Ms Thandi Nontenja
UDEMWO Secretary General

The United Democratic Movement Women’s Organisation (UDEMWO) is pleased by the life sentence given to Mr Christopher Panayiotou after having been found guilty of murdering his wife.

The murder of Ms Jayde Panayiotou is a typical example of how South African women are under siege from those closest to them.

The Panayiotou case has dragged on for a very long time and UDEMWO is happy that it has come to an end. This court ruling brings some measure of relief and hope, to the women of this country, that justice can take a correct course, albeit too slow.

It is our plea that all cases relating women and children abuse are be prioritised within the entire justice system; from the police straight through to corrections.

We also welcome the extension of Mr Oscar Pistorius’ sentence to thirteen years. Justice has once against proved that, some cases don’t get “lost in the system” and that no one is above law.

We understand very clearly that sentencing such criminals will never bring back any of the victims, or take away the hurt, but a fair and effective justice system will (at the very least make the perpetrators of women and children abuse pay for their sins on this earth.

We keep the families of these women in our prayers.

Issued by:
Ms Thandi Nontenja, UDEMWO Secretary General