver without a budget. And these organisations suffered a lot with late payments or no payment at all.

The Department was faced with number of challenges that led to 727 employees being displaced. How does this happen? Is it because of the nepotism? How can you expect one to perform his/her duties without the right qualifications? This promotes poor service delivery.