Our unemployed and despondent young people have become a mere statistic to measure joblessness in South Africa. They have given up and are lining the streets of our communities with their qualifications meaning nothing, because they have no experience.

The United Democratic Movement Youth Vanguard therefore welcomes public service and administration minister Ayanda Dlodlo’s decision to change regulations to allow for the recruitment, at all entry-level posts in the public service, without prior experience.

This important policy decision gives hope to millions of young people who have qualifications but find themselves jobless due to lack of experience.

Although amending the regulations is a step in the right direction, having only changed entry level requirements for the public service is not adequate to absorb young unemployed South Africans into the job market. We call on government to place emphasis on innovation, creation and entrepreneurship as our economy needs young people who will create jobs.

We, however, strongly feel that it is important that the government develops plans to ensure that this policy is implemented in a manner that does not compromise the quality of the public service and ensures its professionalisation. It should also not lead to the appointment of governing party loyalists to bring state departments under its control.

Issued by
Mr Yongama Zigebe
Gauteng Provincial Secretary
UDM Youth Vanguard