Address by Mr ML Filtane, MP in the National Assembly
Subject for Discussion: Budget Vote 39: Rural Development and Land Reform
Honourable Chairperson and members
The Preamble of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, states: “we … believing that South Africa belongs to all who live in it…” Question is, which part of South Africa actually belongs to the landless. Please respond by providing radical action to help them get their land back.
Honourable Minister, hear the cry of the millions of the so-called South African citizens. They are crying out for land. Help them get what is in reality and constitutionally theirs, LAND.
They want to belong to South Africa, they want to own South Africa, they want their acre of our beloved country. To them this budget means nothing, nothing because it talks about development programmes on land, yet they own no land, yet they own no land.
So desperate are their circumstances, so dire is their situation, that 11 million of them are likely to go to bed tonight without a meal. They need land, on which to build family homes, from which to produce food for their families, from which to conduct business, on which their children will play, on which their budding sportsman and women can develop their talents.
The people of Baziya and Highbury are painfully waiting for the finalisation of their land claim. Please Minister we need action and we need it NOW.
They need land, which they can hold and horde for future generations, on which they can keep their livestock and milk their cows and feed their children, nutritionally. Minister, Africans will not ask for even one penny from you in order to do all the above.
I have personally experienced this lifestyle in rural Transkei
The much spoken about radical economic transformation needs radical legislation. The Bills that are with us now come nowhere near achieving that. Just over a year ago, I questioned the then Minister of Rural Development about this weak ESTA Bill and his response was that, that can only be done with a new Bill. Will you look into that as the new Minister, please.
Farm workers continue to be evicted without getting much effective protection from government. Municipalities need land to resettle these evictees.
Three weeks ago, I finally cleared the myth that Isilo owns Ingonyama Trust land. I took the committee through the Act clause by clause. The Ingonyama Trust Board Chairperson, Judge Ngwenya did not rebut my statement. So your department can now move in there and carryout the programme of securing land tenure for the inhabitants of that 2.9 million hector land.
We have yet to see as the committee, a departmental report that as little as 1 000 supported entrepreneurs are earning just a R1 000 monthly for 12 months on the trot. In the absence of such a report this department does not qualify to be part of the economic cluster. It should be moved to the social cluster.
But we support this pittance budget.
Thank you