Address by Mr BH Holomisa MP in Parliament


Hon Speaker and Hon Members

The South African electoral system does not enable the electorate to directly elect a President of the country. Contrary, South Africans vote for a political party which in turn appoints a President.

It is therefore a duty of the ruling party to ensure that its candidate serves the nation with distinction and in accordance with the oath of office as prescribed in the Constitution.

If, as is the case now, their candidate is messing up with the country, the ruling party has a duty to the nation, to act decisively in the interest of the country and its people.

It is common cause that, President Zuma is not only a liability to his party and its allies but to the entire nation. He is a monumental embarrassing failure.

At the centre of all government related scandals that are daily reported, is the President. In some instances they involve his family and friends. All these are at the expense of our country.

If the ruling party is to be true to its credentials, then it must say, both in words and actions, the country comes first and therefore no internal politics should supersede the national interests.

The current war between the South African Revenue Services (SARS) and the Finance Minister in which once again the President is at the centre, is taking the country to the dustbin of history.

Parliament should be seized with this matter and it should seek clarity from the Constitutional Court, as to whether the Hawks and SARS are acting procedurally, and consistent with their legal powers. Once such is determined, then all the necessary processes must be allowed to unfold without any political interference.

The state and its institutions must never be used to fight and settle internal party politics and the rule of law must always prevail.

I thank you