Mr BH Cele
Minister of Police
Private Bag X9080
Cape Town

Dear Honourable Minister Cele

High levels of crime at Konqeni Location (Mthatha) and allegations of police collusion with criminals

1. I write to you after I had been approached by concerned residents of Konqeni Location in Mthatha who are living in fear of criminals who they believe are being assisted by some elements within the South African Police Services.

2. The statistics they have provided, that of eleven persons being murdered in five months is of great concern, as well as a general rise in crime and stock-theft in particular.

3. It seems as if the criminals in the area have had a free-for-all and have been terrorising this village for a number of years, but that it has escalated drastically of late and the fact that the closest police station is stationed around twenty kilometres away from this community is partly why these criminals have free reign.

4. I therefore appeal to your good office to urgently:
4.1. investigate this community’s claims that there might be corrupt elements within the local police force,
4.2. to consider seconding officers to bolster the force to speed up the investigations into the eleven murders, so that the culprits that might still find themselves living in this community, may be brought to book and,
4.3. to also consider their suggestion of a satellite police station

5. Please find attached to this letter, their correspondence to me, outlining their plight in detail.

6. I will be glad to put you in contact with the affected community’s representatives.

Yours faithfully

Mr Bantu Holomisa, MP
President of the United Democratic Movement

Copied to: Honourable Oscar Mabuyane, Premier of the Eastern Cape